

About a life where teenage make lots of fun and mistake, and they try to solve there all problem in adulthood ............

_ASTS_ · Fantasy
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Eunjo's friend fuja is really good to eunjo. He stay with eunjo and study together. Eunjo and fuja are good on study. Eunjo have 2 more good friend they are fumu and layla. Fumu and fuja's father is also businessmen. Layla's father is a doctor. Fumu's father have garments business and fuja's father have also hotel business. Also fuja's father and eunjo's father is good friend. And they wish their child will be good friend also. Eunjo and fuja is really good for each other. They always stay together and do good work together also. Eunjo and his all friend are really good to each others. As they are so rich but they have no vanity. They help them who need help. As they are good for everyone so everybody also love them.....


Today is fuja's birthday. So he invite all of his friend and suje also.As suje is eunjo's little sister so he invites her also. Fuja's all friend brought lots of candy and brought gift also. Now it's time to cut the cake. Fuja is cutter cake and everybody is wishing his birthday. Now they are eating cake and eating different type of food. After some time fuja's parents request fuja to play piano as he is good in piano. Fuja request eunjo also for playing piano. As they are good friend and also it's fuja's birthday so eunjo can't avoid him. So he go to fuja and start playing piano together. They are really good in piano and everybody is enjoying their their piano's tune. After some time they finish their playing and everybody clapped for their playing. Now they are going outside for watching the beautiful view as today's weather is so beautiful. Now they go outside and buy a lot of food, candy, and ice-cream. Eunjo don't like to eat junk food but he like to eat ice-cream. After brought food they go to roof top. They are enjoying the beautiful view of the night. It's a really so much beautiful night with a bright moon and lots of star. Clear sky and cloud is moving slowly also wind is moving slowly. They are enjoying the view and eating their food. Suje and layla is singing song and fuja and fumu ia melodies with them. Eunjo is really enjoying this night. After some time they come back to home because they have to go back to home. Now fuja's father pick eunjo, suje, layla and fumu to send them to their home. He is sending them to their home. They really enjoy a lot today....


The same year when eunjo attain piano competition this year zoume attend to the ice dance competition and her cousin attend to the ice hockey competition. Zoume's friend leja, annu and lubae are also attend this performance.  They are good to zoume. As they are studying in preliminary school so all the teacher organised this competition. In preliminary school children learn so many things with lots of fun and joy. As a child they have to learn so many things and they will do what they really want to do. This types of competition is also a part of study. By this type of competition they can learn what they really want. Every children should attain this type of competition obviously what they like. Zoume's ice dance is performing by group. So zoume and her friend make one group for dance. There have 5 group who will perform today. 

Teacher call the first group..... In every group there have 4 member.

[1] Group  1

They are dancing well. There have 4 member...

Now teacher call the second group.....

[2] Group  2

They come to the stage and performing well. They have also 4 member.

Now teacher call third group.....

[3] Group  3

This group is Zoume's group. Zoume and her all friend come to the stage and performing well. Everyone is enjoying their performing.

Now teacher call forth group....

[4] Group  4

They come to the stage and performing.....

Now teacher call today's last group. Group five...

[5] Group  5

They come and perform well...

Everyone did well today in ice dance...

In the same day they organised ice hockey competition. As they are not a lot of students so they can manage this in one day. But ice hockey competition start after a long break. Zoume finish her competition before the noon and menak's competition start at the noon time. After finish competition zoume come to see her brother. She is wishing her brother for his good luck. Menak is little nervous. He know he will play well because he practice a lot. But today's opposite team is also powerful. He need to be careful. His coach also believe that he will do well as he is good in ice hockey.

Now it's time to start ice hockey's performance. Menak and his team go to the ice hockey ground and opposite team player's also go to the ground. It's performing with another school's students. As menak never play before with them so he will play very carefully.....

Menak and his teams prepared well. Menak's friend kaja and rebu is so good in ice hockey.

Now they are ready for playing. The opposite teams is also vary strong. For the win menak's team have to play vary carefully. Now they start playing.....

First 20 minute is start.....

Menak is captain of his team so he and his opposite team player's captain start playing...

Oh... opposite team got puck and they are running fast. They are passing puck one person to another. They are passing from menak's side. Ohh..  menak got the puck and he is now controlling the puck...  They are near at the goalpost and menak pass the puck to kaja and kaja make one point.... Now first 10 minutes is finish.  They start again. Now again opposite teams take puck first. Menak is chasing after them they are near at the goalpost and they make one point.....

