
Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)

Follow Michael on his journey, as he goes from some kid from Pallet Town, to the very best, like no one ever w- WHAT DO YOU MEAN COPYRIGHT!?

Gtopia · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 - You sing me right round baby right round!

Still a few days off from Viridian, I knew it was probably for the best that I stay a while in the woods to better acquaint myself with my new Beedrill.

Given Major was still recovering I decided to leave him alone for now, and let him rest up some more before bringing him out. Besides, It's probably better that I try and get a handle on just what kind of personality Beedrill has by myself.

First thing the next morning, I release Beedrill from his Poke ball. As the light dissipates, I give my new Pokemon a quick once over. Besides a light scuff mark over the side of the Beedrills face, he looks to be more or less fine. Guess getting his shit rocked was mostly his brain bouncing around his skull.

"Bee!" Standing placidly, the long legged bee looking monstrosity that would be labelled nightmare fuel in my first life, gives a few gentle turns of his head, looking around.

"Hey man, how ya feeling?" With a slow, almost bored head tilt at me, he just continues to stare.

"... Okay then, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you're the strong and silent type? Fair enough."

All but ignoring me now, he meanders over to my camp setup, and gives it a look over.

"Are you hungry? I've got some all purpose Poke chow right here my man, let me just get it out for ya!" I begin routing through my Tardis of a back-pack before pulling out a bag of all Purpose food and crushed berries. Apparently it's not the nicest food for Pokemon, however it's made to be eaten by any kind of Pokemon, and the point is to have something any Pokemon can eat before you can get some specific type of food from the nearest settlement.

I set out a big bowl then proceed to fill it up before bringing the bowl over to the log I was sitting on and placing it besides me.

Beedrill stares at me before simply walking over, taking the bowl, then proceeding to eat standing up.

I hope he's only doing that because he's not too comfortable with me right now, otherwise that's gonna be kinda awkward in the future. I know he can move that big butt stinger thing around quite well, not only forwards, but backwards as well. It's what helped him maintain his balance when he was pulling off those drastic dodges of his.

"So, not gonna lie, you're pretty strong already, even though you've just been milling around in the wild around area 1. You dont really see many strong Pokemon around this area, especially skilled ones."

He just continues eating his bowl of food, though given how his head leaned slightly to one side, I'm guessing he's listening. Strong and silent indeed.

"The most interesting aspect about you of course is your wings, or lack there of." Now I definitely have his attention. He stands tense, a sudden apprehension instantly overtaking me, before I barrel on through and try to get my point across.

"Most wild Pokemon, when faced with a debilitating injury just try to survive, to live out the rest of their lives as best as they can. They dont usually dive headfirst into the fray looking to risk themselves to become stronger. I'm telling you now Beedrill, you were meant for me."

As he slowly looks at me, I make sure to look him right in the eye. Those creepy, cool eyes of his.

"I dont have much direction, or even a goal in mind. The only thing I know is that I want to grow stronger, and never stop. I have the feeling you'll fit right in with me and Major."

I stand up from the log and brush off the dirt from my shorts. I step up to him, without much worry now as he seems to have understood the general meaning of what I was trying to get across. With his bowl dropping from his stingers, he takes a cautious step forward to meet me face to face.

"Will you come with me, and help me on my journey?"

I raise up one arm and bend it slightly, since a fist bump would probably hurt, like a lot.

After a careful second of deliberation, Beedrill lifts his stinger and bumps it side on against my arm.

I feel a smirk take over my face, at which point I can almost feel the evil laugh bubbling up from my throat. Why an evil laugh? Because I know with the right training, lots of willpower, and a spoonful of spite, this Beedrill is going to be a nightmare in the future.


Packing up all the camping gear is simple, but tedious. After that's out of the way, I'm back on the pathway and moving on towards Viridian.

Thinking of Viridian naturally has me thinking of the big cheese himself, Giovanni. One of the things I came to appreciate later on about the first game was the lack of world ending threat. Like in all the newer games that released there was always some calamity going on that was going to end the world.

In gen 1? Just some dude just being a bit of a dirt bag. Like dont get me wrong, putting in high stakes is all well and good in games, but they just rehashed so much of the same stuff. Same boring antagonist, same threat of the world ending or being remade, yada yada. Giovanni was basically just a gangster, and a pretty ok one all things told. I mean the dude straight up just turns over a new leaf with basically no prompting.

