
Life In Extended Twilight (Dropped)

Guy is thrown into Twilight but has no clue how he got there it was no wishes or meeting anyone but how come he still has a power.

KillingSoftly · Movies
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30 Chs

20) Visitor and Healing Harry!....

After Harry left that day, the family got an interesting visitor that they didn't expect, and if it wasn't for Cory the person would have died. After Harry had left one Sirius Black tried to break in, Nissy caught him and his parents seeing who it was tried to kill him for his past dealings.

They all stood around the stunned man who was looking between them all, Cory laughed seeing the look on his face, "You really should have knocked on the front door if my parents didn't trust me so much they would have killed you." because he was stunned his eyes couldn't get wide.

"Why shouldn't we you still haven't explained that?" Rosalie said after learning the story.

"You know Sirius if you keep looking at my girlfriend with lustful eyes you can die." Cory said with a not so friendly smile, the man had forethought to stop his lustful thoughts and looks. "To answer your question girlfriend it is because he didn't kill the Potters. They only reason the world doesn't know this yet is because Dumbledore is dragging his feet and hasn't told anyone along with the real person getting away again."

His parents were stunned before his moms eyes watered a little looking at him, "Is that true?" Cory smile and nodded, he knew that his mom was actually close to the Potter family from being cousins but they hadn't told Harry since it would be luring him in.

"Nissy go ahead and un-jinx him." Cory said while walking away with Rosalie they still needed to put Artemis to bed for the night.

----Rachel Chase POV

They watched as the man who once looked great stand up and brush off his dirty coat while combing his messy hair, "Great kid you have there thanks to him I am still alive here. Question though, how did he know I was innocent like he said Dumbledore has been dragging his feet."

"Who knows that kid probably has the power of a seer, I'm sure he is one but he hasn't spoken to us about it. Enough of that though, what do you need Sirius?" She asked walking to the living room with her husband.

"Ahh nothing much I haven't been able to raise young Harry but I've been close by, when I saw someone invite him over I thought about seeing who it was to make sure he was okay. Turns out it was unneeded seeing as there are two pure-bloods who actually supported his family here to meet him." He said looking around the house.

"I'm sure," Richard drawled rolling his eyes and picking back up the eBook he was reading.

"Well forget that, why haven't you gone to your cousin Andy to get treatment yet?" She asked looking at him, the guy looked close to death and he looked like he hasn't eaten anything proper in months.

"Ah well seeing as everyone thinks I am still a criminal it is hard to get your family to trust you in these matters. Doesn't help much either that Dumbledore isn't doing anything to help me out but send some food every now and then." He answered with a sigh, "So what was Harry here for?"

"Well other than being family? I want to treat him for everything wrong with him and also break that damn blood ritual Dumbledore did to him, no clue what that old goat is thinking." Shaking her head she took a drink of the hazelnut coffee that Nissy brought to her.

"I see, mind treating me while you are at it?" he asked sheepishly.

She rolled her eyes at him, "Of course I can, also since my son has cleared you then you can use our spare room, Harry will hopefully becoming over and I know that his parents would have wanted you in his life."

Sirius grinned, "Thanks for that doll, still the sweetest woman I know."

"You should flirt with unmarried woman Mr. Black or I can try the castration spell I have been working on." Richard said sending him a feral grin, Rachel swooned a little hearing him she got turned on when he got all alpha male like that.

"Haha, so where is this room again?" Sirius asked feeling the magic rolling off of Richard, they weren't the closest people in school plus he was a year ahead of him so he didn't know the man that well.

"Nope, shower then I am fixing you up. James and Lily would be turning in their graves if they knew this was how their old friend was doing." She said then called Nissy to take him off to Shower.

An hour later he came down and she already had the potions she made ready for him, Sirius went pale but she shut him down, "Calm down you baby. I enhanced these so they don't have that awful taste I'm not a torture like those others who didn't have the forethought to make these taste better. Cory has been drinking these since he was a kid."

It was true she was the only one to notice him coming out with scratches and cuts, that was before he got to use the inventory function. She had been spiking his drinks with it, Cory didn't notice and thought that it was just his physique at work.

She had Sirius lie down and then she knocked him out before she started to look over his body, he had some mental damage from what she got from the first look over. After she got further down his body she saw some broken bones that had places that didn't heal right, other than that is was just malnourishment.

Him and Harry were almost the same with Harry actually having people who could have helped him but just let everything stay the same. To get the work done she had to rebreak bones and heal them from scratch, if he was awake his screams would have woken the whole house. It was a good thing she had him in coma state.

She continued by shoveling potions down his throat, Richard sat to the side with a smile loving that the man was getting tortured that is what he deserved for flirting with her. After she finished with everything she woke him up, she couldn't do anything for his mind because that would take time to heal not even magic could help it.

Sirius woke up feeling refreshed then he stretched out, "That feels great!" he said with a smile it was like he was ten years younger, it helped that he did look younger thanks to the treatment.

"Well it will take some daily potions to get your body back to 100% but for now you will need to stick to a healthy diet along with some therapy or mind arts repairing." She said back to him while thinking of some other things she might need for both his and Harry's treatments. "Well that is it for tonight at least, Nissy will bring you something to eat and you will get your next dose of potions in the morning."

Sirius nodded but she didn't see it Richard guided her to their room for the night shooting Sirius one last glare before they disappeared upstairs.

