

About a life where teenage make lots of fun and mistake, and they try to solve there all problem in adulthood ............

_ASTS_ · Fantasy
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Today is menak's birthday. Zoume, leja, annu, lubae, kaja and rebu come menak's home for his birthday ceremony. Zoume and her friend are decorating home as a birthday surprise. Zoume's friend and menak's friend brought some gift for menak. since the morning they are decorating this house. Menak go to grandmother house with his parents ( from mother side) because of his birthday. So he don't know about zoume's plan....

Zoume's mother make very special food menu for menak's birthday. As her cooking is good so she is thinking everybody will like her cook. Menak's some relatives also take a part in this ceremony. In the evening menak come to home and he become surprises. Everyone is wishing his birthday and wishing him a better life....

Now menak is cutting the cake and everybody is wishing his birthday. After cutting cake zoume and their friend is giving gift what they brought for him before. Menak is feeling good because of this present. Now everybody is eating cake and taking there dinner. It's dinner time and today's menu is very special. Everyone is enjoying their dinner. Everything is perfect and also delicious. Everyone is appreciate zoume's mother.....

After there dinner zoume and menak's friend is gather together and they are talking about there self. They are singing song and taking snacks. They go to the roof top because today's weather is so beautiful. There have lots of star and a bright moon in the sky. Weather is so good so wind is blowing so smoothly. Cloud is also passing slowly. To nights sky view is looking so good. So they are enjoying. Menak can sing song. His voice is good and his talents is nice. So his friend request him for play a song.So he start singing. His friend and zoume is melodies with him. However they are making fun together.....

Now they are talking about their study as they are enjoying this moment so they want to discuss about their future plan. Menak and his friend will go to high-school after this year. There prelimenary school graduation will complete in this year so they have to choice high-school. Menak will stay in this city and he will go to the nearest school which one is staying beside his house. If he stay here then he can take care of his little sister. Menak's friend also said that they will stay here and they will go to same school. Actually it's good when you can go to a better school and which is stand near at house.

Ohh....! they can meet together again. They are happy to think that. The true things is menak's friend don't want to go another school also. They want to do study together. As they are good friend so they want to do so many things together....

Also as they love to play ice hockey so they want a ice hockey club also. And in this school there have ice hockey club and ice dance club also. So menak and zoume can study together with out any problem. After preliminary school graduation zoume also will admit in this school. So menak's will not have to do any tension...

After finish their talking they come back to room. As it's night so menak's and zoume's friend will stay here tonight. They take permission from their parents and they are preparing for sleep. They are so much tired today as they did lots of work. Every girl is sleeping one room with zoume and the another room boys are sleeping with menak.....

In the morning they wake-up and fresh themself. They are taking their breakfast after finish it they have to go to school. Menak have to study well because his preliminary final examination is coming near at hand. He will do heard work for make a better result....


After one year.....

(The year's of 2004).....

Menak finish his preliminary graduation and he inter high-school what he decided before. Menak's friend kaja and rebu also enter same school.....

Today is high-school first class. So every old high-school students come today. Also as this ceremony is for new students who admitted this year so they come today and their parents also allowed for today's occasion. So zoume also come to watch this occasion. They decorates very well in their school. In this occasion teachers will give the old students in their school's high-school graduations certificate. So this ceremony will be so much enjoyable. Zoume, menak and his friend is enjoying this ceremony....

After some day menak admitted into ice hockey club with his 2 friend. Now he have to make new friend here and he have to play with them. As a new place he is trying to make new friend. Without friend life is like a boring things. Also menak like to stay with more friend. Withing someday menak make lots of friend. Also he is so good in ice hockey so he become popular in their school. He is really enjoying his high-school life.....

As a high-school student menak want a gift from his family. Menak's family think about his gift before. They said to menak they will go to a family picnic. Hearing this menak is so happy. He really want to go some beautiful place. Now his family is planning about family picnic. As they didn't make any family gathering for a long time so this decision will be good decision for everyone. Now they are thinking where they can go. Everyone is telling their opinion. After some time they decide they will go to a beach. Menak also love ocean so he is agree with this decision. They will go there in the vacation....


