
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


I woke up the next day feeling sour my mood yesterday's encounter replayed in my memories how I thought I would meet the kind and perverted Odin, and maybe have a good chat I was in even planning to asked him advise on how to treat women.

But I got this shit Odin thinking his Almighty

Now you may think maybe my words or actions prove otherwise but I did asked passage to Asgard I didn't just ask Ophis to teleport us there that would be rude and give the wrong impression.

Hah fuck man now you may also be wondering how powerful am I now well I would be the same level as Ophis.....

Now you may thinking I am to Op but no I lack battle experience I have been fighting or sparing with Ophis and she took Staff Wielding she copied everything i do to perfection that includes Karate,jiu-jitsu, and other fighting styles I remember I watch or train on before as a hubby.

Plus even if I'm Op I am not the strongest I know this so I train using {Time Magic} to extend time around me while I do my usual morning exercise to get me back to my good mood.

I made some breakfast for me and Ophis when she woke up an we just sat in silence eating. After I finished my food and Ophis we headed to were I feel the presence of 5 Valkyries? I think yeah 5 Armour and ready

"We have been order by the Allfather to escort you two Asgard and to be your guards" one of the Valkyrie said to me and Ophis. I just gave them a nod and we walk to the entrance I believe.

I heard one of them say some words and a rainbow drop down on us pulling us to Asgard.

Now as soon as we arrive I was let's just say it's beautiful the famous rainbow Bridge I read about and watch in movies can't do justice to this beauty.

As we walked the rainbow Bridge I saw the city? Of Asgard gold everywhere some flying boats? So confusing man but it does bring is beauty our escort show us around the places I wish to visit.

The area of the famous Dwarves blacksmith saw many enchanted weapons some spears,swords,knifes,shields, and other weapons such as a naginata which I find odd since they originally from Japan but hey their Dwarves what right do I have to tell them what not to craft.

I did see some gems and some necklaces and other things females would love.

But I will make my own ill gift one to Ophis when I get better making them I didn't want to gift her a shit necklace or ring

I wanted it to be special.

I looked at Ophis whose holding my hand while reading her book and using her snakes to flip the pages....yeah I'll gift her something I'll call a masterpiece.

Now back to the tour saw some Elves I believe? Some other supernatural races that I have not gotten contact yet.

I did get some eyes from the fallen and some devils. I believe but I didn't bother with them really I can't them ruin my mood

Now back to the Dwarves I got to taste their famous mead and man the taste Sweet and the taste of the spices was added a punch to it.

I had a drinking contest with all the Dwarves since I asked one to teach me their way of blacksmithing techniques so they challenged me to a drinking contest.

It was merry let me tell you I don't remember how much I drank but I manage to win an got the best Smith to train me BroKkr and Eitri you got it right the ones that made Mjölnir

Thor's hammer the God of thunder.

Didn't even know how that happen but I was happy maybe I'll get in site on what to craft for Ophis.

Now next to my tour was the library well the public library in Asgard since I believe Odin keeps the more dangerous ones somewhere but I didn't mind I just need to some basic to under stand Runes since I would be using it to craft weapons and jewelry for my Ophis or any women I get feelings for.

Now after reading some books it was time to see the Allfather again and I hope his more welcoming because I doubt I wouldn't kill him.

Hah what a pain anyway my escorts head to the palace and I tell you it's huge like why create something big why not practical I saw many rooms not being used here and their

So wasteful any I see the golden door bigger than myself decorated with gemstone some art here and there about Odin,Thor, Loki and some other God's and Goddesses.

As I see the huge ass door open up I guess time to speak to Odin again...