Of course Oak's always been a sweetie-pie, yet in my world is some eldritch horror abomination wrapped up in a kindly old mans skin. Why no I'm not still salty about faceplanting in front of the dude.

So Giovanni could actually be more than a two-bit gangster here. He could be a super edgy Cyrus wannabe and be out for world destruction or whatever. Either way I'm going to have to prepare myself for him not being what I expect. Though if he comes out dressed like a hippie with peace signs everywhere I'll be just as freaked out.

Though It's been years since I last played the games, I'm pretty sure Giovanni doesn't take on challengers unless they already have four badges. Or was it five?

Doesn't matter. I'm only in Viridian for a touch up on my Pokemon, supplies, and to phone home to let them know I wasn't swallowed up in a Diglett hole like that one kid a few years back. Poor S-O-B.

Closer to Viridian now than Pallet town, I begin spotting other trainers. The first people I see are a pair of kids around my age battling, using a Rattata and a Bellsprout. While I dont stop to watch, I do slow down to catch how the fight is going in general. Simply put? The Rattata seems to be winning due to it's sheer erratic movement followed by sporadic tackles. Raising a brow at the frankly put, boring fight, I pick up the pace and carry on.

A few hours later I spot a girl sitting next to a pond just off to the side. Slowing to a stop, I decide it's probably for the best to be proactive and try and get in sync with my Beedrill as early as possible.

"Hey, you alright?"

The girl turns her head round and gives me a slight pout. She seems to be a year or two older than me, with the generic 'cute girl' arch-type appearance.

"Of course I am, or I would be if you hadn't scared off the Magikarp!"

Ugh, how am I already tired of this interaction? I stop myself from rolling my eyes outta my head before deciding to get on with the whole point of talking to this chick. Of course, I dont even get around to asking.

"You're gonna have to entertain me instead. I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" Standing up now, with one hand on her hip and the other pointing directly at me, I cant help but wonder why kids are always giving off such dramatic poses and declarations at such a young age. Like girl, you cant be older than twelve. Relax.

Not bothering to hold in my groan this time, I agree, causing her to instantly send out her Pokemon. After the Poke balls light dissipates, it reveals a pink round blob.

"Puffy! Jigglypuff Puff!"

Giving off a whistle, I give the Jigglypuff a quick once over. Standing there, with its little hair curl and adorable smile, I thank Arceus that this girl instantly sent out her Pokemon first, allowing me a few moments to try and plan around whats coming next.

The big danger of course comes from Sing. While it's a low accuracy move in the games, it works fairly different in the waking world. After all, It's not like the soundwaves can randomly miss my own Pokemon. No, when it hits it simply has a a lower chance of working against stronger Pokemon. Not that the move cant put a strong Pokemon to sleep, just that the user would have to be particularly strong as well, and simply overpower the opposing Pokémon's willpower to stay awake. Or just spam it, though no trainer worth their Poke balls is just going to allow that to happen.

While I haven't had a chance to really have a nice training session with Beedrill, I know he's skilled enough right now to handle what challenges should be on the road to Viridian city... unless of course this is where some weird trope activates and I get my metaphorical teeth kicked in. Arceus I hope not. Not to a marshmallow at least.

Taking a Poke ball from my hip, I throw it out, revealing my Beedrill. He immediately locks eyes with the walking Maom, and oh my sweet baby Mew if I ever get a Jigglypuff that's what I'm naming it.

Credit where It's due, looking into my Beedrills red eyes doesn't deter the Jigglypuff at all.

"Bee." Ah, such an eloquent speaker.

Frowning at my Pokemon, the other trainer looks at me with a confused expression on her face.

"You're using a crippled Pokemon? Are you sure, that doesn't seem too fair."

My Beedrill who was already in a slight stance, ready for the battle to begin, simply crouches slightly lower to the ground at the offending statement, ready to prove her wrong. I on the other hand do not take it quite so well. Yes Beedrill is working with a negative, but it doesnt mean he's incapable, nor does it mean it's okay to seemingly throw out stupid statements and get away with it for no other reason than 'I was only trying to help'.

"Well I figure it's only fair since your own Pokemon is working with a disability, you know, having you as it's trainer and all."

Given the wide hurt eyes she directs at me, she wasn't expecting that. Naturally she immediately gets angry.

"Hey! I was only trying to be fair you jerk!"

With both hands in my pockets, I try to effect an uncaring expression on my face.

