
Lightning Douluo

It's just a fanfic to pass my boredom

Karl_Dominic · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: My Name?

As my eyes looked at the entrance I saw 5 shadows come into view voices of their gasping for air was heard.

There were 5 people in total each having the same body with rough builds.

Judging from their figure they weren't easy to deal with.

Who is there!?

The team of 5 people looked at the back and there was a boy with a handsome face and golden hair coupled with his blue eyes he looked like someone from a movie.

Hmm I saw the kid look at me and the guards shifted their gazes at where I was hiding having no choice I went out and got to see how powerful this people really were.

Each of them had exquisite armor with a tiger golden engraved symbol on the middle of their armors they looked at me with scrutiny.

The guards seeing he was just a kid heaved a sigh of relief bit still they grip their weapons and look at me if I made any unusual movements.

Who are you?

The Handsome boy looked at me and questioned his eyes giving a glint of evil.

Isn't it rude to not only barge into someones place but also question them?

I said with a tone neither too cold nor humble.

How dare you!

The guards shouted with some anger in their eyes.

Ohh? why wouldn't I dare?

Don't you know who you are speaking too?

This man is one of the two princes in star lou empire and considered to be crown prince!

Ohh? I didn't thought I would meet some big shots in this wilderness but that was only said in my thoughts since the kid spoke before ei could.

Stop no need to be rude since we were the ones first to barge in we would like to apologize but can I ask little brother to let us stay the night we won't bother you in anyway.

Even though the kid spoke those words it contained a hint of authority.

Ok I can compromise but I want to make a deal instead I said with a smile.

Presemptous his highness is al....

Stop I don't need to say it again don't let me remind you this place is not star lou empire.

Yes your highness the guards shouted with some admiration in their hearts for his highness insights.

Continue he looked at me with interest since a child this young shouldn't be alone in this forest he at least had to have some sort of escort.

It would be rude to say my request I would like to at least introduce ourself first.

Oh that's fine my name is Dai Weisi and what is little brother name?

My name? what is my name? this thought falsh through my mind and thinking about it he didn't need a name in that hellhole since he was used to being called blood child he just rolled with it but thinking about it what was the original owners name?

After thinking it through I made my name.

The silence continued and Dai Weisi looked at the boy with a intense gaze.

My name...my name is Fu Xing..

When Fu Xing looked at me I saw something in his eyes I will never forget until the day I die.