
Chapter 794 – Calm before the Storm

Gravis arrived inside the Sect.

Liran had already left, leaving the Sects in the hands of his two Vice Sect Masters. Gravis didn't know if the Vice Sect Masters had been informed or if they had already gleaned some details from the situation, but that wasn't important.

The survival of the Unrestrained Sect was no longer of Gravis' concern.

A couple of years ago, he would have given his all for the Unrestrained Sect. After all, he had joined them, and he had thought that they all wanted freedom more than anything.

However, all of these illusions had been broken down by reality. Instead of chasing freedom, everyone was acting like they already knew freedom. Usually, knowing suppression made it easier to comprehend freedom, but in this case, it made it even harder. When someone thought they knew something, they often were blind to signs of something else being true.