"Next time how about instead of throwing out random offending statements you instead stick to battling, given the other trainer is confident enough to use said Pokemon in the first place Mkay?"

With a glare on her face she simply reaches down and picks up a random stick off the ground. Chucking it in the air, we both watch it with baited breath. The moment it hits the ground, we were both giving out orders.

"Jigglypuff use sing!"

"Beedrill attack now"

Beedrill immediately launches forward using it's strong legs, lance already extended directed right at the opposing Pokemon. Of course the Jigglypuff began his move immediately too. Even though it didn't get more than a few words out, it still begins to effect Beedrill given he started slowing down by the midway point.

I even feel a slight fatigue hit myself, only noticeable due to how sudden it was.

"Shake it off and keep going Beedrill, interrupt it's singing!"

With an almost vicious swing of it's head, Beedrill shakes it off as much as he can before zooming forward, even faster than his initial take off. Given he's much closer than when he started he manages to get in range very quickly.

An extended lance slams into the Jigglypuffs chest, throwing it back with a cry. The building sleepiness of Beedrill seems to be wearing off immediately showing that the Jigglypuff didnt have enough time to get its song going, with him standing a little bit straighter and seeming a touch more aware. While it wasn't targeting me, and given the distance between me and the Jigglypuff I wasn't hit with the status effect particularly hard, but now that its over I feel myself becoming more alert, proving that it was still effecting me even if only a little.

"Jigglypuff!" The opposing trainer seems particularly surprised at the events unfolding, which doesn't surprise me too much. Sing by itself would be enough to incapacitate most low level Pokemon, especially given their trainers would still be too new to really know how to counter, or what tactics to implement.

Of course my Beedrill didn't really need much beyond a reminder to carry on attacking, since he's not some no experience Pokemon. He's strong enough to tank most of the initial hit and stubbornness carried him through the rest of it.

Jigglypuff hops up into a standing position, though not without a wince. There's a pierce mark on the centre of its blob, with blood trickling from the wound. Beedrills lance didn't penetrate too far, a mix of Pokemon being hardy fuckers, along with Beedrill intentionally holding back so as not to, ya know, slice it's bloody heart out It's chest.

"Fury attack now Beedrill!"

"Jigglypuff use Disarming voice!"

Beedrill rushes forwards now, this time with both lances at the ready, though unfortunately, again, there's no real way for him to dodge the sound based move heading his way. Naturally Disarming voice hits Beedrill first, causing him to swerve to the side a bit before stumbling during his run. Flipping over onto his side then rolling a bit before finally coming to a stop, Beedrill pushes his lances into the ground in order to rise to a knee.

While I'm still not too concerned, mainly because Jigglypuff doesn't seem to have a truly powerful move to finish it, the fact the fight wasn't an instant wash is surprising me. That's not to say that Jigglypuff is a weak Pokemon, there are no truly weak Pokemon. Just that I'm surprised there's one this tough hanging around the road to Viridian. While the girl I'm fighting is nothing special, her Jigglypuff either, the fact of the matter is even an average trainer would still be too much for all the newbies hanging around cities at the start of the circuit. Though I suppose it has been a few months already. While I dont know if this girl started her journey this year or if she's simply out looking for experience, the point is that she's not going down instantly like I expected. Not because I'm some amazing special snowflake, but because Beedrill is a truly tough cookie for it's kind. At least at a 'low' level like he currently is.

"Jigglypuff use sing!"


'Tsk, again?' Though it makes sense. There's only so much willpower can do for you. If she smacks around my Beedrill enough then eventually a 'Sing' will take effect and score her the win.

"Beedrill headbutt the ground!"


Instantly I hear the other trainer squawk out a shocked noise, though I only have eyes for my Beedrill. My slowly swaying Pokemon instantly throws his head forward from his kneeling position, face first into the ground.


While I kiss my teeth at the fact there was no real way for me to stop the sleeping move, I know time is of the essence. With Beedrill shaking his head out, yet standing to his feet even with a slight stumble, I give the order for him to follow through with his attack.

Being much too close to the Jigglypuff now, given how far he rolled, there's no time for the opposing Pokemon to do anything but squeak as it tries to dodge.

While it does manage to hop to the side from the first Fury attack, a combination of Beedrills head probably still spinning and Jigglypuff being able to hop surprisingly high, the second one catches it mid air with a thwack.


