
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

8.Arriving and meeting God-king Odin

Let me tell you the flight to sweden was just as you expected boring I just slept the entire time while Ophis just read her book but I didn't mind it really but did want to explore so I dragged Ophis with me ToKaskasatjåkka mountain and getting the tent outside my inventory space and some wood to get some campfire getting to warm up.

Now let me tell you I never travel so this is place so this new to me the scenery was beautiful to be honest this is what I want in life adventure to finally get it is a blessing but to spend it with someone is something better.

Heating up sandwiches that pre-made for me Ophis while I just the scenery but I did feel some energy getting near by or should I say approaching me and Ophis but I didn't bother I already put a barrier around the campsite strong enough to stand Ophis full attack for 3 minutes while adding some time and space on it to make it more harder to break and penetrate with normal means.

Now your thinking what I would be doing here well I want to learn Primordial Runes from the Asgurdian, some other useful stuff maybe some blacksmithing techniques and those things along the line.

While I was busy thinking I see at the corner of my eye I see two Valkyries?? I think with the way they dress fully Armour to the teeth, I wave my hand a gab opens up for them I to come closer.

They walk calmly and carefully I can understand them well enough we just camping here a barrier they can't get in so their wary.

The one at the right step up and looked at me ready to draw her sword

"Your trespassing on the territory of the Norse pantheon State you business" she said looking angry? Can't tell really.

"Visiting tell your King Jason Sky and Ophis the Dragon God of infinitely wish Passages to Asgard "replied to her and saw all her expressions fear,anger,and horror kind of funny she looks like she's going to shit herself but the left one was how to say this rude?

"Lies you dare demand passage with your lies!!" The left one said I looked at her like she's the most stupidest being I ever met looking at Ophis

"She doesn't believe me Ophis would you help me?"I asked her she stops reading and look at the left Valkyrie and raised her power to the point Ireland was experiencing earthquakes.

"ODIN GOD-KING GET DOWN HERE NOW BEFORE I ERASE YOU ALL FOR YOUR INSULANCE" she yelled or said? Can't tell but it got the point through

Then I look at the Valkyrie who said those words to me kneeling now she knew I wasn't not lying with the display of power.

I told you all in this world Power makes right

Shiva the God of destruction maybe the 2?3?but no one attacks them even though they have a distort with Indra wanting to fight Shiva and let me tell you Dragons are Place of at the strongest but they have to remember Dragons Gods are always number 1 since Ophis governs Nothingness to so Shiva and his destruction divinity wont work on her to some extent since all shall return to her to Nothingness.

We waited for a bit but soon I saw close to maybe 400 thousand Magic circles of different crest and out came out an army of Valkyries,God's and goddesses man that's a lot they looked ready to murdered well Ophis did threatened them at the center the Allfather Odin wearing a full asgurdain Armour and his infamous spear Gungnir said to never miss its target no matter the opposition skills are.

I just look at him.

"You finally showed up Odin Allfather"i said to him and he just frowns will looking at the two Valkyries that has already fainted I think six minutes ago.

"To be honest they were like that before you came just didn't bother fixing it you know can't have Sexual harassment branded on me"i said while shrugging my shoulders its their fault they fainted if they are weak willed against the strongest they have no right to be in the front line that's just my thoughts really.

"What's your business here you lad"he asked me nicely? Can't tell with his frown or the glowing tip of his spear.

"Like I said to those two I wish Passage to visit Asgard names Jason Sky and this is Ophis I wanted to ask to learn something from your pantheon way of using magic,runes,blacksmithing and culture to be honest" I reply back with shrug and stuffing my mouth with my sandwich waiting

"And what would you offer to get such privilege"he asked me? Can't tell I just looked at him and wave my hand out floated a rainbow stone oozing power beyond measure I remember thinking about letting him revive his wife if he ask for payment

"This is {The Resurrection Stone} able to revive anyone"while i am holding it between my fingers "who has past on to the afterlife God or mortal matters not weither its soul has been destroyed or dissipate it will grant can be used only twice each person" I looked at him while saying it

"Is this enough as payment or shall I saw exchange you can revive anyone twice nothing more and it will return to me after all it is bond to me"i said while he eyes it and that includes the Valkyrie,God's an Goddesses thinking of the possibilities and how to take it way from me.

"And what makes you think i.....no we won't take it from you by force boy?"he said as tip of his spear glow Intensified ready for the kill he doesn't dare on Ophis but me who he can't feel any power maybe that includes the others behind him.

I just look at him and i slowly took away my {Clark Kents glassess} away from my face and soon space Distorted and the time of a clock sounded Gravity crush the others behind while Odin he is having a hard time standing feeling the very world has been put on his shoulders and adding 20 more atop it.

Soon a deathly aura push them even more that some lost the ability to breathe or think and fainted or the others still fighting to stand

Odin looks at me with difficulty fear on his remaining eye.

"Oh Odin don't think my kindness as a sign of weakness should I choose you would be a laying corpse along your fellow gods"i said looking down at him I don't usually act like this but something he said and the way those God's and goddesses look at me and the stone just....it happen their greed piss me off I am here being kind to let him revive someone of his choosing and he thinks of taking it from my dying corpse it just tick me off I wanted to kill them.....but I felt Ophis little hands on my left arm holding it trying to calm me down and it works as I put my Glasses on my face again and the power I unleash disappeared like it was never there and I return back at my sit while Ophis sat on my lap helping me calm down.

Have you felt like you asked them nicely for something but they asked for something inexchange so you offer them something special like your heart or cash going from thousands in a suitcase and next thing you know they want it all and you get nothing because of Greed by killing you that's how I felt I don't know if they have screw loss or not to think they can just take something away with no consequences.

I looked at Odin while he tries to stand up again and the other Valkyries,God's and Goddesses woke up shaken by my display of power.

"You know if you ask nicely I would've let you all I don't know revive someone you love I know the feeling of losing someone family,lover,wife or friend I know the feeling I wouldn't have said no but you let your Greed be your downfall" I said while looking at Odin but my words are for all of them to understand I was willing to let them bring someone they love.

that's how I am you show me kindness I show you the same, you treat me with violence I do the same.

"You have one chance one reviving someone you love Odin nothing more or less you showed me God's are nothing but Greed buffoons can't take a gift with appreciation"i said and soon the barrier I put up seal everything so no one can get in I need some rest.

"Thank you Ophis for helping me calm down" I said to her while resting my head on her lap trying to sleep.

"Your welcome rest now you need it my mate" she replied while stroking my hair.

I'll meet them tomorrow when all has calm down I don't want to deal with foolish God's as I escape to dreamland I thought I would met the perverted Odin not this shit Odin.