

About a life where teenage make lots of fun and mistake, and they try to solve there all problem in adulthood ............

_ASTS_ · Fantasy
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CHAPTER --5 CHILDHOOD PART -4:- We have to win........


Today is menak's high-school first day and he is going with his friend. Menak go to his school with his bicycle. Menak make some new friend in his school. His new friends are....( leja, musa, safu).... Musa and safu live in front of the menak's house. So they go to school together also menak's old friend kaja and rebu join with him. They all are really helpful for each others. Leja live in the opposite detraction from menak's and others house. So she meet with them in the middle of the road. Musa and safu join to the ice hockey club so they can enjoy a lot of time together. Leja is practicing new way of ice dance. She can dunce quite good. Menak always talk with her about zoume. Menak want to watch zoume and leja's dance together. But menak enjoy zoume's dance always........


Suje admitted in to preliminary school. She enterthis school where eunjo is studying now. Suje and eunjo go to school together but they don't live together. Suje's house is not far from eunjo's house. So they can go together. Today suje's first day of her school. She is so happy today. Eunjo and his friend is enjoying their lunch. Suje also join with them. Suje make some friend ( muna, alfa, repa) and she come with them for lunch. They are talking with eunjo and eating their lunch. Eunjo is popular in his school for his work. So suje's friend have no problem with eunjo. But eunjo don't like to talk more with others without his close friend. So eunjo is not enjoying it. But he can't do anything because suje is his little sister. So he just tolerate her without making any problem. Eunjo's friend can understand eunjo so they are trying to stop them. But it's not eazy. Any ways they are taking there lunch. Recently eunjo is learning swimming and he is practicing it very well. Suje have interest about piano so she admitted into a piano club. She know her brother also attained here so she can play piano with his brother...


Zoume's brother menak is now high-school boy so his school is different from zoume's school. Now zoume go to school with her friend without her brother. But when menak come back home from school he pic zoume up and come together home. Menak is really a good brother. Menak's friend kaja and rebu always make fun with zoume and menak. He say that " you two are looking like a childhood sweetheart "  and they smail a lot after saying that. Menak try to stop them but it's hard to stop them. Zoume also don't  like it but as they are friend there have no option to stop them. So menak and zoume tolerate them. Zoume is so happy that she have a big brother like menak. Zoume always feel happy because not just menak is good to her but also menak's all friend like her so much. They pass a long time to do fun. When they come back home together sometime they go to her father's restaurant and eat everyone delicious food. Zoume's parents also like them......


One the other hand suje always make trouble for eunjo. Eunjo want peace but for suje now he can't stay calm. When suje became free she come to eunjo and start gossiping. But when suje wasn't here eunjo always went to library and he read his book, but now he can't do that. As his character he always stay cool and don't talk more and he dislike disturbing. But suje don't know that and she like to stay with eunjo. So eunjo try to avoide suje sometime. Suje's friend also disturbed eunjo. But as a little sister eunjo can't say anything to her. Suje always share eunjo's life style with others. Also she tell that eunjo don't talk with her more. When he go home he just lock him into a room and he like to stay home. Everyday suje go their home for eunjo to play with him but he don't play with her and suje feel sad. Suje is telling this type of topics with everyone. Suje always tell everything that she know about eunjo. Eunjo really dislike it but he also think that as a little child like suje they can make this type of mistake. So he just warn suje and say.... "don't say anything about me with anyone..... " But as like suje she really enjoy it. So for suje eunjo is now facing so much trouble. He don't like this things who make fun about him......


After two year.....

(The year's of 2006).....

Now suje develop her pianos tune and she also can play piano with beautiful tune. Everyday suje practice piano with eunjo that's why now her piano's tune is also beautiful. In their school eunjo and suje is now best Pianist. In this year there have a competition about playing piano. But in this year their competitors will be another school's students. Now there will be 10 school which will be attain this competition. This time from eunjo's school teacher select eunjo and suje because this year they have to perform together. This year's rules is they have to perform piano with their one partner and in their school eunjo and suje is best for playing piano. So eunjo have to play piano with suje. Suje is feeling good because she always want to play piano together with eunjo and this moments come. Eunjo and suje is practicing so hard for this competition they have to win this time.....


In the same year zoume also have a ice dance competition. So she is also practicing hard. This year zoume have to competed with another school's students. As zoume is good in ice dance so teacher's also expect that zoume will give them a win this year.....