Before the vacation come they are listing what they will take with them. Also they are packing their dress. Today zoume and menak's family is going for family picnic. Zoume, menak, grandparents, Zoume's parents and menak's parents are going to a beautiful place after a long time. They rent a car and now it's a late night before the day come. They start their journey in the night so that they can see the sunrise from the beach. It's really interesting. It's not so far from their city where they are leaving. So they arrive there after some hour. They are enjoying the sunrise and the beauty of the nature. Birds are singing and catching fish. There have so many flamingo. They are really beautiful. Now

zoume and menak's father is catching fish and sea food and. They are enjoying it with others. It's a beautiful feeling to catch fish in the ocean.

Zoume and menak's mother is cooking this sea food. They are also enjoying this moment. Zoume and menak's grandparents are watching them. They are so old so they can't go with them. But when they watch them they think about their youth....

When they was younger this time they lived in village. In front of their village there had a big river. In the time of rain they went there and catch lots of fish. They did many fun in their younger age. When they think about it they feel so good. In this moment they are also feeling good. Their past is so beautiful and thinking about it is more beautiful....

Zoume and menak is playing beside the Ocean. They are enjoying a lot. Today's weather is good but the wind is blowing so fast. As a Ocean side it's a normal view. There have no chance for a bad weather. But wind is so strong. Zoume is running here and there and menak is looking foreword her....


In the same day eunjo and suje's family also plan for a picnic. They also go to an ocean side place. Actually when people find a nice day and a vacation they make family gathering. So this two family also go for a vacation. They arrive here in the morning. They are enjoying this place also. Eunjo's mother take lots of food with her. They will stay here tonight. So they take so many things with them.....

Eunjo and suje is playing with sand. They are making something with sand. Suje is enjoying to play with sand. But for eunjo he want to stay along and enjoy the beauty of nature. So he is walking along and enjoying the beautiful view. He is looking the fishing boats. The ocean's waves. He is collecting the seashell. He is also collecting the different and good looking stone. He like to collect them. As he is walking alone so he go so far from his family. But he know the road and he can remember it very well. Eunjo's father and uncle is catching fish and sea food with other people. They are doing competition with each other. They really like it. It's making them refresh from their every day's busy life. They do hard work in everyday so they are going to forget what is real life. They are going to forget their happy life. Eunjo's brother also attain with his father. He also like to catch fish. He is enjoying it also with everyone. To watching eunjo and suje also their father their mother's is also enjoying. They are cooking sea food. They all are enjoying today vary much...


Zoume and menak's is making something with sand. Zoume is finding clams. She will make a clam garland. Zoume is busy with collecting clams. So suddenly she glide and fall into the waves but she didn't notice it before. Menak is also busy with his sand design. Suddenly a strong waves is come to zoume and take her under the water. She don't know how to swim. Also she is scare. She is screaming so loud. But nobody is notice her. Everybody is busy with their work. At this moment a unknown boy is passing this way. He notice someone is screaming but where he can't mark it. He look carefully and find a girl fall down under the water. If she stay here for sometime she will sink into this water. So he have to do something in this moment. This boy don't think any and jump to the water for save her. He catch zoume and swimming quickly with her to go to the beach...

After some time menak notice that zoume is not here so he is calling her. But she is not replying. So he is trying to find her and he notice someone is screaming. He follow this screaming and see zoume fall down under the water and someone is trying to save her. In this moment zoume's parents come to this place and save both. Actually zoume didn't notice there have a little hole which is join with ocean. Now zoume and unknown boy come to the shore. Zoume is so lucky because this unknown boy save her life. Zoume's parents bless him for his work. Zoume also thanked him for saving her life. Zoume is so much scared. After that zoume's mother call this boy and say change his dress he is wet from everywhere. But he reject their proposal and said sorry to them. He will go to his camp and then he will change his dress there. After that he is leaving from there. Again zoume's family thanked him...

At this moment another unknown person come to this place for finding his brother. He saw his brother wet badly but he didn't see everything what was happen. But he see someone is blessing him for something. So he asked the boy what's wrong with him and what he did....? This boy also said " nothing special, he just fall down when he was collecting seashell but after that he come back ". His brother know that this unknown boy know how to swim. So his brother is tensions free and not forcing him to say what actually he was doing. But he know this boy is not telling the truth. Because he know very well his brother is very careful and he don't make mistake easily. But in this moment he is not forcing his brother. Unknown boy's brother take him(boy) with him and going to their camp. Zoume wet badly and scared so much so her mother take her to their camp. She have to change her dress otherwise she will fall in ill. So they go to camp and she is changing her dress....

