
Like No One Ever Was (Self Insert/SI)

Follow Michael on his journey, as he goes from some kid from Pallet Town, to the very best, like no one ever w- WHAT DO YOU MEAN COPYRIGHT!?

Gtopia · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 6 -Warming up to the idea of warming up

We couldn't of been more than a day off from Viridian, which is why I chose to let our pace slow even more. An extra days training wouldn't really accomplish much, but it would help with selecting the foundations of Beedrills style.

Given the dexterity he's put on display, along with his reflexes, it's not hard to see that his fighting style going forward is going to be very reliant on dodges, and flexibility.

His species isn't known for being hardy, and given his land-locked nature, he's at a greater risk of taking devastating blows than normal.

A truly hard hit can be enough to OHKO my prickly knight. Meaning he'd have to be even more aware and sensitive to the field than any other of his kind.

As I watched my Beedrill doing suicides from one large tree to another and back again, I couldn't help but notice how inconvenient it was for him not to have his own name, especially when thinking in relation to both him and his species.

"Beedrill, how about we decide on a name for you now?"

My shout didn't even seem to of been heard, thought I know it was. Beedrill is simply focusing all of his attention on keeping up a fast pace, back and forth.

Raising an eyebrow at just how lost he was in his exercise, I reached down and picked up a rock besides me on the grass. Bouncing it in the air once, then twice, I let it rip on the third.

The rock sailed threw the air, though not too far, before bouncing of the carapace of Beedrills stinger. Beedrill instantly giving a small, but no less amusing jump, was faintly amusing. His head whipped round to me before giving an irritated buzzing.

"You cant get hit Beedrill, you simply aren't built for it. Right now it's okay because a lot of our upcoming fights wont be terribly hectic, however you need to get into the habit of always being aware of your surroundings."

While I could see he still wasn't amused by my catching him off guard, he nods his head in acknowledgement of my words.

"Now, like I said, a name".


He moves back into position, with an almost dismissive retort, leading me to believe he's not bothered either way.

Thinking about it, there were of course plenty of names that could fit him. Whether they be bug themed, or even lance themed.


Looking to Beedrill again, I notice that if anything, his speed has picked up. He's nearly flying across the ground as he zooms across the grass back and forth.

While his strength is going to obviously be a focus in training, his speed is what's on my mind at the moment. His reflexes and instincts are what's going to keep him in a fight, of which speed is going to be the most important aspect of said skills. It also doesn't hurt that speed can also greatly increase one's offense.

Picking up a smaller pebble from the ground, I let it fly towards Beedrill, who simply slows down and lets it pass in front of him before picking up speed again.

A smirk coming to my face I continue to think about names.

Having memories from a past life certainly helps with being original. By that I mean original in this world while shamelessly ripping off from the old one.

My old home country of England had it's own share of lore, history and culture to be inspired from. With the stingers of Beedrill looking like lances, and seeing him shooting across the ground at high speeds, one name comes to mind.


Slowing down, before coming to a stop, the newly christened Lancelot turns to me, trying not too seem out of breath, before giving a nod after a few moments of silence.

Returning the nod, I move on.

"Right now your biggest advantage are those sharp reflexes of yours, which is something I want to hone, eventually reaching a razors edge. While we dont have anyone to battle against here, beside's some weaker wild Pokemon, there should be plenty of opportunities to find trainers to battle in Viridian. I'll see about crafting a training regimen to sharpen your already known skills."



Still not a talker. That's fine, he doesn't have to be.

"Your overall stamina could definitely be better though, so besides regular training we'll also have to include general exercises that can help you into the mix. That will open up a lot of options later on when it comes to fighting."

Seeming pleased at the knowledge that he's going to be going through a lot of training, I return him to his pokeball, before clipping it to my belt.


Scratching my head as I walk out of the foliage and back onto the beaten path, I have to admit, trying to think up different training regimens for different Pokemon is going to be a headache, though one that will pay off in the future.

Of course I'll have to try and be more selective about future teammates. Beedrill was one of my fav early game Pokemon from my last life, and seeing one with an unusual situation, as well as style, had me reaching for a pokeball before I could even truly consider it.

Not that I'm upset about catching Lancelot, or regret it. Beedrills are cool, no matter what anyone says.

... A Scizor would of been cool as hell though.


Viridian City. Well, it's an actual city I'll give it that much. Major riding on my shoulder cant keep his head on straight, swiveling all around to take it all in.

While not a truly huge mega city, there are plenty tall buildings reaching into the sky, with roads filled with people riding Pokemon and driving cars.

Along with more people than either Major or I have ever really seen all in one place.

Taking in a deep breath, I notice the air still smells light and airy. While not as brisk and fresh as the great outdoors, there's no pollution sinking into the air and making it that slight bit more heavy and unpalatable.

Following the clearly marked signs on the pathways pointing to the Poke Centre, I arrive at the red building around noon.

It's a lot bigger than the games would have you believe, though that makes sense. Poke Centres are full on hospitals, mainly for Pokemon but they also take humans in easily enough. They also have to have rooms available for trainers, a cafeteria, and a general hive room for just lounging in.

In other words, a tiny building that can be walked though in ten steps isn't going to cover it.

Stepping through the doors I make my way through the main room. Closing in on the desk I notice quite the amalgamation of people and Pokemon.

There are kids younger than me running around the lounge area connected to the main room, no doubt inhabitants of the city given their age. Their are trainers of all ages and even skin tones, with one dark skin teenage talking on a video phone that had to be from...

What was the place called again? The islands from Sun and Moon, Kalos was it? Urg, that's going to annoy me for ages. I'll have to look it up later.

