
Lioness Cub

While fetching water by the river, Mareoleona's ears perked up as she heard the cries of a nearby baby, catching her attention instantly. Driven by instinct, Mareoleona immediately pursued the source of the baby's cries and discovered an infant nestled in a basket, snugly wrapped in a blanket. "Eh? So you're abandoned, huh?" Mareoleona, filled with concern, decided to investigate further. She carefully examined the basket and noticed a handkerchief with the name "Asher" embroidered on it, catching her attention. "Asher... Interesting. Well, taking care of a brat is not bad, right?"

SALTANDPEPPER_1 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

The Hell That Asher Witnessed

Confusion filled Lysander as he exclaimed, "Where am I?! What is this place?!"

He suddenly found himself in an unfamiliar location, realizing that the woman had somehow transported him elsewhere.

Lysander found himself in the midst of a large bed. As he surveyed his surroundings, his gaze fell upon numerous objects suspended in mid-air.

"Hello! Welcome to the glamour world!" Dorothy said cheerfully.

Startled by Dorothy's voice, Lysander swiftly turned around, only to witness Dorothy comfortably seated on the throne she made.

"I see. You're the captain of the Coral Peacock, Dorothy Unsworth," Lysander said, narrowing his eyes.

"Bingo! You're correct! Such a smart guy!" Dorothy said with a closed-eyed grin.

"I've heard much about your dream magic, and I must say, you look quite enchanting yourself," Lysander remarked, his eyes filled with a disturbing desire as he gazed at Dorothy. "Let's make a deal: if you win, you can have the pleasure of ending my life. But if I win, you shall become my slave. How does that sound? A fair exchange, wouldn't you agree?"

In response, Dorothy chuckled lightly and replied, "Not a bad proposition, I suppose. However, you're not exactly in a position to negotiate at the moment. I wager you haven't the faintest idea of how to escape this place."

Lysander laughs and lets out a cruel smile. "I can do that as long as I beat you, right?"

"You may have a point there, but..." Dorothy's eyes became shrouded in darkness as a cruel smile curled upon her lips.

Suddenly, Lysander was startled when he heard Dorothy's voice whispering into his ears from behind him.

"Do you have the ability to do that?"

Utilizing his lightning magic, Lysander charged his hand with crackling energy and swung his right arm, aiming to strike Dorothy. However, much to his surprise, his attack missed its mark, connecting with nothing but empty space.

"Oh my, did something startle you?" Dorothy chuckled and covered her mouth gracefully.

"Now, here's a generous offer for you. If you manage to escape this place, I will grant you your freedom. However, if you fail..."

Her icy gaze bore down on Lysander, void of any mercy.

"Don't even bother contemplating your own survival," she uttered with a chilling tone.


"You're so damn annoying, Silva," Grimm said, glaring at Nozel.

"Then die already," Nozel said coldly, making several spears out of mercury and firing them at Grimm.

"Tch" Grimm clicked his tongue and cast a spell.

Shadow Magic: Shadow Veil

Shadows materialized before him, forming a protective shield that successfully intercepted Nozel's attack. However, much to his disappointment, a few of the spears launched by Nozel managed to breach the defense, finding their mark on Grimm's shoulders and arms.

"Give up already; your subordinates are slowly getting annihilated," Nozel said, controlling his mercury and attacking Grimm.

Grimm, however, flew away, evading the barrage of attacks launched by Nozel, while simultaneously launching his own counteroffensive with spears of shadow. Nozel, riding atop his silver eagle, skillfully pursued Grimm, engaging in a fierce chase.

Shadow Magic: Dark Vortex

With a gesture, Grimm extended his right finger towards Nozel, causing a dark shadow to swiftly spin and form a vortex at its tip. The vortex grew in size, expanding into a formidable whirl, before being unleashed towards Nozel with great force.

Nozel swiftly discerned the incoming threat and skillfully evaded the vortex, managing to avoid its grasp. However, the powerful suction of the vortex caught hold of the wings of the silver eagle he was riding, causing its flight to become unstable and unbalanced.

Reacting with swift agility, Nozel swiftly adapted to the situation. He utilized his mastery over mercury magic, instantly forming a solid platform made of shimmering mercury beneath him. This platform skillfully caught him, ensuring that he remained suspended in mid-air and preventing any potential fall.

"Silva, you're quite adept," Grimm remarked with a smirk, before launching his shadow spears towards Nozel.

"You too, but this is as far as you go," Nozel declared, countering Grimm's attacks by summoning shields crafted from mercury, effectively blocking the incoming attack.

Mercury Magic: Silver Star of Execution

"I don't throw attacks blindly," Nozel asserted. As the previously launched Mercuries by Nozel coalesced and converged, they transformed into a cage, ensnaring Grimm within its confines.

Grimm's wariness grew as he discovered himself ensnared within the mercury cage. His gaze darted around, desperately searching for an escape route from the confining structure.

Resolute, Grimm conjured shadow spears and hurled them at the cage, hoping to shatter its confines. However, to his dismay, each time the cage was destroyed, it swiftly regenerated, maintaining its formidable form.

"Damn," Grimm muttered under his breath, casting a gaze towards Nozel, who observed him intently from above.

"Let's end it here," Nozel declared as he swiftly swept his right hand through the air. In response, the mercury cage manifests numerous spear-like protrusions within its structure. Multiple Silver bullets also appeared behind Nozel, aiming at Grimm.

"I won't be defeated so easily!" Grimm clenched his teeth, determination etched across his face. He made multiple shadow vortexes and formed an array of shadow spears, preparing to unleash his full arsenal upon Nozel.


