
Lightning Douluo

It's just a fanfic to pass my boredom

Karl_Dominic · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1: Blood Child

Slaughter City a place known to hold countless criminals and killers.

A paradise in which the only rule is giving blood to the Slaughter King.

In the inner part of the city was a child standing on countless corpses blood running down from his body.

With the countless screams coming from everywhere you would think only one thing a Asura.

A being that kills and doesn't need a reason to kill.

Drip... drip....

The child walked with his tattered clothes revealing some white and plump skin but was unclear with the scarlet colored blood covering it.

Everywhere he walked people attacked but each time the child would swing his dagger with swift and great precision hitting only the vital spots.

Everywhere he walked corpses followed until he got to a small house it wasn't that bad but the originally white colored walls have turned into black with blood that dried up on who knows when.

Opening the door the child shut it quickly barracading the door and window swifty and going to the bathroom.

Minutes later a child with black hair and black eyes and a normal face came out of the bathroom his tattered clothes was replaced with some shirts but it was obvious that it wasn't his since it was too big already reaching his knee.

The child went and sat down in a meditation pose exhaling and breathing this repeated for who knows how long.


It gets worse and worse I couldn't control my bloodlust today every fucking time I kill my mind gets blurrer.

Thinking about it my last life I was a special ops killing wasn't a problem but eventually you meet accidents.

I was shot in my chest and tortured for info while on a mission there was only two ways for me either I bite my tounge and die or tell them info and die.

Ultimately I died with my tounge bleeding but as I thought that was over my mind became clearer and I saw a man charged at me with a knife.

Subconsciously I dodge with the man not expecting the scared kid to dodge he tripped and fell that was when the kid took a sharp rock and banged his head.

And that was the rest the following I got to learn some info and learned that I was in a city with countless killers and criminals.

As my days pass I searched for ways to get out and eventually found out of a arena whoever wins a 100 wins get a chance to be a officer or challenge the hell road.

When I started I met an old man but I didn't underestimate him since when I was finding info one crucial thing was a martial soul.

A martial soul is basically someone awakens when your 6 year old and it gives extraordinary powers to the user.

the reason why people want to be a officer because they can use soul power with no restrictions unlike the rest of the dwellers.

Fortunately I was awakened before I was brought here having a lion with purple skin and it's mane emitting lightning sparks.

Using my skills last life and my newfound powers I was able to defeat the old man albeit a little since I wasn't used to my new body.

And that continues until my score was in 44 that I lost control of my bloodlust.

Good thing that I found that I have another martial soul with the mental attribute the calming necklace.

Stopping my cultivation I felt my body refreshed a necklace with three shining diamonds was on my neck.

I think it's time walkig to the door I opened it and what met me was countless people atacking me suddenly a lion appeared and sparks sounded with it's appearance.

I took out a dagger form my pockets and swinged at the man closest to me his neck spraying blood then another man came up from behind the dead one with a spear piercing fast at me.

With my little body I sidestepped and dodge the attack stabbing the man's chest and there continued my slaughter.