They do draw and first 20 minute is done. Now they will play for another 20 minute. Zoume come to watch menak's performance. She like to watch ice hockey.....

Second 20 minute is start....

Menak and opposite captain stand carefully in the middle. Now menak got the puck and running faster,  when he is passing his puck he lost it because opposite team take it and they are chasing after puck. They make another point. Now they have 2 point. They start again and chasing after one person to another and they are trying to make another point. " both team ". But another 20 minute is over....  It's a hard time for menak and his team. They have to make another point for draw and 2 point for win. So they have to play carefully..

Third 20 minute is start now.....

Menak and opposite captain take their position. 

This time again opposite team got the puck.They are chasing after puck. Menak and his team is also chasing after opposite team. Opposite team is going after goalpost.  If they make this goal then menak's team will lose today's game. Zoume is feeling bad for menak. Zoume want to see menak's win because menak is good in ice hockey and she like to see menak happy. Menak took the ball to his side just as they were about to score. And he is running with puck and he make one point.  Now they have 2 point as like as opposite team. Now they again start playing. And this time menak took this puck first and chasing after it.  Menak pass the puck to kaja and kaja pass the puck to rebu but rebu miss it and it take opposite team. Now there have not more time left. Now two minute left they have to make another point. They can't make but they are trying hard. Now just one minute left and rebu got the puck rebu pass it to menak and menak pass it to another player and he pass it to rebu again and this time rebu got this puck and make one point. Yehhh..... they win this game. They are so happy today for their win. Zoume is happy also for menak. Menak's team and opposite team is now shaking their hand with each other. Two team did well today.....

Now they are waiting for their prize. In this time they all are feeling so hungry. As they were so tensed today for their competition so they didn't eat their meal. They have enough time for eating their meal. Now menak, zoume and their friend go to canteen and taking some food for eating. They did their best so they are happy. Menak take food first and he take chicken leg piece but there have one piece of chicken. As menak take this piece so there have no piece for another. Zoume like to eat chicken leg piece but today there have no piece for her. So she just take another food and their friend also. They sit together and start eating. Menak know that zoume like to eat chicken so he just give her his piece and his ever friend is looking at menak for his did. But menak have no care about other's thought because he know better how much he have care for his sister. They are eating their food and talking about their self.....

Now it's time to find the winner of ice dance. Ice hockey players and Ice dance players come together for taking prize. Teacher call the first name of group who got first prize. The first winner is group four members. Everyone is clapping for their work. They come to the stage and took their prize. Zoume think she didn't do well. So she is feeling bad. Now menak is also thinking about zoume. Menak want to see zoume happy and he know if she win today she will be so happy. After a moment they announces group three which is in the second position. Zoume is feeling good now because she prepared very well for this day. Menak also happy for zoume. Now they are taking their prize.....

Now teacher call ice hockey players for taking their prize. Menak and his team member is going  to stage for taking their prize. Now ice hockey players and ice dance players are taking photo together.....

They are so tired today because they did hard work for today and they perform well also. Now they need some rest. So zoume and menak come back home together and they are so tired and they go for sleep....

The next day menak and zoume go to school with their friend ( leja, annu, lubae,  kaja and rebu ) this time their school's friend are cheering them up for their win. All the school's friend are happy for them. Zoume, menak and their friend are also happy fot their win.....


(The year's of 2003)...

Today eunjo's mother invite eunjo's all friend to their home. Eunjo's mother is a good cook. She can make delicious food and everyone of her home like her hand made food. So she invite eunjo's friend for lunch. As usual they come home and play with eunjo also suje come their home for eunjo. As suje have no brother or sister without wang and eunjo. Wang and eunjo also like her. Eunjo's all friend come home and playing with eunjo and suje. After sometime eunjo's mother call them for lunch. They go for their lunch. When they start eating eunjo's mother is telling them..... " we can go somewhere in the vacation. I think you will like this idea and also i am thinking you all are feeling bore of your daily life. We need a fresh mind. So i think we can go anywhere which will give us a fresh mind....". Suje, eunjo and his friend overwhelmed with joy. Actually they also want to go to a beautiful place.

