
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · Fantasy
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17 Chs

demonic flames of hell

The moon sillhouted against the sky. Everyone was quiet, all participants, commanders and demons alike were stagment still shocked as to what they had just withnessed.

'Now that you have showed me you're resolve I won't hold back against you',the demon said.

'Thanks ',I said

'If I fall unconscious satan will take over,I can't loose until I give him a very fatal blow',I thought.

The demon hurled multiple blast at me but slashed them all and charged at him. He flange his hand and a hidden blast flew past my arms and amputated them.

'Not yet !',I said

'Mikel go threw many adventures, never be afraid of death and protect you're loved once at times of need',I remembered my grandfather's dying words.

I grabbed my katana with my mouth and charged through the demon. 'You gave me a fatal wound not bad Mikel, not bad at all',the demon said. Jason smirked at me. I smiled as the demon impailed my stomach with his fist.

'Boru,Emia I'm sorry ' , I said as tears fell down my eyes.

'Mikel!',Emia cried trying to stand with what ever strength she had left.

I had the same feeling I had when I Jason maid me crash through multiple trees. I had a burning sensation in my heart as I remembered everything. I had gone threw up until now ,so I cried as I said,

'Don't hurt my siblings satan'.

'Don't expect anything good coming from the devil ',he replied .

The demons arm exploded, he staped back

as he glanced at satan. Withing a twinkle of an eye satan punched the demon as he healed his arm. The demon crashed through multiple buildings, but before he could land satan was already next to him and he raised and stamped his foot on the demon's face making a massive cratter.

'A nice warmup up feels good after all this years',satan said

'Stand up and let go kill the man ,woman and children. It's going to be a bloody massacre',satan said while laughing.

'Finally king satan, I'm finally going to die from the hands of a king. Show me true power my lord ', the demon said while charging a blast with all the mana he had.

'Fool',satan said as he simply swiped away the blast.

'You want true power , I'll show you power ',he said as he folded his arms.

'Bara_demonic flames of hell_The Underworld ',Satan says as a huge hole with red flames appears and eradicate the demon. After the demon dies the flames disappear but the hole remained.

The commanders try to take action but Jason stops them. Satan stares at Boru and Emia, Boru had woken up by the time satan used his attack.'So this is the reason Mikel talled me to kill him',Boru thought

'Is that the brat's siblings , why are they so weak. They disgust me' , satan thought

Boru's hands were shaking but he still charged at satan.'Why do you try fighting me regardless of being so weak?',satan asked as he dodged Boru's attacks.

'I fight to get strong inofe to protect those I want to protect and destroy those I want to destroy ',Boru said.

Satan extended his hand and grabbed one of the keys which was in the demon,he placed it in his sille(13/50) . He then proceeded to touch his jaw thinking of what Boru said.

'I see....mhhh...I don't get it',he said.

Boru sighed.Satan touched his heart making it have a red glow. 'Let's make things exciting as you can see my heart is glowing in less than five minutes it will explode. The depth of the explosion depends on how much pain Mikel has felt according to his memories.

If you want to stop the explosion you need to kill me along with this boy. Don't worry I won't attack you I'll just dodge you're attacks using 0.1% of my power. Boru looked annoyed. 'I guess I have to go all out ',Boru thought. Boru was blessed with the elemental power of wind and was cursed by the powere of summoning demons that are below his level. He also has Beelzebub one of the seven demons.

Boru summoned his angelic wings and blew wind against satan,he staped back a little and that was the edge he needed as he used a feather and summoned his wolf that nearly bit his arm of. They both started to attack him.

'Faster, show me more of you're powere',satan said as he dodged Boru's attacks. Boru had one feather below him which he changed into an electric eel that that bit and electrocuted his lower body. Boru charged at satan hoping to destroy his heart but he grabbed his hand and punched Boru through multiple buildings as he said,

'You're boring me so I'll retaliate, I'm not even using 1%of my current powere anyway'

Boru's wings disappeared. 'If I don't go all out now I'll die',he thought.

'60 seconds left!',satan said

'Why save people that will later forget you, people who cry about their families being left behind as if you don't have one. why save people who might turn on you someday the same people who might be you're worst anemy . Is it for justice, what I view as justice is....'

Boru used his feathers that were scattered on the ground to create elusions of himself to pass by satan and grabbed his heart and squished it. Satan smiled,

'The weak are puppet and the strong are the puppet masters'


Note:Boru ,Mikel and Emia are 14 years old.chap uploads will decrease. Sorry guys if this chap is not detailed (lack of grama) or is a little bit fast passed
