
Light Years Away - Hunters of Outer Space

Ray was only twelve years old when a mysterious alien saved her from harm, and when she met her big guy again, it changed her life forever as their fates intertwined with each other. A story contains dark Human/Yautja smut. A lot of porn!!! You have been warned. In the meantime, the sequel is available on AO3 if anyone’s interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28655376/chapters/70244229

Admirable_Mairon · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter Ten

Ray was desperate to think of a way out of this, anything was better than being impaled by his massive member, the erection against her folds sent horror images to her head, reminding her of what would happen to her small body if she didn't do something to stop it.

"Red, I don't want to hurt you, but I will if you don't stop this right now!" She demanded firmly.

"Are you challenging me, my mate?" He raised a brow at her, intrigued. "Then, challenge accepted." He puffed up his chest and growled.

"I swear, Red, if you don't release me, I will pull you hair hard, until you do." She threatened, her threat sounded menacing with her hand placed on his dreads. To her shock and surprise, not only he did not release her, she even saw his tusks clicking wildly, like he was laughing at her. Provoked by his blatant act, she tightened her hand, squeezed his dreads hard, and pulled them downward.

He flexed his mandibles open and gritted his inner teeth as she pulled them, he let out a deep grumble to restrain him from spiraling out of control, his desires deepened.

"Is touching my erogenous zone your challenge, my mate?" His voice tightened with hoarseness. "If it is your wish for me to seed you right now, I'm happy to comply." He resumed his walking to the bedchamber.

"What? Oh, no!" Ray quickly released her hand in disbelief, all those years, she thought she had hurt him when they first met, panic crept back as she dreaded for the inevitable.

Placing her on the bed, he parted her thighs as he lowered his large body, pinning her into the pelts below. Hovering above her, his hungry eyes trailed over her body and stopped at her sex, he lowered his face to her mound, noticed short stiff hairs were growing out, he then realized what she had done with his removing tool. He could see her cunt completely exposed before his eyes, inviting and willing, he growled with lust. Going forward, he would shave her, personally.

"Bend over, and spread your legs." He stood upright and commanded. His cock twitching with anticipation.

"What? Please...not this, Red." Ray moved back from him.

Getting impatient, he grabbed by her leg and flipped her over onto her stomach, then raised her ass in the air. Ray yelped, but her cries were smothered by the pelts, she felt his hand trailing over her back softly, stopped on the globe of her ass, making her shiver. Kneading on her globes with two hands, he spread her for a better view.

The position for her was humiliating and degrading, making her completely exposed and open before him, she wanted to die and hide from him, yet another twisted part of her was making her pussy dripping with anticipation, wondering what he would do to her, humiliation mingled with excitement, she buried her face and moaned.

Her pink folds glistening with juices, as he leaned in, he inhaled, her sweet flavor mixed with rich scent of her arousal, it rushed straight to his head, he gripped the pelts and controlled himself. He opened his mandibles wide, lowered his inner mouth on her sweet cunt, raking her folds gently, his tongue lapped up all the juices as he watched the pleasure wash over her. He parted her pink, puffy lips with his fingers, found the nub of pleasure, he rubbed on it gently, causing more slickness leaking out, he glided his tongue to savor the nectar, then battered and twirled on her clit for more, satisfied, he slithered his tongue deep into her, as if to quench his thirst. He watched her moaning out loud for him.

Ray felt his forked tongue danced around her clit, lapping and flickering torturously, making her shudder in need, she gasped her pleasure as he licked faster. "Please...!" She whimpered, she raised her ass into the air a notch, like a slut in heat, to seek her release, she was so close to come again. Sensing her desire for release, he suddenly stopped his torturous assault, raising up from her legs, he watched her body wiggling with wanton need.

"No! Don't stop...please!" She whined on all fours, begging him to continue.