Menak was seared a lot for zoume when he saw her in the water. Zoume don't know how to swim that's why menak was also scared. He is blaming him-self for not taking care of zoume. Menak always take a good care of zoume and everyone also know that how careful menak is for zoume. But it's an accident and it's not menak's fault. But he is thinking if he stay with zoume today then she never fall into the water. Menak also know that zoume's mother believe menak and if menak stay with zoume then zoume will be fine. But what he did today....? He is asking him-self...

Eunjo come to his camp after a long time and come out after a some time. Suje is waiting for eunjo. Suje asked eunjo where he was and why he wasn't play with suje....? Suddenly where he go without telling her....? Eunjo tell suje that " i like to stay along and that's why i go for watch so many beautiful place. Today's weather is so good and i experience about new things also. You like to play so i don't want to disturb you..."...

After that eunjo go to his mother and asked for food. His mother asked him... " are you taking good care of suje...? You need to be more careful for her as she is a little child. But suje tell me you wasn't with her. Where did you go without telling suje...? Don't you know it's dangerous to stay alone...? If you fall into the water then who will save you...?"..... ..

After listening his mother's talking he is thinking about something that he did before. He also know it's dangerous for little child. He apologise to his mother. Also said he will take a good care of his little sister.....

Now eunjo's father, uncle and brother come with lot of sea food. Eunjo's father is conversing with eunjo's mother. Eunjo's mother and eunjo's aunt is cooking food. Eunjo's mother asking eunjo and wang that how mach they did fun today. Wang said he did well and he really enjoy to catch fish. He want to come here again. Eunjo also said he got strange experience today. After listening him they are asking eunjo what he did...? But he is quite now and say nothing. Eunjo's parents know him very well so they are not forcing him. But suje is keep asking eunjo where he went when they was playing. Eunjo is still quite. Anyways eunjo's brother saw something so he manage it. They are hungry so they are taking their meal. Today they will eat sea food which is catch by them. It's really good to enjoy this moment. Eunjo's grandparents is so happy to see them. Eunjo's grandfather is now telling them his story of his youth. His grandfather's father was a farmer and they lived in the village. His family was rich this time also. They had so many crop land and they produce so many crop. After that they come to city and start a new busyness. Eunjo's grandfather start this business and now it's popular. They are listening his talking. They are also curious about their past.....

In zoume's family everybody is so hungry now, they didn't eat any in the noon because of this incident. It's afternoon now they are hungry and they have to eat now. Zoume and menak's father were catching sea food at noon. Now there mother is cooking them and they brought some food from home also. So they are eating this food. Zoume's mother is giving them food for eating and she is also eating. They are so happy to come here as they face a problem but it's a life where have sorrows and also joys. So they have to adapt their life with daily activity....

In the evening eunjo, suje and eunjo's brother wang is setting off fireworks and their parents is making barbeque with meat and sea food. Eunjo's brother is singing song and suje is melodying with wang. Eunjo is watching fireworks and it's looking beautiful in the clear sky. Just not they but also so many people is making fireworks today. Ohh...! What a beautiful view it is. Eunjo is thinking about his work what he did before. He never though he will do this. But he is happy with his did and also scared. They have to leave this place now. They will stay here so they are going back to hotel. Eunjo's parents and suje's parents take different room. Eunjo and his brother take one room. Eunjo is now taking shower. When he come out wang again asked him what really happen this time...? Eunjo is thinking he should tell him actually what was happen this time.....

On the other side in the evening zoume and menak's parents is making fire with wood and zoume and menak is setting off fireworks. It's looking beautiful when it's a clear sky. They make barbecue with fish and meat. They are singing and dancing also taking photo. They are playing games. Today they are so happy because they come to a family picnic after a long time. But time flies so fast and now it's time to go back to home. Tomorrow they have to do work so they are packing everything. Now they go back to car and leaving this place. Zoume and menak is so tired so they fall in sleep. Zoume's mother is thinking about zoume. She is thinking she need to be more careful for her child....

Suddenly menak wakeup and he is looking at zoume and thinking about this accident. He don't want to think about this incident again. It is really scary. He will be more careful for his little sister. Now he fall in sleep again...

In the morning they come back home. And they are taking rest. They have to go to work today. After sometime they will go to their work.....