
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

7.thoughts and dream.

~~~~~this will have different povs off different people and their thoughts as well when they met our Mc Jason~~~~~~~~~~~


[Grayfia pov]

Sign the day has come for Ries marriage day and she Is still thinking her brother will help her get out of it does she not know Sirzechs lucifer is no longer part of the Gremory and he has to think for the devils but no his Siscon tendency acts up everytime.

I used to love him back at the Civil war I betrayed the Old Satan faction an my family for his dream I thought he could make us all not end up extinct but no we are walking powder keg ready to blow with the Great king faction ruling at the shadows scheming with everything getting rid of anyone who opposed them, an theirs the reincarnated devils the pillars treat them as tools when them can be our salvation not play things.

Haaaah but I must do my duty as a maid of house Gremory.

I still remember the day when I walk in my soon to be husband with another women it was not the best of days after that I broke everything with him but stayed at the Gremory house acting as the maid of Venelana Gremory.

Any back to the matter at hand as I was supervising the confrontation with Ries and Riser and we where going to end it happen the vase right next to the door fell and I was ready for whatever intrude without my knowing.

As Ries demanded for the who was the cause of the vase falling he showed himself the Silver like hair that shine like a diamond his piercing blue eyes and well body I felt no magic or power from him.

But the Red Dragon Emperor said what I did not expected Ophis mate?!?what since when did the Dragon God of infinitely have a mate wasn't he/she a old man did he/she change to female but listening to their conversations I could guess Ophis is now a female and she has mark this home as her mate I can't even tell if his strong or not it's like his power is well hidden

As he disappeared in Particles I had one thought in mind I need to to get this to the Satan's we don't know what kind of threat this so call human is but for some reason I don't feel afraid of him its like he will protect me no matter what but that's not important I need to finish here and bring the knews to the four Satan's.


In a dark cell with no light around a frail girl moan in pain as many voices from her head keep on talking lay on the cold stone ground.

[Valerie tepes pov]

It hurts so much I want it end all the voices won't stop talking.

I wish Gasper was here.....no I won't let him feel this pain I won't let him come ill endure this because I had a dream were I was save by a man whose Hair was Silver like the finest silver ore and piercing blue eyes that stare right at my soul all I remember from the dream but I'll wait I know his coming I just need to hold on....


The Other side of the Underworld where the Fallen base is located Grigory their leader the fallen angel Azzazel. Was looking at his daughter well more like adopted but daughter nonetheless. Trying get her to do a mission for him.

"Valery I have a mission for you" Azzazel said while hold a file and looking at his daughter whose all grown-up she has stunning blue to silver hair that barely reach her shoulders fine figure and close to D cups breast.

She just looks annoyed at her so call father but grabs the file nonetheless while flipping the papers.

"So you want me to infuriat this Khaos Brigade and find out their motives is that it?!?" She asked her step father while still looking at the report and getting excited of fighting strong opponents for her to fight.

"Yes I do I know you wish to fight strong opponents so I want you to infuriat them get as far as you can and report what you find that's all I ask Valery" Azzazel replied back looking at the excitement of his daughter on her prospect on finding strong opponents.

Sign where did I go wrong on raising her she was once a cute child shy and timid but now she wants to fight haaah raising kids is hard.

As I see her get up and leave I thought about when she was just so young asking me this and that.....

Maybe I'll go get a wife or two and raise a kid...Nah I wouldn't be Azzazel the playboy if I did maybe in the future who knows.


In a white well to white place where clouds as far as see are home to the Angels up at the 7 heaven a young looking female was lost in thought she has figure that would make any man want a piece of her name is Gabriel one of the Archangel known for beauty, passion and airhead personality.

But right now she's thinking really hard she just had a dream of a man she never met in her life but what she saw stun her she was holding a baby that resemble her but with some Silver hair and blue eye on the right side of the baby's eyes she was happy that she can tell while she saw the man but couldn't get his features but she could tell that this man wish the father of the baby and she saw 50 women around her has and pinching her baby while the rest have their own baby with them.

That's where it ended now she Contemplating what to do but she knows she needs to find this man to understand why she had that dream so she start using her ability {Eye of God} to see the mortal world.
