
Lightning Douluo

It's just a fanfic to pass my boredom

Karl_Dominic · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2: Slaughter King

Blood Child! Blood Child!!!

Chants were heard in each direction of the arena with countless people cheering in the middle were a 10 men with differing body's lying down in eternal slumber.

A child stood in the midst of it all with his bloodied clothes.

4 years ago he fought until the 60th win and stopped to recover his own mind.

And continued until today he finally won his 100th match.

All of a sudden the blood red sky turned dark a figure came rushing here with every second the figure came into complete view.

The original chanting of the audience changed and yelled even more loudly.

Slaughter King!! Slaughter King!! Slaughter King!

The figure had wings and a burly body covered in a grey cloak his face wearing a mask with two horns.

Blood child you have made it now I want you to choose either stay here and help me govern this land or challenge the hell road.

The hoarse voice stop for a moment when mentioning the last sentence.

The child with bloodied eyes look up his bloodlust still ozing but he didn't dare to fight the man with wings since even though his thoughts were clouded the body still felt the instinctive fear for the strong.

I want to challenge the hell road.

The voice sounded tired and unruly at the same time.

Hmm as you wish the slaughter King waved his hands and the child floated the chants that were heard from the audience was silenced.

You could see the bodies that were originally lively were withered eventually turning to dust and the blood flowed to the middle of the arena opening a passage.

I hope to see you again child.

The hoarse voice sounded with clenched fists.

The child already fainted when he floated so he didn't saw the horrying scene that happened.

Opening my eyes what caught my eyes was a river with blood flowing endlessly the

strong smell of blood was in the air.

Smelling this the originally sleepy child almost went out of control his head spinning and the only thought was to kill.

The child quickly stimulating himself with pain gained a moment of clarity and sat in a meditative pose with a necklace with three shining diamonds.

Every circulation the originally agitated child calmed down.

This went on for who knows how long until the child opened his eyes it was still blood red but with clarity.

Standing up I check my situation with no food or water.

And the only thing was a river flowing to who knows where.

Since I didn't know anything I just followed the road with some hope of finding a exit.

I followed the river of blood until I came across a waterfall the river actually came from here.

Checking everything I begun my climb using my daggers as climbing tools I quickly made it up here.

Being in the special ops we were trained to cross countless terrain including mountains if the need is to be.

So it wasn't that hard on top was another boundless land and another river flowing.

Feeling helpless I still followed the river since even if it's the wrong direction I can always retrace my steps.

whilst walking I was getting tired my small body couldn't handle the energy loss that was happening even with extraordinary powers we are still human.

Before I knew it the terrain changed from a boundless plain to a mountainous plane with countless caves within.

Entering one what awaited me was a dark place with pitch black ceiling hmm taking another step I was spook the ceiling suddenly had countless opened golden eyes.

Before Ii knew it screeches of bats were echoing their wings expanding looking at the giant swarm I immediately ran for my life.

But with my tired and hungry body it wasn't that long until I got tired and stopped even If I wanted to run my own body doesn't have energy.

Seeing a nearby cave I put my last remaining energy and ran or more like walk to the inside what met me was countless bloodied bat corpses and I fell asleep.

Waking up I felt the hunger from my stomach and thirst in my neck checking my new environment I thought of eating the bat corpses but decided not too since I don't know if it's poisonious.

Checking more and seeing no bats alive I moved forward leading me to the inner core of the cave what met me was a dead body of a man.

Examining it i roughly guessed that it was a 2 years ago when it had died.

Checking his belongings I found a ring with no noticable feature except the oval shaped crsytal laid on it.

Is this?

I sent my soul power and what I saw was clothes and living necessities.

Including food and water!

Having the thought of the food it suddenly came out and went into my hand.

This is pretty useful storing my dagger I ate the food bite by bite in a slow manner since I didn't want to choke.

After that I gobbled water and sat down in relish since it's been days since he has not eaten anything.

Wiping my mouth I continued to explore the cave and found nothing of interest so I just rested but for some reason the bats that were following me didn't follow into the cave.

Not that I was complaining or anything.