The Jigglypuff bounces off the ground in front of the Beedrill, who continues on with his attack, throwing a 3rd lance towards the mid-air Pokemon, this time instead of hitting it towards the ground, Beedrill threw out a straight jab launching the Jigglypuff away from it.

It bounces off the ground once, twice, then a little third bounce before stopping. While It lays there to catch It's breath for a second, it does start to rise.

"Jigglypuff, you're okay, you got this!"

While It's certainly not unconscious, the fact of the matter is this fights over. Getting to It's feet, ragged breaths escaping its mouth the Jigglypuff gives out a high pitched grunt.

It certainly has spirit.

Given what happened last time I gave it some breathing room, I decide to honor It's determination as best I could.

"Twin Needle Beedrill, end this."

"No! uh- use Pound Jigglypuff!"

While I raise my brows in surprise at the order she gives, looking to her face I can see it's mostly panic. No doubt she hasn't fought a low level trainer she hasn't been able to take down with her singing Pokemon, especially given how hardy her Jigglypuff is.

Beedrill rushed forward with both his lances pulled back close to his hips, and his elbows all the way back. A slight green energy starts to thinly envelop his lances, barely visible to the naked eye. As soon as he's within range of the Jigglypuff his arms shoot forward, both missing the Jigglypuffs hastily thrown stubby arm which was aiming to hit one of Beedrills lances.

As soon as the Twin Needle connects with the Jigglypuffs shoulders, thankfully missing It's wounds across It's chest, It flies further away than any point in the fight, being scooped up while it was still moving by It's trainer who skids along the ground to catch it.


"And that's game."


Ignoring the trainer for a moment, I walk up to Beedrill to examine him. While the only physical wounds he took were from his own headbutt, I still bring out the potion bottle from my backpack to make sure he's okay. Giving him a liberal spritz on his face, before wiping the wounded area down with a disinfectant wipe.

"You did great out there Beedrill, if you were any less determined that tough little bugger would of put you to sleep."

Getting an answering little huff from by Pokemon, telling me he was never in doubt of his victory, I give a smirk to him before returning him to his Poke ball.

I walk over to the still fretting trainer, who is hastily putting all her things into her backpack, which is taking a while since hers isn't one of SilphCo's special spacial Backpacks. I arrive in front of her just ass she's pulling her Bike off the ground.

"Whats the rush? You trying to get out of the bet?" While I highly doubt it, since that tends to have consequences of It's own, her hurrying is a bit weird.

"What? No! I need to get my Jigglypuff to the Poke Centre in Viridian, he's hurt!"

"Well yh, but there's no need to rush, just use a potion on him then pack him away, you'll be fine." With a shrug of my shoulders, since I dont really care too much about the situation. Dont battle if you cant hack it. Especially since she's clearly another trainer aiming to farm the newbies.

Looking into her wet eyes, she gives a frustrated yell.

"I dont have any potions! I wasn't even intending to battle. I just like to come out into the forest where It's beautiful, and I have my Jigglypuff to protect me, but one kid came up to me and demanded a challenge, and then I won. I won the one after that as well, and the next one. Before I knew it i had a bunch of money and I could buy new things! I never bought battle supplies or potions because Jigglypuff didn't need anything against all the other trainers."

So basically some rando girl was chilling and minding her own business, got a hot streak battling some nobodies, and figured she had hit a goldmine...

Sighing I reach into my own backpack and pull out my first potion bottle. After the liberal use I applied on Major, along with his bandages and now Beedril, there wasnt much left. Though there was enough here for her Jigglypuff.

"Bring out your Jigglypuff, I'll spray him down"

"What!? Really? Thank you thank you!"

Ignoring the girl as she threw her bike to the ground and retrieved her Poke ball, she carefully brought out her Jigglypuff who did look to be in pretty bad shape to be honest. While I'd like to say it's not as bad as it looks, and might even be truthful in saying it, It still looks pretty bad. Puncture holes, leaking blood, and bruises all over its cute little blobby body.

Kneeling on the floor next to Pokemon and trainer alike, I begin spraying down the worst areas of the Jigglypuff.

The trainer croons lovingly to her Pokemon as he squirms and squeaks throughout.

"So, what's you name anyway?"

She looks at me with wide eyes, before hurrying along.

"Ah, I never id introduce myself did I? The names Marly. I'm from Viridian city, what about you?"

"Michael, from Pallet town, though you probably already guessed that last part". With a guilty little smile on her face, she talks about all the kids who had come to the city recently, and how she'd unknowingly ended up being some sort of 'need to beat trainer'.

