
Light over Darkness

A long time ago a universe was over taken by demons . A young woman gave birth to a heroe who overthrow the demons . The demon king was defeated , but there were rumours saying that in one century it shall return . The hero gave his powers to every human being giving them the power to fight of the evil with training , until the return of the Demon King

Oluhle_Simelane · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Entrance exam

(1k views special )

'Mikel wake up you're already late for the entrance exam ' ,my master said

'Give me Twenty more minutes ',I moaned

'You're already 2 hours late!' ,my master shouted for the first time

I jumped out of my bed , got ready and said my farewells to my master. I jumped over the mountain and landed on my wolf. He quickly ran down the mountain, I said My farewells an ran the rest of the way.

When I reached the entrance exam introductory room everyone looked at me like some lost kid. I saw my siblings but they looked like they were avoiding me. I tried to blend in with the crowd to hide my embarrassment.

All the leaders of the the ten agencies were precent with their assistant except for the king of heroes himself. A man who introduced himself as James started talking about the rules.

'Greetings everyone my name is James the current leader of the strongest agency, the stone avengical.The rules are simply, you will be sent intoo a small town which is being overtaken by demons. When you kill a demon you gain five point, once you gain 100 points you get tallaported out.Anything that happens there won't be interfered unless 100 citizens have died',James said

When we got tallaported I went looking for my siblings when a demon suddenly attacked me from behind. Boru and Emia popped up behind me and killed the demon .

'You would have been dead by now' Boru said

'As if' ,I replied

'Let's team up guys?',Emia asked

'Thought you'd never ask' , we both said

We started killing demons as much as we could,we arrived at a certain part of the town were we found injured participants at the brink of death.Emia rushed to heal one of them.

Boru saw a half turned mother hugging her son. He went towards the mother and slew her without hesitation, the child cried as he saw his mother's head flying away. He charged angrily at Boru but he simply gave him a brutal beating until he fell unconscious.

'You over did it' ,I said

'A child leaved with his family in a nation were only the strongest were respected. His father had little or no mana at all , but his mother still married the father and thus they were neglected. The son killed his mother in broad day light and was banished from the nation , his father also left but did not go with the child. The child lived in the street without food,shelter or a family'

'He would often regret killing his mother and sometimes get furious at his father for neglecting him. He survived by stealing from people,and latter made a gang of his own. Now Mikel I ask you what would you have done' , Boru said

'To be hone-' ,I was cut of by the man who Emia was healing

'Don't kill me!',he screamed

'Calm down what happened',Emia asked

'A demon,he was strong. He killed ar least 100 of of us. He turned a young girl intoo a demon and made her kill his family living only a turned mother and her son as a form of entertainment ' ,the man said while shivering.

'Emia can you sense him?' ,Boru asked

'His 3 miles north",she said

'I get first dibs',I said

'As if',he replied

We played a game of Rock,paper scissors and I won.'You're all weak ',the demon said

He was about to impail one of the participants ,but I grabbed his hand before he did. He looked at me and I suddenly let go of his hand and stepped back.

'What was that ',I thought

'You're different ',he said with a smirk

'I've got only one move with this guy, his dark mana is all over the place . I can't predict how he'll attack,but.....',I thought as I grabbed my katana

'Come at me!',he shouted

I sprinted at him with all the speed I had at my disposal, but just as I was about to behead him I suddenly felt his punch sink deep intoo my gut. Veins popped out of my eyes,I could see my own blood flowing in the air and I crashed through twelve buildings.

'I guess I was wrong' the demon said

'Are you going to fight me or are you going to keep standing there',the demon asked Boru

'Boru disappeared and suddenly tallaported behind him and tried to punch him, but he effortlessly caught his punch and slammed him on the ground continuously. He threw him at the air and presided to walk, he suddenly tallaported mid air as Boru fell and gave him a brutal kick on his chest.

Boru tried to breath but to no avail. The demon walked away disappointed. He stopped and smiled as he felt Boru and Mikels presence behind him.

'What took you so long to heal',Boru asked

'I could ask you the same thing,I said

Emia punched the both of us as she said 'stop being reckless and work together, I placed markings on you're bodies so I'll be able to heal you so as long as you're not more than one kilometre away'.

'You heared the lady' ,Boru said

'Let's do this brother ' ,I said with a smirk

'Yeah',he said as we fist bumped each other

'Bro, if I go berserk can you kill me'

'No problem '

'What we know and heard about is that he has a lot of mana,he heals very fast ,his mana covers a 100 kilometre raidas. He can tallaport any how at that space ' ,I said

'So we need to push beyond our limits ',we both said

'Fools' , the demon said as he fired a blast

We bearly dodged it. He flew up in the sky and made a huge energy ball, just the size of the mountain I climed. 'You've got to be kidd-',I struck Boro with the back of my katana.

I threw him at Emia ,'Sorry for being selfish'i said

'Why don't you run , you know you'll die so why don't you run like the rest of them !',the demon said

'Mhhhaammhahaaa....run....death...hahaha ,I laugh at the face of death' , I said

'And for that I give you my respect ',the demon said as he threw the blast

I raised my katana and sliced the blast. 'Not only did you slice the blast but you also kept it from covering a wide range , to bad youre dead but as an honour of respecting you I won't kill your friends' the demon said

'Were are you going I'm not finished yet' I said as I cutted the demons arm.


