
Life of a Novice Writer

For 365 days I will talk about random things I may or may not be able to tell people in real life. As a beginner in writing, I will tell stories about my life, while hoping to improve my writing skills. Can't guarantee it will be everyday due to the author's mentality.

V0VIE · Urban
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38 Chs

Day 5 "Cooking Videos"

Was watching cooking videos and they're so entertaining that this went over my head. We're way past the publishing time! Oh my gosh.

So this chapter is more rushed than the previous ones. And more of an impromptu topic. Let's just calm down and talk about cooking videos.

So earlier, we were watching a competition. A cooking competition to be specific. It was amazing! And very funny!

Cooking videos are one of the things that helps me calm down or distract me enough to calm down whenever anxious.

The people in the videos also helps me calm down because of their personality and how they handle each situation that's given to them.

Some cooking videos to watch are the ones that have only one person doing the cooking and you're just entertained by what they made. Or maybe you're entertained during the process and not by the food.

It's funny to watch two human beings interact with each other. Think it was something like this.

"You can decide what shape you want—"




"Wow. No hesitation at all. Dicks it is."

The fact that the other person just accepted it, is so funny and wholesome.

Especially love the channel where some guys try many different things. The try guys are amazing.

Love their channel and it's one of the channels that helps me with anxiety. Which is great!

The convo is also from one of their videos. Check it out for more accuracy with the context and everything!

There's tons of other videos that are amazing too. We just watch them if it interests us or not.

The recipes are great as well. Could learn a thing or two from them. Which we already might have.

As the days go by, been thinking about how to make these more interesting while staying true to our goals. Still no proper solution where it's sure to work. For now, let's keep going.

And keep talking about cooking videos.

You know, maybe ext time we should talk about drama and all that tea. Maybe eating watermelons hahahaha.


So about food. Everyone has different tastes in food. And we watch videos for many reasons. One of them is to look at food.


Would like to try mukbang. But we'll stop there cause we are broke.

Mukbangs are amazing to watch. Some immediately went to the eating part while others show the viewers the process of preparing their food.

Very delicious!

Was daydreaming for a bit but we're back!

Cooking videos has helped me not only with my anxiety but also with cooking itself.

Still haven't gotten over my fear of oil but we managed to follow a recipe and it turned out edible! And very delicious. Surprisingly since it was me who made it.

Not that it's a bad thing. We've made plenty of dishes before. Just not very often.

Anyway, cooking videos are wonderful and watch them as you cook along! If you have the skills, you'll be fine! If you don't, just be extra careful and who knows?

We've messed up before. Let's learn from those and move on with trauma from oil. Or maybe that's just me.

Until next chapter!
