
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

10. The meeting and deal.

As the golden door open I was greeted with the sight of Odin sitting on his golden throne two Valkyries station on each side of him I didn't get to see Rossweisse the Silver haired Valkyrie man I would love to learn runes from her Maybe next time when i meet her at Kouh Academy i believe.

He held his infamous spear Gungnir while in the middle was a table and two chairs I guess for me and Ophis?

As me and Ophis went to our chairs the 5 Valkyries went side by side that's guarding Odin.

I sat on our chair while looking at Odin waiting for him to speak while I got to thinking about some Primordial Runes and other mythology Ymir I believe he was the oldest frost Giant? I think can't remember my Norse mythology was but i did remember Odin was the descendents of Ymir the first giant born and was created from the drops of water that formed when the ice of Niflheim met the heat of Muspelheim.

And something about Ymir was slain by him and his brothers Vili and Vé to create Midgard known as earth in order to create a knew new earth.

I know Odin is also famous for drinking something about well that had divine wisdom something along the line the Head of Mimir God of Wisdom was his to give him Wisdom or counsel the God's of the Norse.

Mess up stuff their man as I was thinking about all I can remember about the Norse mythology.

"I hope you visit was to your liking" I heard Odin say those words so I snap back to reality and nod back at him.

"Yes it was pleasant, I gain insight with people who are well in their crafts" I reply back while thinking about the tips and tricks those Dwarves gave me and my lesson with Brokk and Eitri.

"I see I..... apologize about my action earlier" he said to me which kind of shock me but if I did think about it maybe he had time to clear his head and counsel Mimir or someone with Wisdom to help in his endeavors.

"I to apologize for my actions earlier, but the way those God's and Goddesses eyes held to much Greed it piss me of" I reply back it really did piss me of man I need to start meditation or something.

"Haah.....indeed they would hold such Greed for that Item you possess" he said looking at the distance daze I can't tell what he is thinking.

"Can it truly bring anyone back to life?" He asked me while looking at me with his remaining eye with sadness and loneliness.

I nod "yes no matter if it's dead for how many years or not it will I can even bring the God of the Bible" I reply back which I need to with all the church corruption.

He keep staring then sign looking like his burden with something.

"That is indeed a item anyone would do to get no matter what to possess" he said while he slump on his throne looking like the entire world rest on his shoulders.

"Let me guess can't choose which to bring back"i asked him while he looks like he Age a couple of years thinking on who to bring back.

"Yes I wish to bring my Wife back.....but I to wish to bring my son Baldur back" he reply while reminiscing about the past.

I looked at him trying to sense anything If his trying to guilt trip me. But I see nothing just sadness and loneliness can't tell if he loves Thor because maybe his just like his myths portray but I can tell he loves the two hi mention.

Now I am having a inner battle with myself thinking about this should I let him bring both or one but thinking about this he might go insane it's like this

Your given a chance to revive someone you love by this person who has this all powerful item but you get to choose one when you can get both I know it sounds selfish but who isn't selfish we all are it just matters on how we used it here I am holding the item to bring his Wife and son I choose...

"Sigh.....how about we make a deal?" I asked Odin while he gives me a look of interest but his still down.

"You teach me Primordial Runes not the dangerous ones maybe like barriers or anything you find that won't jeopardize your pantheon" I reply while he listens to my deal.

"And you let me and Ophis...stay so I can learn blacksmithing from the Dwarves, Archery from the Elves, and maybe agriculture from the ones who know to tend to a farm" I said he just listen waiting for my part.

"And I let you revive 4 people...no ill even give you the stone right now as a sign of trust to one another so when you revive them and used your 4 chances it will return to me automatically" I said while his eye go wide eye that includes the other Valkyries while Ophis stop reading and look at them.

"Do we have a deal" I say holding my hands towards him waiting and soon he held hands and shakes it.

"We have a deal....but are you sure giving me such item for me to hold" he agrees but also asking me.

I just smile and nod at him.

"Yes I am I want to trust you.....that you will honor are deal....I to wish to bring some people back but I know they wouldn't want to come like they said once to me' our time is up don't bring us back, it will only bring you pain let us rest now it's your adventure not ours we will be watching you' so please honor this deal I asked nothing more" I said reminiscing about my old friends that passed away way sooner than they intended.

"I see...I'll honor this deal so much thank you"he said will grasping my hand tightly with appreciation.

I handed the {Resurrection Stone} to him and I know it won't be taken away from me since I created it with my {Creation Magic} I'll know if he betrays my trust but my heart telling me his wont so ill trust him.

4 times is all he got.

"I'll give you some room, you need to think hard on who you will bring back AllFather" I said while 4 Valkyries escort me and Ophis to our guest rooms.

As I got out the room I turn and saw Odin tearing up having 4 chance is still hard I bet he must have lost many he love. I guess my first impression was not the right one he is just an Old king keeping his people held together with his Iron will now he got 4 chances his having hard time but I bet his heart knows but his just that broken.

Like many of us in this cruel world I keep walking hearing the cries of the AllFather and the Golden door close.
