
Chapter 48: Trial of The Guardian, Part 1

The man walked over to figure and whispered to it, the eyes glowing bright red. The armored figure looked to Storm, then Blaze, before jumping to the center of the room. The instant it landed, it began smashing the ground constantly with its armored hands.

"Whoa, hey! What the hell?!" Storm yelled, surprised.

While it did this, the ground beneath it cracking, the guardian falling to the earth. Storm and the others then realized just how high they were, seeing the planet's horizon curve from the hole.

"Just-how high are we?" Storm asked.

Nockris thought for a moment. "We're still in the atmosphere-but not well enough for you to breathe well. You're lucky we made sure to have oxygen crystals here," he said to them with a smile, pointing out one of the clear crystals stuck in the wall.

"Okay-never mind that. What's our test? What was that supposed to be?" Storm asked.