---------Three Days Later! Third Person POV (they have all been third person really)

Cory was reading some theory on Charms book, their appointment with Gringotts being pushed back until this Saturday because his mom was busy helping Sirius. While in the middle of it the doorbell rang and Artemis looked at him with hopeful eyes making him chuckle, "Go ahead." he followed along as she ran to the door excitedly.

Sirius laughed from the other couch, he was fond of the little girl to and since he had nothing else to do but sit around he spent a lot of time playing with her, hence them having a tea party currently. Artemis opened the door and standing there was a nervous Harry, "Hello Harry, what can we do for you today?" she asked with a cute smile.

Cory laughed but her words made Harry calm down and smile, "Well I was wondering if your Dad or someone else is here?"

"What's up Harry?" Cory asked showing himself.

"Ahh Cory.... Well I was wondering if your mom's offer was still on the table?" he asked looking nervous.

"Yeah sure come in there is someone who you would want to see anyway." Cory said picking up Artemis and walking back into the living room. Harry froze but also tried to hold in his laugh seeing Sirius sitting there with a plastic pink tea cup in his hand.

"Hey Pup, we were wondering when you would be coming by." Sirius said trying to cover up his current embarrassment he quickly learned while no one in the house could say no to her.

"Hey Sirius! What are you doing here?" He asked excitedly after coming out of his surprise.

"Well Cory's mom Rachel was actually a good friend of your mom. After learning they were here I came by to get some healing done by her, they offered to let me stay so I will be here for awhile." He said setting down the cup but Artemis walked back over with her hands on her waist.

"What are you doing big Pup we aren't done with our tea party." her tone was bossy but it was to cute to ignore.

Harry paused hearing his reply, not only was his Godfather here and trusted them even Rachel was friends with his mom why shouldn't he be here. He was hoping now that he could also learn some things about his parents since it seemed like no one wanted to talk about them to him like it was some secret.

Cory who left while they were talking came back with his mom behind him, she had a sweet smile as she talked to Harry, "I heard that you wanted to take me up on that offer?"

"Yes, and if it isn't to much to ask can you tell me more about my mom?" he asked shyly.

Sirius saw his interaction with her and decided to get the kid some more confidence in himself, while also teaching him about his parents. The two went into the living room where she already had everything ready it was where she treated Sirius too she saw no reason to change the place.

Harry went through the same thing Sirius did with the man in question watching on in silent rage hearing what his Godson had gone through in the hands on the muggles. Rachel got to the blood wards and asked Sirius what he wanted done, "What are they doing to him exactly?"

"Well some are caging his magic because currently it should be way more than what is currently being let out. While it also has a tracing charm inside, something someone is using to track him at all times." she said with a small frown, they weren't hurtful but they were restricting him some.

"Remove them, I don't know how he got Basilisk venom in himself but he needs to grow stronger if he is running into problems that involve them." he said his face a scowl.

Rachel nodded and got to work she didn't take more than an hour before it was all removed, under their eyes they saw changes happen in Harry. With his magic in full use his body repaired more, his hair going more midnight black but silky smooth, when his eyes opened they were a deeper shade of green like his mothers.

Harry reacted like Sirius did and felt so much better, his mind also felt clearer when he was going to thank her he saw her frowning, "What is wrong?"

"Well," she stopped looking at Artemis, Cory got the message and sent her into the kitchen with Rosalie, "When I was going through your mind for damages I found something that I found disturbing, I wasn't clear what it was until I probed it and it nearly made me throw up."

"What is it?" Sirius and Harry asked at the same time.

"A Horcrux." Cory answered for her surprising them but she knew that he knew something so she wasn't surprised.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!" Sirius shouted.

Harry looked confused but knew it was bad seeing their faces, Rachel decided to give him answers, "A Horcrux is something that is evil within evil. It is a soul fragment that is made from the darkest ways, someone young and pure has to die in order for it to be made. I just can't....." She stopped reaching a conclusion, Sirius understood without her even having to finish the sentence.

"Voldyshorts." he said realizing what she was thinking and unlike others he wasn't afraid to say the name especially in their house, he was living with monsters stronger than him.

"Correct," Cory said he knew his mom saw him as a seer so he didn't really hide anything from her, "It was the night he went after the Potters, Lily must have done something to protect Harry which rebounded the spell killing him but making Harry into a Horcrux."

"Is there anything you can do?" Harry asked scared at the thought of Voldemort's soul being inside him in any way.

"Well it will take some time to look it over and find out how to destroy it but we could get it done before the next school year, hopefully it is in the family vaults." Rachel said thinking it over, their families were so ancient that they should have something to help out with this.

"I can also go look at my families library there should be something there." Sirius said being serious for once.

They all agreed and Cory went into the kitchen with Rosalie and Artemis who was currently looking like a giant mess. He chuckled and went behind a flour covered Rosalie hugging her, "What are you two girls up to in here? Hopefully making something good."

"Yeah we started with making you a cheese cake but it slowly turned into a 'who can make the best cookies war'." Rosalie said kissing his cheek and laughing at Artemis who was frowning from tasting her cookie batter. The rest of the afternoon the did multiple things, while Harry stayed over and hung out with the adults in the living room learning more about his parents.

He is going to be helping with all that is Harry Training.....

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