"Honestly I'm not really against trainers farming the newbies of the circuit. It gives all the kids coming into the game some much needed experience, so long as the other trainers arent using ringers of course, but did you seriously not use any of the money to buy potions? Why?"

"Because I'm not really into battling. I finished my journey last year, while I traveled a bit, I only got the one I needed. It's never really been for me, fighting. Yet when all those kids kept coming up to me with their brand new Pokemon, who they haven't trained or got any experience with, I figured It would be an easy money maker. Which It was, I also figured at the first sign of trouble Id surrender. When I saw your crippled Beedrill I just thought it might be easier to deal with than I first thought. Boy was I wrong."

Wiping down the Jigglypuff, I couldn't help but smirk.

"No argument here. He's going to be even tougher after we've done some actual training."

"I dont doubt it."

Finally finishing up, I put the empty bottle away in my backpack, before rising up from the ground.

"He's still gonna need to be seen to obviously, but he'll be fine. He'll also not be in much pain really, so long as he rests and doesnt strain himself."

"Thank you again, so much!"

I give her a nod, before extending my hand out face up in waiting.

She looks at my hand puzzled, before giving me an unsure high five.

I blink before busting out laughing, causing her face to go all red.

"The bet you dork, It's not like you cant afford it."

"Ah, right! Sorry!"

Still laughing lightly at her, I wait as she quickly rummages in her own Backpack before handing over the money.

"Thanks again Michael, you're a lifesaver."

Rolling my eyes at the exaggeration I tell her Jigglypuff would of been fine, if just in a lot of pain for a day or two.

Getting on her bike, feet on the peddles, she looks at me before smiling.

"Well, it was certainly interesting meeting you Michael, and your Beedrill. Ah, tell him I said sorry if I hurt his feelings, I now know he's really strong!"

Nodding, even though I could tell it mostly motivated him than hurt his feelings, I simply let her kick off the ground and be on her way.

"Oh! I hope we meet in Viridian city as well Michael, if not I'll keep an eye on the Battlenet for your Gym challenges! Bye!"

Giving a lazy wave to her back as she races off down the road, I simply shake my head at the whirlwind that confrontation turned out to be. It also helped me out in realising that while Beedrill is definitely skilled, at least for his experience level, we still need to train before going up against any of the Gym challenges.

Given Pewtr is historically the first Gym in the circuit, that's where my first badge will no doubt come from.

Walking down the road on my way to Viridian city, I wonder what the Brock fight will be like. Whether it will be a victory by the skin of my teeth, or a victory with uncaring confidence. Either way I know I'm gonna win.

Brock... is that right? Thinking about Ash of course makes me remember a little bit about the whole Brock situation.

"Huh, maybe my first Gym fight wont be with him after all..."


A/N: Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: *Exists*

Me: Oh fuck yh daddy, ruin my free time!

In all seriousness sorry about the delay you guys. I also had to try and plan around with arc 1 a bit more. Whether or not to include Ash in a small recurring role? What that would do to the story, and all the wacky shenanigans that goes on. What that would mean for my timeline and own original plots.

Either way Ive come to a decision, which I'm not sure how well It's going to be received.

Also I know I said 2K word chapters, but this shit really does just get away from me. Like I'll say to myself 'Okay, a really quick conversation with Beedrill, no more than a short paragraph or 2 then move on'. Nearly 1K words later I'm like, 'why do I do this to myself'.

I think one of my big problems is that I'm worried about skipping stuff. Like I could of skipped right to Viridian after last chapter and it would of been fine, yet I felt the need to plug this in.

I'm going to try and be better about that in the future, and try some time skips.

Sera's does that really well in her 'Pokemon trainer Vicky' fic, she doesn't bog that shit down with whole paragraphs, and micromanage every other minute that goes on with the character. I kinda wanna try and emulate that going forward, not sure how well I'm gonna do, but we'll see.

Im not sure whether to just get to Viridian so I can get the simple boring shit out the way then move onto the next road to Pewtr, or whether to add in some filler at Viridian and make it It's own chapter.

We'll see.

Gonna try and not leave such a big update gap again, I think my initial speculations about updates were a little naive, sorry guys.

I'mm gonna try my best to update within a week though.

By all means comment about what you liked or didn't like about the chapter, I try to respond to everyone.

(P.s - If anyone spots spelling/grammar mistakes, hit me with them and I'll try to get around to them. Peace!)