
Lightning Dragon

Earth was invaded by a new energy, named Meta. Chaos ensued, hope was almost lost as animals mutated into beasts. Luckily humans also got abilities from Meta, helping them hold onto life, but even at that, earth is lost. Asher Terron, a boy without an ability gets the lightning dragon's soul, this sets him on his journey. He soon finds out that he was the cause of the peril that Earth faced. This was because he was the inheritor of the most feared ability in the universe. Asher is now faced with a journey beyond Earth, he must navigate the entire universe, unraveling mysteries, and get stronger, seeking one thing, and that is revenge for all he lost. But things can never be black and white, is revenge all that his life will amount to? or will new things begin to matter to him? discord server: I am open to discussion and questions. https://discord.com/invite/fHeYP3yH

NTNova · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
298 Chs


Asher sat in the room, the rhythmical sound of a ticking clock kept his mind distracted. Headmaster Leo had walked to his coffee machine, he poured two cups, putting cream and sugar in one and leaving the other black. He came back to his desk, offering the creamed coffee to Asher.

"I presume you would like something sweet," Leo said.

Asher took the coffee, but didn't sip it yet, he placed it on the table and looked at the headmaster who had retired back to his seat. Asher could not help but wonder if Ethan had been offered such hospitality. There was no sign of a used cup, but it didn't change the fact that it could have been cleaned swiftly before he came in. Headmaster Leo took a sip of his coffee, putting it down on the table, he readied himself to speak.

"You know your father was as hot-headed as you Asher?"

As soon as his father was mentioned his attention spiked, he looked at Leo with eyes that shouted for him to speak.

"Ha ha ha, it seems you are curious about your old man, well I am in no position to tell you all the details, but I will say what I can, and when you see him, he will day the rest."

Asher was thrown off balance, his defense mechanism kicked in, he readied himself to fight Leo to the death here.

"How do you know my father is still alive? " He said in a low threatening voice.

Leo looked at his face which looked deadly now, and he frowned. "That power in you, is poisoning your emotions, I told Terron but he never listens."

Asher was getting fed up with the confusion that the headmaster was putting him in and the fact that he spoke of a power in him made him more apprehensive.

"How do you know all these things?" He asked a question that sounded more like a threat.

"Calm down Asher, I can understand that you are insecure about certain things, but you don't have to worry about me. I have known your father all my life, we grew up in the orphanage in section E together."

Asher paused for a second when he heard him, he looked at Leo and spoke. "So you know of his disappearance and the ability I possess?"

"Not the deepest details, but aside from you, I am the only person who knows that Terron is still alive," Leo said

"Then why would you tell me this, there was no need right?" Asher said.

"Well I would have continued watching from the side, but when you were fighting, you were about to unleash a power that should not be seen in this world, a power that could one day lead to a great inter-human war."

"I told you Asher, the power you are getting from me is not something this world is ready for yet." Elsa who had been standing there the whole time spoke.

"It's that great?" Asher asked a question directed both to Leo and Elsa.

Leo. Took another sip from his cup before speaking. "Asher, there are more mysteries than you can imagine in this world, not to talk of worlds beyond. As you grow stronger, I am sure you will set off to find these mysteries, but let me tell you that of the greatest mysteries in this world, your body holds the most of it."

Asher was unsure how to react it what to do at this point, he looked up and asked. "The thing inside of me, you know exactly what it is?"

Leo nodded. "It hurts me to hide all the truth from you, but clues are all I can give you. The power that you have is to compensate for something larger."

Asher was genuinely confused at this point, all this was confusing him. Elsa on the other hand had a look of understanding, she finally understood what she had seen the first time she entered Asher's soul. Asher was unconscious that day, and she saw some sort of hidden seal inside his soul, when she tried to get close, a disastrous amount of force pushed her away.

Elsa wanted to know what was behind the seal, a power that could force her back while being sealed. During her stay with Asher she had visited the seal multiple times, still getting pushed back, but on one certain day the being behind spoke to her, it had told her to stay away, it it would devour her soul the next time she approached it. Elsa hadn't gone there since then.

While she was in thought, Elsa heard a telepathic voice, but it was not that of Asher, it was that of Leo.

"I know you can hear me," Leo said.

"How do you know I am here?" Elsa asked.

Asher was oblivious to this discussion that was happening at a speed of 100 to 1. 100 seconds in the telepathic discussion was akin to 1 second in reality.

"Don't worry about how I know, I just want to tell you to not inform Asher about what is in his soul."

"What is that thing? " Elsa asked.

"Though I am not fully sure, I know that it is Asher's real ability, a sentient ability that is world-threatening."

Elsa was in shock, Asher had such an ability that even dwarfed hers. " What is it exactly?"

"I will tell you, but you have to promise that you will not tell Asher," Leo said

"I will not tell him, it seems you care for him and this ability is dangerous, and that is why you sealed it," Elsa said.

"Thank you, now let me explain. The ability Asher possesses is sentient, it is called the devourer, and it consumes everything, time, space, and reality, getting stronger as it eats. Asher was only a baby when we noticed it, so as he was young, we had to find a seal and seal it. The seal was a seal that grew stronger as he grew up, but once he reaches adulthood, the seal will stop growing, meaning the devourer will be set free."

Elsa took a guess. "Let me guess, the sentient ability will take over Asher's mind, then heading to consume everything that exists."

"Yes that is what will happen, Asher's human mind and soul can not withstand a power that great, but that is where you come in. As Asher grows with your power, it will strengthen him, preparing him for the devourer, so that he can control the power."

"Will my power be enough to stop an ability that transcends time, space, and reality?" Elsa asked

"We will have to hope it does."