
Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)

Follow Michael on his journey, as he goes from some kid from Pallet Town, to the very best, like no one ever w- WHAT DO YOU MEAN COPYRIGHT!?

Gtopia · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Since when does victory sting?

As the Beedrill stepped out of the bushes, my eyes instantly started sweeping around, mainly looking into the tree tops.

'Of course it had to be a bloody Beedrill, sweet baby Jesus, let it be a straggler.'

We learned all about Beedrill in school of course, since it was one of the most dangerous Pokemon a trainer could run into in the wild. Not individually, but simply because they moved around in swarms. When it came to Kanto, Beedrill was one of the biggest killers when it came to lone adventurers on their journey. Especially since the stronger a trainer becomes, the more likely they are to go off the beaten path and explore.

Unless said trainer had a Pokemon that could fly, and fast at that, or maybe have a Psychic type that knew teleport, they were shit out of luck.


Major takes another step towards the cautiously advancing Beedrill in warning, yet I'm still mostly looking high for signs of other Beedrill.

'Shouldn't I be hearing them by now, if they are here?'

The sound a swarm of Beedrill make when on the move is apparently very loud. Which can of course be a blessing sometimes as people can prepare for what they know is coming, or give them just enough time to hide or run.

Calming down slightly, and wiping the sweat from my brow, I release a quiet sigh since I'm apparently not going to die a horrible excruciating death.

I take a long look at the Pokemon in front of me.

Beedrill aren't known for wondering around on their lonesome, which leads to me being more confused about what is currently happening. Especially since the other Pokemon hasn't instantly gone into kill-mode and started attacking me or Major. As it takes another cautious step closer to the camp, ignoring the growling Major, something tickles me.

There's something really weird about this Beedrill, and for some reason I feel like I'm being an idiot. Whatever it is, It's not jumping out at m-

Which is when I notice it. Why this Beedrill is playing with my inner hazard lights, and why there isn't a loud cacophony of Beedrill on their way to murder-ise me right now.

This Beedrill has no wings.

"What the fuck..."

Switching targets from Major, to me after I release the muttered words, It's shiny red eyes peer at me. That's hella creepy. Yet kinda cool as well.

Okay, so no wings, incredibly weird, but that explains why it isn't part of a swarm, since they probably left it behind, or even tried to kill it.

Given it approached me after I had set up camp and started cooking, it might be hungry.

"Hey, It's okay you dont need to be worried. I'm sure we can work something out."

Major looks back at me over his shoulder with a confused look on his face, which of course was a mistake. The moment Major wasn't hyper focused on the Beedrill is the moment it chose to attack.

With more speed than it had any right to have, since it was ground-locked, it launched forward, with a lance like appendage speared forward.

Given Major saw the initial look of panic overtake my face along with a hastily ordered dodge, he didn't even try spinning his head around to look at what was coming, and simply threw himself to the side narrowly dodging a spear tip, and bouncing off the ground once before coming back to his feet in a ready stance.

"Quick counter with Fury Swipes!"

Major barely lets the final word leave my mouth before he leaps forward, coming in at the Beedrill from the side. Given the awkward angle I was expecting a clean hit, yet Major's first paw attack hits nothing but air, with the Beedrill bending slightly to the side in order to dodge the initial hit.

Fury Swipes of course is an attack that hits multiple times, so while surprised at the first dodge, I'm expecting Major to still land a few hits and deal some damage.

Which is of course the exact opposite of what happens.

With an almost bored like attitude, the Beedrill goes on to dodge every swipe from Major. Twisting his body slightly one way, then throwing It's shoulder down and bending slightly forward to dodge yet another swipe from Major, followed by several more dodges.

I have to admit to being impressed.

Major jumps back after his final swipe hits air yet again, wearing a furious expression on his adorable face.

"Ursa! Urs..."

Yeah, he's angry alright. Beedrills lack of heavy breathing contrasted to Majors slight yet obvious pants showing how much worse off Major came out from that bout.


While not quite taunting, the slight uplift of the Beedrills head, along with the calm manner in which he stands no doubt annoys Major more than he already was.

"Calm down buddy, he's fast but we're going to come out on top in the end, trust me." Relaxing his tense stance slightly, Major gives a subtle nod of his head, while not taking his eyes off the Beedrill. He learnt his lesson already. Good.