This year eunjo's school's some students also participant in ice dance competition. So eunjo's school's students also have permeation to attain this ceremony.....


Today is piano competition and for this competition teachers choose a beautiful place where they will play. Teacher's make a campaign in to the park. So that after competition they can enjoy the beautiful view. Today suje is so excited because she will perform with eunjo this time. Her dream is coming true. Eunjo is also excited for today's competition. Now teacher's are calling candidate one by one and they are performing well. For eunjo it's first time he is performing suje and also it's his first time competed with another school's students. But as a cool boy he is ok. He have no problem with them.....

Now it's suje and eunjo's turn.They can't lose because they practice so hard. And now they have to perform well. Now eunjo and suje take their sit and start playing piano together. They are doing well. With this beautiful view this piano's tune is listening so well. Everyone is enjoying this eunjo's and suje's parents also come here today for cheered them up. They finish their playing and there have more time for the winner announcement. As they have more time so they are enjoying the beauty of nature. Eunjo's brother is busy today in his school so he couldn't come today. Now eunjo is passing his time with his friend but suddenly suje come to eunjo and she want to stay with him. So eunjo can't help him-self from her but he can avoid her. So he is preparing for swimming with his friend. By this idea is good for eunjo. Now suje can't follow him. Now eunjo and his friend is enjoying their swimming....

Now it's noon time and they are hungry and they go for eat. Afternoon their piano competition's result will be publishe. So they are preparing for their result. Now it's time for finding the winner. 3rd winner is find by teacher now the 2nd winner's announce time. 2nd winner is also find by them. Now the first winner's announcements time. Teacher call the first winner but where is eunjo and suje's name....?

They are heart broken now they practice a lot but they couldn't make... Ahhh..... it's painful...

But in a sudden the author call another name and they said this year they make a couple of first winner because both group did well this year. Then 2nd first positions name is eunjo and suje.

They didn't thank that they also make it they are so happy. Specially suje is vary happy now. Now they are taking their prize. Eunjo is happy also because he want to win this time....

After taking their prize they come back to their parents and their parents congress them. It's almost evening and they have to go back everyone is very much tired. Now they are going back to home. The next day eunjo and suje go to their school and everyone is congress them for their did. They was really cool when they perform piano. So eunjo's friend (fuja, fumu and layla) is offering eunjo and suje for lunch....


After piano competition now it's time to ice dance competition. After some day the ice dance competition also come. Zoume practice hard for in this day. She is so good in ice dance. Before when she attain ice dance competition this time there was his brother but now he is not here. But menak promise het he will come to see her performance and he will cheered her up. Today is ice dance competition and zoume is competitors from her school. For today's competition they find a place where will every school's students will be gathere. Zoume also go with her parents since menak promise her that he will come so menak also come today for watching her performance. As eunjo's school's students attain this performance so eunjo and suje also come to this competition. Now this competition is start and teacher's are calling candidate's name one by one. Now eunjo's school's performer are performing. They are doing well. Ice dance is a beautiful dance and always enjoyable dance also. Now it's zoume's time. Zoume is doing well. Her performance is really good. Eunjo is enjoying their dance. Suddenly eunjo see a girl and he is thinking about something. He is thinking about past. He can't forget it easily. This day was very special for him. And that day was related with this girl and he can realize it very well. But that girl was so weak so eunjo don't know is she will know him now or not. Eunjo is so happy to see her again. Because of her eunjo got a new experience that day. But eunjo don't know her name. And he will not ask her what's her name because he is a shy boy also as cool as he. But this girl can dance and she is dancing well. Eunjo really liking her dance. Suje is calling him again and again because she can't stay still and she like to talk with another person. If it is eunjo then she can talk all the day with him. Eunjo is avoiding her calling because he is watching this girl's dance. She finish her dance with her group. Now they are leaving. Menak is cheering for her and zoume is looking to menak. Eunjo also see a boy that he knew before. Suje is asking eunjo " what's wrong with him...? What he is looking for...? ".....But eunjo didn't say any word..... " Because nobody was knew this things except his big brother. Because this day his brother saw him wet and he was avoid eunjo thos time but after they came back home wang asked eunjo what was happened thos time and eunjo told him the truth. Wang support eunjo for his work..... " So eunjo is just watching this girl.... Now another performer are performing....

Now zoume come to menak and set down with her group. Menak is talking with zoume about her dance and eunjo is watching dance and this girl also....

