
Light Years Away - Hunters of Outer Space

Ray was only twelve years old when a mysterious alien saved her from harm, and when she met her big guy again, it changed her life forever as their fates intertwined with each other. A story contains dark Human/Yautja smut. A lot of porn!!! You have been warned. In the meantime, the sequel is available on AO3 if anyone’s interested: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28655376/chapters/70244229

Admirable_Mairon · Movies
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24 Chs

Chapter Nine

A loud rumble from her stomach awakened her, getting up she saw Red was gone, and her stomach protested again, refused to be denied of food. Rising from bed, she used one of the many pelts as cover and moved to the food replicator, she punched in a few commands he had taught her, then sat down when the food was ready, the kitchen area was not far from the bridge, she saw Red at the control console engrossed in his current task. Not wanting to talk to him for the first time, she moved to the observatory to eat her food in solitude, thru the floor-to-ceiling clear glass she could tell it was around noon, the sun beamed down brightly from the clear blue skies, she must slept for a long time.

Finishing up, she spent her whole afternoon on a wild goose chase for new clothes to wear, she searched the entire place - except bridge- left and right, high and low, thru and thru, she couldn't even find a single cloth of his spared skirt outfit, after hours of searching, she huffed and rolled her eyes in exasperation, then headed to the bridge.

"Red, please tell me you have new clothes for me." She spoke behind him in defeat.

He had been working on a level one diagnostic check on the ship since he got up, a routine check he was due a week ago, then got distracted by her, breaking his attention away from the console, he crossed his arms and examined her.

"You seem fully clothed to me." Another mistake he had made, he should have hidden the pelts.

"This? It can barely cover my body!" She was still aghast at her indecency.

"Be glad I didn't take that away from you, too." He simply turned back to the console, then synced the ship's system to his arm computer, once he was pleased with the results, he moved to the weapons room to store his gauntlet.

For once, Ray was struck speechless as she tightened her grips on the pelt, she couldn't believe what she just heard from him, she had expected such offensive remarks from anyone but him, if he were someone else, she'd call them perverts if she hadn't hit them in the face already.

Turning on her heel in anger, she quickly followed him to the weapons room, a glimpse of that beast's skull displaying on the trophy wall caught her eyes, despite the fact that he used her as bait, she couldn't help but to wonder - ever since they got back from the excursion, he had gone a complete 180 degree change, she swore that beast had damaged something in his big brain.

"That kill is in your name, little one." Placing his gauntlet back to the shelf, he walked over and broke her brooding silence.

"Thanks, I didn't ask for it," she retorted. "Why are you always killing creatures and putting them on your wall?" The question had been bothering her for some time now.

"To woo females, and to mate." He cornered her to a wall and trilled.

"To what?!" She whipped her head in shock and found his intense gaze, it caused her heart rate to spike, she moved back from him.

"Y-you don't mean to..." she trailed off, her eyes darting between him and the skull, that was his courting ritual?!

The realization hit her hard, all the sudden change of him made sense now - sure, she admired his body and skills, but actually doing it, with an alien, was another matter - A look of dread washed over her, she turned around to run but it was a dead end, the metal wall blocked her escape, and his imposing body kept closing in on her, she felt her whole body stiffened when his firm hand moved its way up to her rib cage, slightly below her breasts, a strong force from his hand yanked the pelt away, exposing her body before him.

"Red!" She gasped and tried to hide her nudity, but he wouldn't allow it, she could see his pupils narrowed, making his yellow beady eyes darkened, gleaming with desires and possessiveness, she was like a ensnared prey trapped under his predatory gaze.

Whatever happened next, it happened fast, he didn't even give her any change to escape from him.

"It's time to claim my prize." He declared.

Not wasting a precious second, he spread her legs with one foot, and grasped her thighs with both hands. Bringing her up to his eye level, he let her straddled him against the metal wall. His tusks grazing lightly in the crook of her neck, he sniffed her scent hungrily.