"Dozing off already? Well, take your rest, you're in bed after all," Dorothy taunted, observing Lysander's struggle as he battled against a clone of himself.

"Don't underestimate me!" Lysander roared, launching himself towards Dorothy with incredible speed and strength. However, his attack was swiftly countered as he received a powerful kick to the face, sending him sprawling back onto the large bed.

"You're getting desperate. Why not just give up? You're going to lose anyway."

"Shut your mouth!"

Lightning Magic: Thunderbolt Barrage!

Lysander unleashed a barrage of lightning projectiles towards Dorothy, but she remained unperturbed. With ease, she replicated the balls of lightning and directed them to collide with Lysander's own attacks, neutralizing their impact.

"Enough of this. Forget our deal; you won't survive anyway. I'm more interested in enjoying ice cream with Asher-kun," Dorothy remarked, showing her disinterest in the ongoing battle.

"Your demise is imminent now, my dear. How delightful," Dorothy proclaimed, elegantly covering her mouth as she let out a graceful chuckle.

Dorothy created a duplicate of Asher, readying it to launch an assault. The clone of Asher then unleashed a spell, causing Lysander's eyes to widen in shock.

Inferno Blaze Magic: Red Sky

A multitude of colossal fireballs materialized in the sky, descending rapidly towards Lysander. In awe and disbelief, he gazed upward, his eyes widening and his mouth falling agape, as he witnessed the impending onslaught.

"So this is the true power of a Magic Knight captain," Lysander whispered, his voice filled with resignation, as he lost all hope of mounting a counterattack.


As the magic of both Nozel and Grimm collided, a massive explosion erupted, engulfing the sky. The resulting blast gave rise to a dense cloud of smoke, obscuring the view and shrouding the outcome for the villagers and the magic knights who were watching the fight. Despite the uncertainty, they held steadfast faith and confidence in Captain Nozel's triumph.

Then all attention shifted to a mysterious figure slowly descending from above. It quickly became apparent that the figure was none other than Grimm, the formidable leader of the Phantom Crescent. His body bore the unmistakable traces of a ferocious battle, with bruises and scratches adorning his battered form from Nozel's continuous onslaught.

As the smoke from the battleground gradually cleared, Nozel wasted no time in seizing the opportunity. He agilely made his way towards Grimm's motionless body and skillfully encased him in a cocoon of shimmering mercury. This expertly crafted containment ensured that Grimm remained securely restrained, preventing any chance of escape or further harm.

"It's finally over," Nozel said, looking at Grimm's unconscious state.


"Ehhh? You didn't make it through? Well, what did I expect? It seems the information about all of you is exaggerated." Dorothy exclaimed, her gaze fixed upon the motionless and heavily burnt form of Lysander.

"Anyway, time to meet Asher-kun!" Dorothy said cheerfully.


In contrast, Asher stood alone amidst the aftermath. Strewn around him were the bodies of countless Phantom Crescent members, all lying unconscious on the ground. The burns etched upon their forms served as a testament to Asher's undeniable involvement in their incapacitation.

Earlier, Asher directed all the magic knights and villagers to retreat further from the village, leaving him to face the impending battle alone. Despite their reluctance, they couldn't disobey Asher's orders as he held the position of leadership. Respecting his authority, they complied and began transferring the villagers to a safer distance from the ongoing confrontation.

As Asher prepared to depart, he caught a faint sound of movement behind him. Curious, he turned his gaze over his shoulder, only to find one member of Phantom Crescent slowly standing.

"You... you still refuse to give up?" Asher muttered, fixing his gaze directly upon the member of Phantom Crescent.

"Hehe. Now I remember everything about you. You're the annoying we once kidnapped." The member of Phantom Crescent sneered, a smug expression crossing his face as he regarded Asher.

Upon hearing those words, a sense of horror washed over Asher, causing his eyes to widen in disbelief. He turned to face the member of Phantom Crescent fully, his breathing becoming erratic, and his hand trembling uncontrollably.

"Y-You... aren't you supposed to be dead?!" Asher gasped, his breath coming out in heavy and labored bursts.

"Indeed, only I survive. Your mother truly was a formidable beast. You haven't changed, Asher. You remain a coward and a crybaby." The member of Phantom Crescent sneered, a cruel smirk adorning his face as he looked at Asher; his eyes were full of mockery.

"Your group kills, rapes, and sells innocent children, making them only feel fear and despair." Asher bit his lower lip and clenched his fist, remembering the tragic past he experienced.

This is the underlying cause for his dislike of loud noises as well. Whenever he finds himself in a noisy environment his ears are immediately filled with the desperate pleas of those children begging for their lives.

Their innocence was crushed under the weight of hatred and cruelty. The haunting images of their tear-stained faces are forever etched in his mind. Each night, their echoes fill his dreams, a constant reminder of the brutality he bore witness to. No matter how hard he tries to escape, the memories cling to his soul, a burden he carries with a heavy heart. For him, the pain of their suffering is a constant reminder of the injustices that exist in the world that must be confronted and fought against.

Therefore, Asher is determined to improve his strength beyond anyone else's to ensure that no more innocent individuals endure the torment of hell.

"Don't expect to die easily," Asher said. With a ferocious anger burning within him, Asher's presence became engulfed in a blazing crimson aura emanating immense heat.

If there are any grammar mistakes, I'll correct them tomorrow. Also, by the way, I'll never adjust everything in the story just because some are dissatisfied. You can complain all you want. I don't care

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