"Get ready for a quick-start buddy, though he'll no doubt dodge, however that will be your chance. While he's already twisted, while you'll not be able to use another claw attack, use Lick to hit him from point blank range!"

Battles dont usually involve such obvious pep talks, yet this is no trainer battle where the opposing side can take advantage of the time delay, or even come up with a counter strategy.

The Beedrills taking his sweet time as he stands at the ready, more than happy to be on the reacting side of things.

"Ursa! Urs, Teddi!"

Given all the acknowledgement I need, I give Major the go ahead.

Launching forward using the movement style technique we created, Major flies forward with high acceleration. As he touches down then immediately launches off from the halfway point between him and the opposing Pokemon, his claws start shining in a light grey energy, announcing Metal Claw.

When Major arrives at the Beedrill, he launches his paw forward, claws covered in steel energy aiming for the Beedrills face. Of course he dodges just like I knew he would. With a quick half step back, followed by bending his body backwards so its back and head were parallel to the ground, the claw misses. Of course now's Majors chance.

Major instantly opens his mouth, with his tongue infused in ghost type energy shooting forwards to lick the Beedrills face.

"Yes! Way to go Major!" Of course I know it's not over yet, but even just proof that this acrobatic bug can be hit is already brightening my mood.

Which is of course the moment the smile drops off my face.

While bent over backwards, and his legs open while leaning, Beedrill had its stinger shoot forwards and curve up to hit Major in the back.

"Ursa!" Majors cry has me gritting my teeth.

Beedrill falls to the ground and starts shivering, with Major hitting the ground behind the Beedrill even harder.

"Major, are you okay!?"

While I can see him starting to stand up, It's taking longer than it should. Already the Beedrill has flipped over onto It's front and is on It's knees.

By the time Major stands up, still shaking, Beedrill has already shaken off the Lick attack.

"Bzzt, Beedrill!"

With a caustic hiss, the Beedrill extends one leg behind it'self. Knowing whats coming, but not knowing how to prepare Major, I shout out the first thing that comes to mind.

"Major, he's coming! When he attacks that's your only chance, hit him with a quick-start but turn your body mid jump." Given there's no way Major can dodge the fast Beedrill especially at this range, the only thing I can think of is to go high risk high reward, given anything else will result in Major's loss, along with putting us in even more danger of the Bug type Pokemon.

Shaking off the last of the dizziness from his slam into the ground, he barely has time to lock eyes with the Beedrill before it's shooting forward.

Not even being able to tell if he heard my orders for a counter attack, I'm powerless to stop the Beedrill from advancing on Major at high speed. Yet Major gives a quick-start forward as well. While not being able to prepare enough to gain as much acceleration as usual, it's still enough to have him shooting forwards as well.

With the Beedrills lance extended forward, Major tries turning his body but It's too late. The lance of the Beedrill slams into Majors shoulder, resulting in him spinning out of control. Yet my partner still gathers the Steel type energy into his claws needed for a Metal Claw. While spinning and shooting past the Beedrill, one of the Teddiursa's flailing paws strike the Beedrill face first.

Along with the quick rotation of his spinning body and the speed his initial quick-start gave him, it granted Metal Claw more power than it would have by it'self by quite a margin.

While the Teddiursa simply cartwheels past, the Beedrill goes slamming into the ground head first, with the rest of it's body catching up a half second later. Noticing that the Beedrill isn't getting back up straight away, or even moving much at all, I race over to my downed Pokemon.

"Major! Talk to me buddy." Noticing the bleeding wound he has on his back, along with the slight puncture wound on his shoulder, I can instantly tell he's not okay.

Grabbing one of my potion bottles from my backpack, I start spraying the wounded areas.

Unlike the games potions aren't instant miracles. They're kind of like super first aid kits. With scratches and minor wounds, they'll heal up most of it while making sure infection doesn't set in. Yet for medium size wounds, like the one Major has right now, they're not as fast acting. While still guaranteeing no infections, they cant instantly close the wounds.