He almost gave in at her plea, he turned her back on the bed to face him, her face flushed, her soft, silky skin covered in a shimmer of thin sweat, lost in her desire. The sight of her lying there submissively, whining for his touch as she writhed, it made his blood boil, he'd never seen such wanton lust before. He was well experienced in Yautja mating, that commonly involved with violence and blood, he even got thrown across the room by a female during mating, he had to fight her in order to subdue her. Nothing prepared him for this, she was so responsive and willing to his touch, she begged him for release, the release she seeks only he could give her, such submission he would never get from Yautja females, he found it captivating and addictive, it made him wanting to conquer her, to possess her, to rut her until she screamed for his name when she reached her climax, he would fight off and kill any blooded Yautja who dared to lay a claim on her.

Ray felt her breasts swelled and ached, heat stabbed deeply thru her core, her cunt drenched with desire, and all she could do was lie there and open for him, she squirmed and began to touch her clit, craving for her second release, but she felt his hand stopped her, gliding to her mound, her stomach, then cupped her breast, the sweet torment drove her wild with needs.

"Oh...Please..." She begged again.

Looming over her, he felt her body warm and welcoming, he spread her legs, lowered his hips, until his cock prodded against the lips of her cunt. "You will scream for me when I seed you, my mate." He thrusted his hips forward, hard, and breached into her channel.

"Ahhh-! Stop! It hurts!" Ray gasped as a searing pain ripped through her whole body, she felt like her body was being torn apart, she winced, tears stinging her eyes.

"Paya! You are so pauking tight!" He gritted his teeth and hissed, his muscles strained with efforts as he tried to catch his breath, he moved forward another agonizing inch to push his bulbous head inside her completely, her passageway was incredibly tight, even after he had fully prepared her.

"Get out, Red! You are too big! It won't fit!" She cried out, squirming beneath him as he continued pushing forward with his hips, the pain was unbearable, she bit her bottom lip hard.

"Stay still! I only have so much self-control left!" He hunched over her, trembling like a leaf, his claws balled into fists, slashing the furs. "I want you to enjoy this, my mate." He said through a heavy breathing. Reaching down to her clit, he began stroking it gently.

Ray felt a warmth spread from her belly, she felt her body stretched to the limit, yielding herself to his invasion, as his ridged cock scraped along her inner walls. She screamed and panted when his cock seated inside her, to the hilt.

Grasping onto his last self-control, he began withdrawing slowly, until only his bulbous head remained inside, then he inched forward, penetrating a fraction at a time when withdrawing, he repeated the same action a few more times, before penetrating her fully, I will not harm her, he repeated to himself. Ray whimpered and clenched her cunt involuntarily.

Bau'jah lost his control when her inner walls clamped down hard on him, clenching. His grips on her hips tightened, holding her body down firmly, his gleaming eyes darkened with primal desire, he let out a loud, deep rumble as he began pounding into her, rutting her wildly like a beast, so hard and so deep, each powerful thrust almost penetrated her cervix, knocking the air out of her lungs.

"Slow down, Red! It's too much..." she screamed and mewled. She felt her insides were on fire.

"You're mine, my mate, you will take all of me, you will take what I give you." He kept repeating this. He was everything but gentle, doesn't she know what her moans did to me? Her screams only sent him on edge, drove him into a frenzy of lust, his claws dug deep into her soft skin, his speed rapid without stopping, penetrating her soft body with unquenchable needs.

His words excited her, ignited an explosion inside her. The pain gradually subsided, the burning pain became a pleasant glow, as her body expanded to accommodate his size, she braced herself to the soul-shattering sensation, and greeted him with gasps of pleasure, she moaned, she felt so stretched, so full of him. She was going to cum.

"Red! Please...!" She called out his name loudly, she raised her hips to meet his thrust, her inner muscles clenched hard, milking his cock greedily as she reached her climax. Sparks sizzled over her, her filmy eyes were seeing stars.

"Yesss, surrender to me, female." His thrusts became erratic when he felt her inner walls contracting around him, he let out a deep, guttural growl as he shoved into her one more time, pushing himself over the edge into ecstasy, his cock twitched, pulsing inside her as he released his white, molten seed, he thrusted deep again as he came and came, until he spilled every last drop of his seed inside her.

