
Life of a Novice Writer

For 365 days I will talk about random things I may or may not be able to tell people in real life. As a beginner in writing, I will tell stories about my life, while hoping to improve my writing skills. Can't guarantee it will be everyday due to the author's mentality.

V0VIE · Urban
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38 Chs

Day 7 "Some Talk"

There has been a lot going on.

I was even planning on not continuing this little project I made because I was discouraged.

I tried to delete this. And I couldn't figure out how...and a part of me says I should give it another go before I truly figure out how to delete these all.

Then I somewhat figured it out. Deleting chapters. But then I thought 'I'm too lazy to do the process another time'. So I chose to continue.

So yeah.

This project will continue.

Still not much progress with writing novels....haaaaaaaa.....

And I stopped doing the no 'i' in sentences.

I'll try to catch up to the days. To make up for missed time. So there could be no updates in a day at all. Or more than one if I feel like it.

I've been concerned about the content you know. Since I'm not the most social person...

So I don't know. I'm trying to fill up my goal of at least 500 words after day 1. And maybe make it longer on day whatever. So 500 words. I'm trying to think of what to talk about to make it reach 500 words.

I was thinking maybe I should make a mini mini project? Like I'll talk about it here and I'll make an actual novel. Still no idea what. But we'll think about it as we go.

Maybe I'll make myself a question & answer chapter for fun. Maybe I'll talk about a specific anime for a chapter? I have thought about it.

Also, didn't expect someone would actually read this 365 thing project lol.

Maybe it was just a misclick or something I don't know. But if it was on purpose, I guess that means it's something.

And thank you for reading this!

Whoever you may be.


I don't like bugs.

I'm sorry for those who do! I just can't help but think about the bad bacteria and all that and just flee.

If I see a cockroach fly...

95% chance I will scream.

Kinda happy it's 300 something words now...


I forgot why my favorite color was my favorite color.

And uhhh....

The tiles look lovely.

I'm think of what else to say okay?🤣

I've actually considered counting the crystals on a chandelier. I've actually counted some candles maybe.....

Couldn't help myself and got some juice. Was planning on getting some after this but yeah. It's taking awhile to think about stuff that I can type that doesn't sound too weird.....

Yay! It's in the 400's!




I want to talk about cheese!


Did you get it? 😉


Should I make a chapter talking about their sketches? St*dio C? Ooooooo.

I don't know. I'll think about it.

I might forgot.


It's something for sure.

Was planning on making a chapter talking about musical anime. I may or may notbhave mentioned it...

Especially with Op*s Colors? Amazing!

I haven't seen.....Ca*ole and Tuesday was it? I've seen Pyotr though. Fun guy!

Great! 500 something!

Until the next chapter then!

If I feel like it this time, sorry~
