
Life of a Novice Writer

For 365 days I will talk about random things I may or may not be able to tell people in real life. As a beginner in writing, I will tell stories about my life, while hoping to improve my writing skills. Can't guarantee it will be everyday due to the author's mentality.

V0VIE · Urban
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38 Chs

Day 30 "Made another Q&A for Fun"

Overthinking again.

It sucks.

So we are trying to think of a topic for this chapter. Maybe it'll help.

Dunno. What topic would be nice to talk about? Another q&a? Or just some random stuff?

Let's try some q&a.

1. Do you have OC's?

Yup! A few. We don't remember most of their names though hahahaha.

2. Why did you make your own OC's?

It seems fun. And it is. Although it can get frustrating. It is different for each person. And for me, one of the frustrations is coming up with a suitable name. Once we've overcome that and some other obstacles we either let it be or use it for roleplay.

3. How often do you roleplay? And are you good at it?

Not often. And we would like to say we are decent. But we still have a lot to learn. And some advertisements for roleplays are too intimidating for me. So we barely engage in it. We used to do it a lot. Now, not so much.

4. How did you discover roleplay?

We used to make up some characters and write on paper some dialogues along with other classmates. Turns out that was roleplay. And it was fun!

5. Who's your go-to when role-playing?

Naturally if we have the option to use our own oc's then we'll use our own. If not, then maybe someone easy to roleplay. Or someone we're interested in role-playing.

6. Are you interested in making your own story?

Yes. We have a lot of drafts already. Except that we often get discouraged. So it keeps getting scrapped. Though some ideas still stayed. So it's something.

7. What about your mini projects?

Ah. Right. We are putting those on hold unfortunately. Most of them.

8. Will you make a new story soon? Maybe a novel?

That would be nice. We have new drafts actually. We're still hesitant about it 'cause it's not something we've done before. We've put it aside and we'll look at it again some other time. Maybe.

9. What's the genre?

Romance. Mainly that. We are still working on which pairs are gonna end up together. The main couple is decided though. There's more. Like the world building, backstories, the plot, etc. There's a lot we haven't finalized. So some genre's may be added or the main genre could change.

10. What's your favorite novel?

Wow. It's not easy to decide. We've read a lot of novels. And we like a lot of them too. So we may have favorites. But no favorite.

11. Do you research everyday and every hour you are able to to finish your new novel?

No. Nope. Nada. Nu-uh. We are lazy. And more often than not our time is occupied by us overthinking and trying to calm ourselves. Even while washing the dishes we overthink. While trying to read. Even taking a bath. Even buying outside! So no. Not every chance we get we take it to help finish our new novel. It is a shame. However we don't think it's all that. We sometimes get inspiration while having fun. So it doesn't always have to be serious business all the time. It stresses us so much. So in this way, we will fuck up less.

The q&a's this time are okay. Maybe another q&a would be nice. Maybe. Just maybe.

Until next chapter!