"No, you can't do this to - oh my god!" Ray shut her eyes tightly as she prepared herself for the impending bite, but it never happened, instead, she felt his forked tongue lapped at her shoulder slowly and greedily, it sent a shiver down her spine, she drew in a shaky breath and moaned.

"Red, s...stop..." She resisted before it was too late, but her body was betraying her, she felt the warmth radiating from her sex.

"I can smell your arousal," he lowered his head further down, "your scent is intoxicating, my mate." He said thru a husky growl and released his musk.

She was such a feast to his senses, the smell of her musk alone was headier than a Yautja brew. Carefully with his tusks, he flexed his mandibles wide, and trailed his tongue over the slope of her sensitive breast, he lapped his way around it and nibbled at the bud, while at it, he slid his palm over to play with the nipple of the other breast, plucking and tugging, expertly.

"Oh my god, Red!" How did he even know this? Gasping for breath, she cried out her pleasure, her body rocking back against his tongue and wiggled against him. She was torn between desire and sanity - deep down in her mind, she told herself this was wrong, she should fight harder and stop this, but in truth she couldn't stop herself, the smell of jungle and musky air surrounded her, it was delicious and addictive, she was drowning in it, each lick from his tongue sent tremors to her throbbing core, making her pussy dripping with need and eager to be filled.

Her sweet sound was like aphrodisiac to his ears, something about the way she moaned for him fueling his blood, it was more enticing than any hunt or Yautja brew he'd ever experienced, his body tightened and his cock throbbed painfully against his sheath. Easing his hand down, he cupped her sex, slick moisture coated his palm, the wetness surrounded his fingers as he pressed between her swollen folds, the delicious aroma of her arousal rose, setting his blood on fire.

"Red, please..." she moaned, her hips bucked up, as if begging him to touch.

"That's it, beg for me, my mate." He drew circles along her mound, one of his rough knuckles accidentally grazed across her clit, and he heard her loud screams of pleasure, tracing back to his new discovery, his thumb stroked the nub back and forth as he watched her expression intensely, pleased with her response, he slid one digit into her entrance, and he was always very precise with his talons.

"You do not know how many times I have thought about doing this to you, to feel your cunt around me." He growled hotly into her ear. He was surprised to feel how wet and tight she was around his finger, he'd need to stretch her first.

"Ah! Yes!" She rolled her head against the wall and bucked her hips. At this point, she was completely lost in her lust. Feeling his claw was scraping her inner walls gently, as another finger dipped into her, stroking in and out, slowly and torturously, his teasing sent her into a frenzy, she felt her inner muscles clenched.

"Please, Red, faster...I'm so close!" She implored him and tightened her grips on his shoulders.

His strokes quickened, her breath caught, and her body tensed, she was so close, her inner muscles clenched and trembled, her body bucked upward, and she wailed out her ecstasy as she climaxed, when her orgasm passed, she slumped against him and panted.

After a few moments, He withdrew his wet fingers from her slick folds, then licked on them to savor her sweet scent.

"You taste divine, my mate." He drew in a deep breath and smeared her slickness on his chest.

Unclasping his loincloth belt, he nudged his hardened cock at her entrance eagerly. She was so tight around his fingers, he only hoped he had prepared her body enough to take him without breaking her. It would definitely require his patience.

Ray's heart fluttered when she felt his erection pressed against her slit, she looked down at his groin and gasped, his alien, red cock - lighter than his skin color - ridged on both sides and bottom, was fully erected against his abdomen, throbbing with each beat of his pulse, the sheer size of it shocked her, she froze in fear and trepidation, there was no way he could fit into her!

"Bed, now." As if sensing her fear, his arms locked onto her, carrying her to the bedchamber.

"Red, let me go, please don't do this." She began to panic again.

"I'm not finished with you yet, my mate," He said without stopping. "I will taste and enjoy every inch of your soft hooman body, until I'm satiated."

And from what he just tasted, it would be long before he was satisfied with her.