Bringing out some gauze, I uncap my potion bottle then dip the bandages in the liquid. While it will soak up a fair amount of the potion bottle, it's worth it. Wrapping my Teddiursa's wounds up tight, I feel a relieved sigh escape me. While I'll still feel better after getting him checked out at the Poke Centre in Viridian, there's no emergency rush needed to get there. If his wounds were on the larger side then I'd rush home to Oaks lab, but after a few days rest, with potion infused gauze, Major should be more than fine.

With Majors face getting more and more relaxed as time goes by, no doubt due to the pain relief that potions naturally have, I zap him into his Poke ball so he can get some much deserved rest.

Letting out a slight groan at the quick and quite frankly, insane fight just now. I stand up from my kneeling position, then look over at the Beedrill.

Slowly walking forward I can see the Beedrills body still moving slightly. No doubt It's just knocked out. A spinning Metal Claw to the face will no doubt do that to you.

Standing over It's prone body, I can finally get a look at It's back properly now that it's still.

"So you evolved with wings, they were simply ripped off..."

Looking at the scarred up back of the Beedrill, I cant help myself from feeling anything other than impressed. A disabled Pokemon, especially such a vital part of said Pokemon being the cause of such disability, yet it didn't feel anything less than dangerous.

In fact looking back, we shouldn't have won that fight at all. A lot of things went right which culminated in the victory. The most pressing of all no doubt being the Beedrill being more than happy to react instead of act. If it had come in guns blazing from the get go, with It's speed, it probably would have won. It also helped that the lance like thrusts were telegraphed heavily, with Its spear tip extended well before it reached Major.

If it had just a little bit more experience, a little bit more skill, it would have crushed Major, no questions asked. It was that bit of luck, along with the Beedrills lack of experience that lets us come out on top.

"You... are strong." Looking down on It's prone form, I come to a decision.

While there are only 6 spots available on my team, and Beedrill is hardly thought of as a powerhouse Pokemon, especially a disabled one, I cant help but admire its strength and sheer tenacity.

Besides, there's no such thing as weak Pokemon, only weak trainers. With this Beedrill standing by my side, I know I can climb high. It's sheer raw potential, showcased in our short yet intense battle, tells me it has what it takes to stand at the top with the rest of the big boi's.

While not looking like it, this was a fortuitous encounter, that will lead to good things. I just know it.

Withdrawing a Poke ball from my backpack then instantly throwing it at the down Beedrill, I watch as It's sucked into the Iconic ball.

Biting my lip, I watch as the Poke ball gives It's first shake. Surprising since the Beedrill was unconscious, yet given It's determination to grow stronger even while being disabled and abandoned, I honestly expect nothing less.

With a second shake, I start to grow worried, though I needn't have bothered. After the second wiggle, the Poke ball sits still then gives the iconic capture noise.

With a smirk growing on my face, I walk over to the Poke ball and pick it up.

Major was different, since I convinced him to come with me. Beedrill though is the first Pokemon I've caught.

'The games cant give you this feeling, the sheer joy and excitement from catching your first Pokemon.'

With a big grin on my face I give a shout out into the dark forest, no doubt scattering several Pokemon from my loud sounds of jubilation.

Going over to my food, no doubt burnt on the outside given how long It's been cooking, I still have the victorious smirk on my face.

"Today was a great day."



Kinda worried about how people are going to react to a Beedrill being placed on the team, since It's a Pokemon you dont often see in a trainers team.

I'm mainly including him because he's one of my favourite from the Kanto region, and because double swords/lances are leading me to interesting skill play's he can learn.

Btw, there's a reason Major wasn't poisoned from that stinger blow to the back.

There was initially going to be more happening in this chapter, since the fight was only supposed to be a few hundred words. I decided to instead break up the original chapter into 2 instead, so I can keep my original goal of smaller chapters. I dont want another monstrosity like chapter 2.


Dont know why this chapters battle got away from me, since they're the parts I'm most worried about writing. I wanted to try and showcase what skill off Beedrills is going to let it keep up later into the game, and that's it's reaction times + dodging capability.

After Michael begins training him in it, along with the experience Beedrill is no doubt going to get, he's going to be a right terror. I'm just picturing him going up against monsters, yet never taking a hit (simply cuz at that level a high damage hit would deal massive damage).

Comment on what you think of a Beedrill being put on the team, along with it being disabled at that. Also see if you can guess It's name, hint: a large part of It's name has been used often this chapter XD.