
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Although Boru destroyed Satan's heart the explosion still happened, because satan shifted his heart away from the left lung to the right lung. All participants ran as fast as they could but some of them were to slow or to injured, so the explosion wiped them out without a trace.

Before it could cover a wide range it suddenly shrunk and went back into Satan's body . 'You used my own magic against me Michael ',satan said.

Jason stood from his seat as his purple eyes glowed. As he took one step forward he suddenly appeared infront of satan. His purple mana overflowed with rage.' I don't go by that name hear Lucifer',he said.

The sky began to change intoo a red colour, and the ground began to shake. 'You're still his puppet aren't you brother',Lucifer said. Jason gave satan an insane punch to the chest which only the commanders saw, as the participants only felt the grinding sound course through their blood.

'First of all don't call me brother and secondly never mansion the name of my Lord ever!', Jason shouted.

I smiled as I fell on Jason's shoulder. 'Thankyou',I said. I woke up to the smell of hospital disinfect . I could only hear the sound of the vital signs monitor and my own breath from the non - rebreather mask. I slowly opened my blurry eyes and gazed upon my sister who was sleeping on my lap and asked.

'Am I in the hospital?'

She woke up startled and fell of her chair. 'Mikel you're awake',she said.' How long was I out?',I asked . 'Three days',she replied. 'Where's Jason?',I asked as I remembered everything that had happened. 'His in a mission he said I should inform him when you wake up.

'I think it's just me because I see Jason standing on the sealing reading a light novel ',I said.

'Jason you've been hear the entire time!',Emia said baffled.

'I concealed my presence and read all the volumes of class room of the elite under you're nose',Jason said while descending from the sealing.

'Can you give us some privacy while I tell Mikel his entrance exam result?', Jason asked.

Emia left the room. I took of the non - rebreather mask and set up right eagerly waiting for the results. Jason handed me an anvelop , I opened it only to find out that I had failed. 'No agency chose me after everything I did ',I thought.

'Oh I forgot therse something called politics ', I said with a smile as I remembered everything I had done after turning intoo satan.

Jason handed me another envelope and said.'There are seven demons each of them have their own army ranked from:demon Lord , dark Knight and normal demons. The demon you were fighting was a dark Knight which was near to impossible for you to defeat, but you still gave him a fatal wound. That was pretty cool kid, if you want to join my age-'

'Of course I do ',I said while tears flowed down my eyes .

Emia who was leaning against the door smiled and walked away. Jason threw the hood he was wearing on my lap and said 'I'll pick you up in a couple of hours'.

The black hood had angel wings at it back and a name that said "Angel Heroes".'That's a really lame name ',I thought. I suddenly felt a glimpse of mana under my pillow. When I turned it over I found a small note.

I opened the door to the terrace to find Boru sitting on a chair watching birds at the hospital garden. I took a chair and joined him.' Sorry fo-'

'Save the apologies for Emia '

'About the boys story.....'

'I empathised with him a lot. I killed mom because she talled me so and I also realise why, I wish I could have done the same thing to my step mother since her eyes were crying out to me saying "please kill me", so I also envy the boy'

After a while Boru said ,'we are weak aren't we brother'.I bowled my head and screamed as loud as I could, Boru slightly laughed and joined me.

'I'll become stronger and protect everyone!', I shouted scaring away the birds.

'No I will I'm taller than you!',he argued

'We will see about that , the person who makes the most people smile wins',I said

'Deal!',he said as we fistbumped each other.

A man wearing a dark hood went in a 5 star hotel accompanied by man wearing a kimono.' Why do we have to come hear for lunch?',the man wearing a kimono asked.They entered the world- class restaurant and made their order.

'Out of fifty what are the chances of me deafiting Lucifer?',the man wearing a hood asked.

'You still think you can beat satan huh flauros',the man wearing a kimono said.

'Answer me Mamon!',Flauros shouted.

'Well I did know him for a long time so I'd say sixteen',he replied.

'And the chosen hero?',he asked again

'Well I bearly know him so I can't say',he replied.

'Lucifer lost against him countless times, if I can defeat the chosen hero in a duel then I can defeat Lucifer',he said.

'Hears you're order sir',the waiter said.

When the waiter looked at flauros she saw that he had three eyes and she dropped the food tray in horror. Flauros grabbed the waiter's arm with his beast like hand and accidentally crushed her hand.

She screamed in agony, Flauros opened his mouth and consumed the waiter. The waiters and customers ran as fast as they could . 'You see now you scared our pray away',Mamon said.

'I like humans when they are horrified ',he replied as he clicked his fingers burning all the humans. After consuming the humans they went out of the hotel and burnt it as they walked . A car came infront of them and they went in and flauros said,

'I'm coming for you Michael '