At last, he fell over her, his cock remained inside for a while before he pulled out with a grunt, and he lay beside her. Ray gave a whimper at the sudden loss, his hot seed filled her insides, leaking from her swollen folds onto the furs, panting for her breath, she felt his hand sliding over, to hold her close.

"Pauk, I hurt you, my mate." Bau'jah looked at the bloody marks, cursed for his lack of control.

Ray looked down at her body, her hips were bruised, along with red streaks where his claws had once been. "It's nothing, I'll be fine." She assured him, she was so deep in her sensation, she hadn't even noticed.

"Let me fix you." He nuzzled her hair, holding her up in his arms gently.

He took her to the washroom, and activated the pool. Hot, steamy water quickly filled the empty pit, the water had healing properties, it would regenerate her cells at a faster rate. Lowering them both into the water, he sat on the stone ledge inside the pool, put her on his lap.

The moment she got inside, Ray exhaled, the water was therapeutic, she felt the burning sensation between her legs reduced, it soothed and relaxed her body, she splashed some water to her face, it felt so good to bathe with water. Red did the same, his big hand scooped some water to wash her playfully, at one point, he brush past her nipple, and she moaned, arched her back. She felt the cartilage around his seam retracted, and his hardened cock emerged, nudging against her back.

"Oh my god, how can you..." She gasped at his stamina.

"You are so sensitive," He said, holding her gaze. "You will indulge me one more time, my mate." He gave her a wicked grin, before he deliberately circled his finger pad around her nipple, and nudged his cock against her. For a hooman, a prey, she felt surprisingly exquisite around him, it was nothing like the mating he had experienced with Yautja females before. In fact, it was way better!

Ray was torn, she had orgasmed twice already, including him being inside her, she didn't know if she could take another round of this, she should stop him, but her head couldn't think straight when he was touching her like that. "Red..." She squirmed in his arms.

"Yes...moan for me, my mate." A low growl rumbled from his chest, his mandibles twitching.

His hands began to roam on her heated skin, rough finger pads abrading her sensitive breasts, sweeping down, then back up, now between her legs, he grazed on her clitoris. "Ah-! Yes!" Her pussy gave a warm squeeze in response.

"I want to see you ride me." Turning her around to face him, he sat her astride him as he held the base of his thick cock, aligning the head to her entrance, slowly, he pushed her body down to swallow his entire length, it was easier after the stretch during their first mating, but she was still too tight for him when he finally fully seated inside her. Then he began to move her hips up and down in a slow motion while she clenched around him. The feeling was insane, and seeing the pleasure on her face at the feeling of his cock stretching her wide was even more arousing, it thrilled him more than any hunt.

"Oh, god! Please," her breath caught, her body shuddered with delight when the pain subsided.

The angle was deep, hitting nerve endings still sensitive from her earlier orgasm. The friction of her breasts rubbing against his body was maddening. It aroused her again. She began to move on top of him, rocking her hips to feed the growing pleasure, the feeling which was building relentlessly. His hands placed back on her hips as her strength faded, continued to slam her body down at a fierce rate. The water rippled and lapped around them at their love making. Grinding down on him hard, she felt the warmth begin to spread across her belly, and between her legs, she suddenly grasped onto his dreadlocks as her third orgasm washed over her.

"Pauk, you feel so good, so incredibly tight." He let out a beastly growl and flared his mandibles when she grabbed his dreadlocks, it was so intense that he could feel himself losing it to her. He buried his cock deep inside her again and again, until he poured his hot seed into her.

Her body quivered when the aftermath of her orgasm took over, she had never felt this both satisfied and exhausted at the same time in her whole life before, closing her eyes, she let the water to wash off the fatigue. Bau'jah cleaned them both with efficiency as his soothing purrs and deep rumbles surrounded her, then, she was placed on the bed.

"Rest now, my mate." He ruffled her hair affectionately with satisfaction. He was shocked to see how well her small body had taken him. The newfound sensations were intense, this interspecies copulation was definitely a successful and pleasant experience, he'd like to try many more times with her. Suddenly the idea of being mated to her - a hooman prey - wasn't so repulsive to him anymore. Maybe.

Feeling so spent and thoroughly used, Ray closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep.