
Life In Extended Twilight (Dropped)

Guy is thrown into Twilight but has no clue how he got there it was no wishes or meeting anyone but how come he still has a power.

KillingSoftly · Movies
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

7) Date!.....

During the car ride to Port Angeles the car was anything but silent, with Cory and Alice belting out singing one trying to out due the other. Jasper and Rosalie could only shake their heads at the antics, Rosalie had a content smile on her face while leaning into his chest.

"So Alice what is the first thing we are going to be doing today?" Cory asked when the song finished, he brushed his hand through Rosalie's hair while he was asking.

"Well I have lots first we are going to go shopping, then we are going to go to lunch, yes that is how long the shopping will take, then we will see a movie before going to get your tattoo. I have already set the appointment at the best place in the town." She said turning around to list things off, she got Jasper to drive so she could turn around whenever she wanted. Plus she drove like a crazy person.

"Well seems like you really have planned the whole day." Cory smiled when he felt Rosalie drawing circles on his chest.

It took and hour and a half but they finally made it to Port Angeles the first thing they did was head to the mall, Rosalie and him got dropped off at the front while they parked. Standing there waiting Cory was having hard time not killing every guy who was walking past since they stood there for a moment staring at her lewdly before going inside.

Rosalie saw his expression and giggled, "Don't worry tough guy they can't touch, they can only stare. I am all yours." She wrapped her arms around his neck and got on her tip-toes giving him a peck on the lips.

"Yeah well I wish I could gouge out their eyes so they can't stare either," He leaned his forehead down on hers, "So your all mine huh? Does that make you my girlfriend?" he teased.

"Of course, you were my boyfriend the moment you kissed me." She huffed but her eyes were shinning now that they finally made it official.

"Yay!" They heard Alice squeal as she walked up with Jasper who looked like he was in pain, though it would probably be worse when they spent these hours shopping, "I'm glad you two finally got that settled, now lets go shopping!" She grabbed Rosalie's hand and walked away, Jasper and him gave wry smiles before following.

Cory hand no problem with it, his favorite past time was shopping, being poor in his past life he didn't hold back on his spending. Luckily this word didn't have everything his did making it easier for him to sell it all and make money, now he was a shop acholic if he wasn't in the dungeon.

Soon they reached a branded clothes place, Jasper was dragged to the side by Alice who grinned at him viciously but judging from how similar all his clothes were it was easy to tell why. Rosalie had a bright smile as she brought Cory over to another section, it was full of dresses nodding his head he followed along.

"Well then Rosie Bear, it's time to see if you can be a good model." He smiled sitting in the waiting area of a private changing area, Alice had a VIP card for the store.

She smiled and went out to grab some dresses, twenty minutes later she came back with about ten on each arm. After throwing him a wink she went behind the curtain getting dressed, though it was pointless since she didn't close it and he could she her stripping for him.

While she gave him a flirty wink she shimmied out of her pants, he groaned and rubbed his hands down his face trying to not get a hard on form the sight. He heard her chuckled from the other side and couldn't help but laugh along, she was a big tease and she knew it.

"Okay, how do I look?" She asked seemingly done getting dressed.

Cory looked up and his jaw dropped seeing her current attire, it was an off the shoulder dress that showed a lot of chest. The dress showed off all of her curves it gave her body the perfect S shape and he was close to drooling, she giggled walking up and closing his mouth. "Might want to close that before you flood this place with your drool."

"We are buying this for you," He stopped and frowned before nodding, "Yup we are buying it but no one else can see you in it but me." he nodded like he just came up with the best idea, he was going to tear it off of her destroying it anyway.

Rosalie giggled and went to change into another one, five dresses later and they were all in the buy pile there was no leave. "Okay well it just seems like you are going to say yes to anything that I wear so we should switch it up to having getting you dress for me now."

She grabbed everything and left it with the cashier telling them to hold it before bringing him to the men's section, Jasper and Alice were already there. Alice waved at them before giving Jasper more clothes to try on, Rosalie waved back before dragging Cory to another section.

The next three hours he had tried on over a hundred different styles one even making him look like Austin Powers, he almost threw up seeing himself in the mirror. After buying them all they put it into the trunk of the car before splitting up, it might be a double date but they were still just going to spend time alone couples only before meeting up.

Rosalie and Cory walked away with a picnic basket, Esme had made them some lasagna and a salad for lunch though it was really for him. They made it to a park where she set down a blanket and he set out the food for them, it smelled delicious.

