
Lightning Douluo

It's just a fanfic to pass my boredom

Karl_Dominic · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: Carefree Life

Cultivating I restored my body state to its peak.

I went outside and notice that the bats were gone taking this chance I speeded through the caves and went a to a trail leading to the top.

It wasn't that long the on top of the mountain was a stature of a asura with six arms in which one of his hands was holding a key.

Taking a closer look I went up and took the key sending my soul power in the key the arm that was holding a key revealed a door slot pushing the king in I felt my mind go blank.

The bloodlust that was originally in me condensed inside me the blood I accumulated in my hands turned into a newfound power.

Then a spatial tear opened and took me in making the scene quite again.

Then there was a screech a bat with two golden head flew and absorbed the remaining energy and went into slumber.

Ah fuck everytime I faint.

Looking again at my new surroundings it was in a cave but there was no bats here.

What I heard outside was birds chirping and roars occasionally.

Seeing no danger in the cave I check my own body and sensed the difference my body got stronger and I got a new power that came from my calming necklace.

Deathgod Domain it sends the killing intent of the user weakening the enemy and boosting the user by 20 percent.

But what even amazed me more was my necklace changed it's appearance the diamonds the glowed with blue luster was stained in red scarlet color.

I don't know why but the one that changed was my necklace and not my amaranthine lightning lion.

Since it didn't do anything bad to me I planned to stay here for a while since there were no danger and I haven't have a clue where I was so it was safer to it this way.

Finding a lake nearby I went and washed my body that reeked of blood.

Even though I bathed in the river I have this illusion that I was still bloodied but thinking about it changing to a new environment needs you to adapth so I ignored this feeling and went on my way to the cave.

Since the ring has months of food and water I didn't think that staying was a problem but of course I knew I couldn't stay here forever and I still haven't had a clue to what world I really was.

3 days passed and the uncomfortable feeling has passed.

The feeling I felt has gone by and in this 3 days I felt the soul power in this area was more condensed and felt refreshed everytime I cultivated.

But I still felt I couldn't pass through a wall this has been here since the day I cultivated and I don't know if it's a problem cause by my possession of the body.

Well I can't worry about those useless things for now.

With me clearing my mind I got up and did some push ups and squats since this was a daily habit last life and being relaxed and all gave me peace of mind to exhaust my strength.

Being in that hell hole getting a relaxing day is like ascending heaven.


I trained until it was nighttime and rested since my body was already 9 years old I could handle some hard training.

Ahh maybe I should check and find a way out I can't live like a caveman forever now cant I?

Just as I was thinking I heard some rustling now this wasn't a problem the problem was it was getting closer I readied my guard and since my body already recovered halfway I hid and readied to attack whenever something goes to that entrance.