Suje, eunjo and his friend is planning they will go to amusement park. Amusement park is so much beautiful and interesting also. It is attractive and enjoyable for the children and younger also. But they are confused where they will go...? They are searching a good park where they didn't go before. After some time they find a park which is not so far from their area. They decide they will go there in this vacation. Now they are eating.....

After some day their day come which one they decided before. Eunjo's mother and his older brother will go with them as their guardians. In the morning eunjo's mother go to fuja, fumu and layla's house for pick them up with eunjo, suje and wang. Now they are going to amusement park. In the road they are doing fun and enjoying this moment. They are so excided also. Suje is very excited to go to the park. After some time they come to the amusement park. They are so happy to see this. Now they are interning with joy. They are enjoying the environment. Eunjo, suje and their friend is enjoying this park. They are raiding different types of raider. Suje want to go merry go round. Suje and layla go to merry go round...

Now it's time to eat something. Also it's lunch time. So they go to a resturant for eating which is stand into this park. They are enjoying their lunch. After lunch they will go for another raids. After finish their eating they are taking rest for sometime. They are eating ice-cream and cotton candy. In the afternoon they are enjoying the beauty of nature and also the beauty of well decorations. The colourful light make the view beautiful. It's evening now and it's the good time for raiding a sky wheel. Wang, eunjo, suje and his friend is waiting for sky wheel. Now it's their turn. They enter 3 different coach. Eunjo and suje enter together. It's going to high and it's making a beautiful view. As it's evening so here and there are lots of colourful light. When sky wheel go up suje and eunjo look down and around they see so many colourful light and a different view. It's really good to see down from sky wheel. Suje tell eunjo they will come here again when they will be older enough. Eunjo don't know what he have to say naw.....! He answer suje as a little sister they can come here again if they want. Now they come down. Eunjo's mother now saying them they have to go home now. But before they go back to home they will go to resturant for dinner. Now they are going to a resturant. They order so many delicious food and they start eating. Everyone is happy today as they come to a park today. Also everyone is feeling so tired. Now they finish their eating and they go to car. Eunjo's mother will send eunjo's friend to their home. Eunjo's friend is doing fun in the car. They are so much energetic but eunjo is feeling tired so he fall in sleep. Suje is also doing fun with them. Now eunjo's mother firstly send layla and second is fumu and the last one is fuja. As they all go to home back and also eunjo is sleeping so suje is feeling boring. After sometime she fall in sleep. Suje and eunjo is sleeping so eunjo's mother don't want to call suje. So she take suje with her and go to their house. In the eunjo's room there have two single bed for sleeping. Eunjo's mother take suje to eunjo's room and prepared another bed for her to sleep there. Now eunjo and suje is sleeping in a room but different bed. It's normal because they make another bed for suje as eunjo's mother like her so much....

In the morning eunjo wake up first and see suje in his room. He know well it's his mother's work but eunjo really dislike this. But eunjo's mother don't want to listen eunjo's talk. Eunjo don't like it but he like suje as a little sister so he let her sleep here. It's almost eunjo's school time so he have to prepare for his school.....


One the other side...

Menak and zoume invite kaja, rebu, leja, annu and  lubae their house for dinner. Zoume is talking with them about menak's birthday. They are planning for tomorrow's party. Zoume buy a T-shirt for menak and she will give it tomorrow to menak. Zoume invite her friend and menak's friend tomorrow for menak's birthday party. Now zoume, menak and their friend are taking their dinner. After dinner zoume will plan with them for tomorrow's party....

Today zoume's and menak's mother make special dinner for them as they are friend of zoume and menak. Also menak and zoume's mother like them. They are really good and they always help each others and stay together also never quarrel. As zoume's mother have a restaurant and she cook here also so he can make delicious food. Zoume's and menak's friend also like her hand-made food. They make rice, fish, chicken, vegetables and soft drinks. They are enjoying today together.....

Menak is so tired today because he had a lot of work today so he go for sleep. Recently menak is studying so heard because he will graduate in preliminary school recently. It's a good time to make a plan for tomorrow. They will give him a surprise. So they are planning now. After finish planing they are now leaving from zoume's house to their house. It's already night so menak's mother also go with them. They are growing to older but not enough. As it's night so they need more care. Menak's mother will send them to their home. Their house is not so far from menak's house. So they can go back to home by walking. They will come tomorrow to menak's house. So they are so excided for today...