Arriving at the desk just as an older man happily leaves, carrying an adorable Pichu in his arms, I greet the Viridian Nurse Joy.

"Hey, I'm looking to touch up my 2 Pokemon"

Giving a smile that is clearly professional, yet no less personal and genuine for that fact, Nurse Joy holds out a tray for me to put my Pokeballs into.

"Of course! Anything in particular that needs looking into?"

Putting Major back into his ball, then placing it into the tray alongside Lancelot's I inform her of the wound Major received from my Beedrill, along with the on the road treatment I gave him.

"Oh, dont worry, from what I just saw there's nothing to be concerned about in regards to your Teddiursa, he looks to be fine. We'll go over them both just to make sure everything's fine."

"Oh, my Beedrill also took a few hits to the noggin in the past few days, though he seemed fine."

Handing the tray off to a bubbly Chancey that's almost bouncing around the counter, she turns back around, still with the same smile on.

"Again, dont worry, I'm sure he's going to be fine. Is there anything else?"

Debating it, I decide to ask a question I'm already pretty sure I know the answer to.

"Yeah, there's one thing. I caught my Beedrill only a few days ago, but when I found him, his wings were gone."


Showing genuine surprise on her face, and finally losing that smile, which I'm honestly thankful for, that was getting creepy, Nurse Joy looks genuinely saddened by the news.

"That's such a shame, a flying Pokemon that cant fly. I wont say there aren't other examples, but that's usually because said Pokemon was never able to fly in the first place. Poor thing."

Looking at Nurse Joy's face, I cant tell if Lancelot would hate this pity more than he'd hate being mocked for his lack of wings.

"Yeah, I was just wondering if you knew of a way for him to get his wings back. Or if it's even possible?"

Confirming my suspicions, she shakes her head and goes on to tell me how nearly all Pokemon healing, heals from something. If he'd lost half a wing, or they'd been torn up, he'd be fine after several days of healing. Yet because there's nothing to grow back from, there's nothing to heal.

While saddening, it's not like I didn't already suspect it. Besides, I have every intention of getting Lancelot to the top regardless of his ability to fly. This is simply the confirmation I needed.

Booking myself in for a week, with a large league endorsed discount since it's my first circuit, I get myself situated in my room.

After entering the room, I notice that it's a relatively fair size room, maybe closer to small than large, but most importantly? A double mattress bed, with a nice fluffy comforter. Wanting nothing more than to dive into bed, I hold myself back and decide to get showered first. Nothing worse than sleeping in a clean bed when you're filthy.

After exiting the bathroom, with a towel around my waist, I notice a tray with 2 pokeballs on it. They had clearly been glided through the compartment at the bottom of the door.

Picking up the pokeballs and releasing both of them, just as I slide my pants on, I turn around to see both Major and Lancelot taking stock of the room.

Major instantly jumps up onto the bed, with Lancelot slowly and casually walking over to the window at the other end of the room.

"Right guys, while I'd normally be all about powering through the day and going to sleep tonight, I haven't slept in a bed in around a week, and I'm more than ready to end that losing streak. I vote we get a nice kip in, then veg out the rest of the night until morning."

While Major instantly give an adorable cheer with his hands in the air in favor, Lancelot did the equivalent of frowning, complete with an annoyed huff across the room.

Knowing what would cheer him up, I towel off my hair while getting ready.

With a gentle smirk, and a soft voice, I grab Lancelot's attention easily enough.

"We're staying in a Poke Centre ya know Lancelot, and do you know whats attached to every Poke Centre? Battle courts."

With his Ruby eyes now fixed on me, I go in for the kill.

"There are a whole slew of trainers round the back, all just raring for a fight. So rest up mate, we've got a whole week here, where we'll battle trainers everyday. So you'll need your rest, trust me."

Walking over to the bed, I throw myself into it with a luxurious and only slightly unnecessary sigh. Turning my head I see Lancelot still looking at me, before he gives a small nod and turns back to the window.

That will do I suppose.



With Major jumping onto my back, before curling into a ball for comfort I decide to let it go.

No doubt he'll be exhausted tomorrow. After all, while there will be plenty of trainers to practice skill and technique with, there's also going to be trainers who are way above our current level. Hopefully some will be willing to trade pointers with me, while also showing my 2 teammates how to handle stressful and overwhelming odds.

While I intend to win every battle that counts, there's something to be said for learning more in defeat than victory. I'd rather learn as many of those lessons now while it doesn't mean as much.


A/N: Hey guys, I'm back!

This chapter was originally twice as long, but I've said several times now I want my chapters to be around the 2K-3K mark, and this time I mean it. I've broken down the Viridian section into two, with the next chapter (released either Sunday or Monday) involving some more interesting battles, before we move on to the road, and then finally Pewter and Michaels first Gym.

Hopefully I'll try to upload more now, though I'm not gonna give a schedule. That was a mistake, since when I didn't have the energy for it and missed a deadline, It kinda just built up as even more of a reason not to continue.

Either way, I've settled on the Michael being older than Ash, and therefore not being in the same circuit. I have a lot of cool ideas for Ash though, mainly for after the big time-skip I'm planning way WAY into the future.

Either way, please like, comment, correct, criticise, and spit on me if that's your thing. I tend to be pretty thick skinned so by all means be as blunt as you want.

Except to that A-hole on FF NET. You know who you are. It wasn't even your trolling that annoyed me, it was the fact you did it under a guest account.

Back in my day when we wanted to shit all over someone, we did it with our main accounts and took the counter flames and trolling like men.

Gtopiacreators' thoughts