
Chapter 47: The Council, Part 4

"I can't stand people-who only think of themselves. YOU'RE NO BETTER THAN ASURA," he yelled, the woman staring in surprise.

"I've lost too much to lose anything else now-I'm saving everyone with or without you, bitch!" He shouted, letting go of her arm and stumbling past her.

"-But I refuse to stoop to your level-" He fell to the ground, in too much pain to do anything.

The Astrals were silent, except for the one who was enjoying it the most. He clapped slowly for the boy, impressed.

"I'm impressed. I've rarely seen a passive War Astral before...or at least a reasonable one. It's a rare occurrence," he said, walking over to the other Astrals.

"Let's give them a hand, shall we?" he said to them, the other Astrals looking to each other and talking amongst themselves in that language again.