"So Rosie Bear, tell me something about yourself know one else know." He said looking at her while pouring them both something to drink, he was going to talk to her about secrets sometime this week. It would be the week Edward was back and him and Bella were going to be having their back and forth, it was a good time for him to come out too.

"Well where should I start really... My life has been interesting if nothing else, it has had its ups and downs but to tell you something else no one else knows would be kind of hard. Though my life has been..... interesting I have spent it a lot around my family so I haven't branched out to do anything new. Though I have rebuilt plenty of cars and redecorated the house plenty of times." She said trying to think of anything to tell him, "What about you anything I should know?"

"Umm.. well I have been training in sword fighting though it has been just me learning on my own I have gotten pretty go at it, if I say so myself." he said thinking of the only thing he hadn't told anyone from that part of his life, well he couldn't just tell anyone but this was part of it.

"Really? Why did you learn to do that?" she looked really curious about why he would learn it.

"No reason really, it was just something I thought of doing. I tired learning different fighting styles but that wasn't fun enough so I switched it up to learning to work with a weapon."

"Oh cool. Well then maybe you can teach me sometime, though I might look beautiful and feminine I can hold my own against others." She flexed an arm showing her slender arm that might look weak but he knew how much strength she was packing behind that innocent look.

Cory pulled her into his chest and the two of them sat in the park just watching people doing random things, the two just enjoyed the peace of each other. They had a little make out session before stopping since it was getting more and more heated, there were kids so it wouldn't be appropriate.

After leaving they met back up with Alice and Jasper and went to the movies, Jasper was looking pained until they got closer to them then he relaxed. The guy really loved Alice to walk around all these humans and not attack any of them with him still trying to be a new vegetarian.

They all agreed on a scary movie that half way through they knew it was a waste of time it had half assed jump scares and terrible acting. Cory yawned and almost fell asleep luckily Rosalie was also tired of it and started assaulting him with her lips, that woke him up and made Alice giggle.

After leaving the movie they were all quick to walk down the street where the tattoo parlor was, it was called 'Summer's Tattoo's' the best one in Port Angeles. Going inside Alice walked over and told the receptionist about the appointment then they led him to the back Rosalie following along holding his hand.

Alice wanted to come too but was told only one other person could so it was just him and her, inside was Summer herself with tattoos all over her body and dyed blue and green hair. "Well sit there and show me what you want." she said giving him a smile and setting up her tattoo gun.

Cory brought out the drawing Alice did for him she was the only other person besides him who has seen it, not even Rosalie has seen it. "Here you go." he took off his shirt and point next to his rib cage under his right arm, "I want it right here and as big as it is there."

The picture was of his sword that he used in his dungeon runs, it even looked like it had light reflecting off of it showing a little rainbow on it. The only difference was the hilt which instead of being leather bound with a skull on the bottom it was a rose with the stem going up connecting it to the sword.

Alice didn't ask why he wanted it but gave him that under it was an inscription from something of his past life, something his uncle who was like a father to him always said. 'Off Your Ass And On Your Feet!' T.C, his brother and him always talked about getting it but he never got the chance and while it may be a new life he still wanted to honor him in some way.

Rosalie watched the entire time but she was putting off hostile vibes from another woman touching him, the entire time she had a scowl glaring at Summer. Cory chuckled but he couldn't move or she would mess up, "What's wrong Rosie Bear?" he asked making her look back over at him.

"You know what is wrong!" she growled but looked at him with tender eyes, it was funny to see and he had to stop himself from laughing out loud to not move to much. "Distract me!" she said seeing that he was going to laugh at him.

"Alright then let me start with I'm sure we are going to have a fun this week," Seeing her raise an eyebrow he smiled, "Bella has been distracted thinking of Edward I'm sure she is already smitten with him." he explained.

She smiled, "Really? That guy is so socially awkward that this will be a disaster when the two talk. She isn't much better either." Though it was not her favorite topic of conversation she was distracted from another woman touching what she knew was hers.

Three hours later they were done with her putting on cream before letting him put his shirt back on, Rosalie let out a breath she was holding. After paying for it they went out to an excited Alice who quickly rolled up his shirt to see it, if she wasn't so in love with Jasper it would be hard for people to see that he was with Rosalie.

They called it a night after that going straight to the car and leaving, Rosalie leaned on Cory the whole way back it was quieter this time since they were just relaxing. The three of them thought that Cory was tired but he didn't even lose an ounce of energy since he did harder stuff than this.

When they got back to his house although reluctant Rosalie let him go inside not before she made out with him against the side of the house for a good thirty minutes. Pulling away to go inside he saw his mom put the curtain back in place trying to hide that she wasn't just watching them, they both caught her though so that didn't work.