All the participants finish their performance and now it's time to giving prize to the winner. Now teacher's are calling the name of winner. They call the 3rd winner's name and they come to take their prize. Zoume did well but she don't know is she make it or not. Now teacher's call 2nd winner's name and they also come to take their prize. Everyone is clapping for their did. Now zoume is really feeling nerves and menak is talking with zoume so that she can't feel bad of she can't got the first prize. Today eunjo also thinking for this girl because he want to see her to be win. Her dance was really good for enjoying. Now teacher's are calling the 1st winner's name and they call zoume's name. Zoume can't believe that she got the first position. Menak is feeling good also for her. Eunjo is happy for this girl because this girl also got the prize. And now eunjo also know her name. When teacher's call their name this time eunjo notice her and find her name. Now zoume's group is taking their prize and everyone is clapping hands for their win....

Now zoume and menak are coming out with their parents. Eunjo is watching this girl for the last time because he don't know when he can see her again. Now eunjo and suje also leaving this place with their school team. Their school's performer got 2nd place in this competition. So they are happy but they thought that they will make first place this year but they couldn't. But eunjo is happy for this girl who got first place. But also sad he can't see her again....

It's almost evening and they decide they will eat resturant tonight. So they go to zoume's parents restaurant for eat. They are enjoying their food and talking about today's performance. Zoume's parents make special food for zoume. Menak is so happy for zoume and it's a good time to introduce leja with zoume. Menak's all friend come today to watch zoume's performance. Kaja and rebu know her very well and his new friend also know about zoume. Menak always talk about zoume with his friend so everyone know about zoume. Zoume don't know them very well but she saw safu and musa before. Their house is behind of zoume's house. But she didn't see leja before. Her house is opposite directions from them. So menak invite her today to watch zoume's dance. Leja saw her dance and she say that..... " zoume you are really good in dance. You are younger then me but you can dance better then me. Will you come to our school after finish your graduation....? ". Then menak answer leja.... " obviously she will come. We decide it before and also it's a good school. So many students come here from other city to do study well. Zoume also like this school. Isn't it zoume.....?" Then zoume reply to menak.... " yes my brother. It's a nice school and also this play ground is also beautiful. I like it very much.... " Now menak tell to leja.... " leja when zoume will come to our school you and zoume will dance together. We want to see who can do better. I don't want to insult anyone but want to see both of you as a competitor....... " Leja and zoume is laughing and telling there have no problem to do dance. As we love to do dance so we will do it. Now they are enjoying the night and also the delicious food........


Eunjo and suje go their home after watching the competition. Suje is feeling bad because her school's students lost with another students. She though that they will win in ice dance also as like they win in piano competition. Also suje is thinking about eunjo. She saw him that he was watching another side and also trying to find anyone. But suje didn't notice that who was this person. She also asked eunjo what he was searching but as usual eunjo didn't answer suje. So she is feeling sad also for eunjo's behaviour........

Eunjo go back to his house and his mother asked him for take dinner with them. So eunjo go home and fresh him-self and come out for take his dinner. Now his brother asked him..... " how was this day. Do you enjoy today...? " Eunjo answer his brother..." we enjoy today but we lost the first winner prize. So everyone of ice dance players in our school are so sad.... " Then eunjo's mother is telling eunjo it's ok they can make it to the next year. But eunjo is thinking another things. He is not sad today for today's competition but he is really happy. He though that he can't see her again in his life. But he really want to see her again. Because of her he took a high risk in past time. He got lots of bless from another. Also he have no idea that how happy he is now. He finish his eating with thinking about her. Now he is going to his room and he is tired also so he go to bed for sleeping. But he lay down and also thinking about her. He is thinking is he can see her again or not....? He is so tired so he fall in sleep...

Menak and zoume also their friend finish their food and now they have to go home. Leja's home is in opposite directions so she have to go home separately. But it's a late night and not good for staying alone in outside. Also it's a duty for menak to send her home because menak invite her. Now menak and kaja go with leja to send her to home. Zoume is waiting into restaurant for menak and kaja. Her parents is doing their work. Zoume is so tired so she fall in sleep into this restaurant. Zoume's mother notice that but don't want ro disturb her. After some time menak come back and see zoume is sleeping. So zoume's mother call zoume and send her with menak to their home. When they arrived home menak's mother congress her for her win. After that she also thanks menak's mother and go to her bed and fall in sleep again. Menak also go his room and go to bed early.......