
Chapter 793 – Farewell

"The Sect Master has left the Sect for a meeting and will return in a couple of days."

This sentence appeared in Gravis' mind suddenly as he was talking with Stella. It came from a Peak Immortal that contacted Gravis with his Spirit.


The atmosphere seemingly broke apart as Gravis got the message. The feeling of harmony and peace left the air as Gravis' Spirit returned to normal.

Stella noticed that everything had changed around her and appeared normal now. At the start, she didn't know what was going on, but then she realized it. Without noticing it, she had been captivated in a whirlpool of peace for the last couple of years.

She hadn't really thought about how she had been feeling during this time, which was why she hadn't noticed it when peace occurred. Only when it stopped did she notice how great her time with Gravis had been. 

She wished she could go back to this time.

"You were contacted?" Stella asked.