
Lightning Dragon

Earth was invaded by a new energy, named Meta. Chaos ensued, hope was almost lost as animals mutated into beasts. Luckily humans also got abilities from Meta, helping them hold onto life, but even at that, earth is lost. Asher Terron, a boy without an ability gets the lightning dragon's soul, this sets him on his journey. He soon finds out that he was the cause of the peril that Earth faced. This was because he was the inheritor of the most feared ability in the universe. Asher is now faced with a journey beyond Earth, he must navigate the entire universe, unraveling mysteries, and get stronger, seeking one thing, and that is revenge for all he lost. But things can never be black and white, is revenge all that his life will amount to? or will new things begin to matter to him? discord server: I am open to discussion and questions. https://discord.com/invite/fHeYP3yH

NTNova · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
309 Chs

Unreasonable fight

Asher took a detour on his way to lecture, he went to one of the academy gyms. Asher got into the gym, he noticed a few people around, probably seniors, but there would be no issue concerning what he was about to do, as it would seem like an ability user testing his ability.

There would only be a problem if any of them knew his real ability. Asher got on a treadmill, it was a special type that adapted to the speed the person was running at.

Asher began jogging at first, but soon his speed increased bit by bit. Asher kept going until his eyes changed into dragon-like eyes, as they did his speed reached the level it normally did with lightning.

Asher didn't need to use his ability to reach this speed now. The speed he was portraying was gotten from his tapping into dragon powers. He ran for thirty minutes straight without breaking a sweat.

"Damn! This is awesome." He exclaimed as he came down from the treadmill, he couldn't believe this was just a little of Elsa's power.

"You have to be careful Asher, if someone powerful notices you, it's going to get messy," Elsa said.

" Don't worry, this is just a test, I won't delve deeper and I won't use it unless it's a do-or-die situation."

Asher was just happy with his level-up, it was probably a double in his strength, though he couldn't flag it off anyhow, what he had just done was not a real show of the dragon's abilities, so it was not an issue.

Though what he had received was not up to 5 percent of Elsa's strength, it was probably still a huge boost in strength. He could feel the new power coursing through his body he felt a whole lot different today.

Asher felt a sense of pride, something that he had never felt before. He also felt a hidden anger in his head, but he didn't know who it was directed to, but it was there.

Asher took his bag, he left the gym heading to the lecture room. On his way there he saw the twin of Nathan, Nathan didn't tell him his name, so all he knew was that they were twins.

Asher was about to walk past, but Nathan's twin stepped in front of him.

"What is your connection with Nathan?" The boy asked.

Asher looked at the dude with confusion, who just blocked someone and asked him that sort of question.

"I don't know what you are thinking, but you can't just block me and ask me dumb questions when I don't even know you?" Asher felt anger welling up inside of him, he felt genuinely irritated by this dude.

"And who do you think you are that I can't question you, you piece of crap." The boy said.

Asher had met unreasonable people, but in all the unreasonable worlds in all the unreasonable galaxies, this dude stands alone. Asher felt a new type of rage inside of him, this rage was different from what he felt before. This was not the rage of a person looking down on him for being weak, it was rage that came from his pride being stepped on by someone he didn't even care about.

Asher could not tell the difference in him, he was just fixated on bashing this guy head in, but he had to control it, as public fights were not allowed on the academy grounds.

He began walking, but when fate wanted a fight to happen, it would happen. The boy's hand crackled with purple lightning as he punched Asher sending him flying.

"Asher, stop when he is at death's door," Elsa said to Asher, she was irritated by this boy as well.

"Gladly." Asher pushed himself off the ground, rage mixed with killing intent, this was the first person he wanted to beat to death.

Students began gathering as two people fought, the fight had started in the hallway and spilled into the academy compound.

Purple and silver lightning crackled all over as fists crossed, Asher was bleeding down the side of his mouth, but that was all. Nathan's twin on the other hand had a deep wound on his chest, it was bleeding badly, but it was not enough to distract him.

Asher was tempted to test his new abilities on this dude, but he remembered Elsa's warning. The fight went in for minutes, as both sides began landing more hits. Asher had superior speed, but Nathan's twin had superior firepower

Soon word of the fight got to the instructors and the headmaster, they all left what they were doing and came to the scene. The instructors wanted to intervene, but the headmaster signaled them to stop, he wanted to see how this fight would turn out.

Asher kept using his higher speed to get through his opponent's defenses, and his opponent used his firepower to break Asher's defenses. Bruises, burns, and different types of wounds littered their body.

"You section C piece of scum, I will make sure you learn to respect those superior to you." The boy roared as he readied his next attack.

"Stop barking you insolent dog, I'll teach you how to behave like a proper dog." Asher had enough, he was about to use his new dragon mode as he called it.

Headmaster Leo noticed what Asher was about to do, and he quickly shouted, stopping the boys in their tracks.

"Asher Terron and Ethan Parker, you are to report to my office immediately." He turned and left the place.

The students who had gathered to watch along with the instructors began dispatch. Soon only Asher and Ethan stood there, their clothes riddled with holes, blood, and burns.


Asher sat on a bench outside the headmaster's office, after some time Ethan walked out, he glanced at Asher with hate before walking away.

"Asher come in," Leo said from inside his office.

Asher stood up and walked in.

"Asher take a seat please." Headmaster Leo offered Asher a seat.

Asher complied, sitting down, awaiting his verdict.

bonus Chapter, thanks for all the support

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