
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

12. Draupnir

I spent my 2 weeks learning everything i could from my teacher Valkyrie and the Dwarve twin BroKk and Eitrii drank with them and they became I my friends the first friend in this world, everytime we finish our work we drank we told stories about our life while I told them mine not about that I got drop here but just my life and when I started to get involved with the supernatural.

I told them my first meeting with Ophis and how I was her mate by showing them my Dragon mark to say their were shock was an understatement and they said how lucky I was I was indeed lucky to have her in this life of mine.

We continued on my tutuledge we made some basic enchant swords,bows and other things they could make while teaching me what they know.

I also got a Elven teacher to teach me on Archery and the way they hunt which was a pleasant experience I thought they would act all high and mighty but I was wrong they were the most understanding they gave me tips on using a Bow,Long bow and crossbow they where patient with me help me understand forging in the wilds what not to eat and what is poison.

Some herbs used to treat wounds and other ailments how to scoot for food tracking said foot print of said animal

Where to aim and shoot my prey, to process meat to cut in certain areas of the carcass to skin and process their skin and other stuff for later used.

How to spot a predator that's hunting its prey and how to honor said predator and not steal its prey after all we all have bellies to feed.

How to not endanger other species to extinction an using the sun to guess time or weither if a storm is coming by checking the wind.

I learn {Healing Magic} from them to from the Elven doctors and brewing potions to they thought me as much as they can.

I even enjoy a festival with them Ophis was eating like no tomorrow but we did enjoy our time after all Ophis started Showing her Emotions more often now.

Now back to Runes I manage to get some enchanted jewelry for that I have been working on and I am progressing swimming ill add all I learn on my library can't waste knowledge given to you can't we?.

I did get to meet Thor and let me tell you the guy had a huge ass belly he looked like the [God of War:Ragnorök] one to be honest he did challenge me to a spar which I agree can't have wasted offers on sparing need some guy friend man.

Anyway just as his myths portray he was loud,cheerful, drank lots of alcohol and a bit of head strong.

He did hear from Odin about me and Ophis and the Stone I lend him which I know he used since Thor told me how thankful he was to get to see his Mother Frigga and Baldur

He cried alot when he spoke to me and hug the life out of me and I though I saw God laughing at my situation.

I haven't seen or meet them yet maybe later on I will when my Spar with Thor happens.

I did hear Loki was being pursued due to finding out who kill Frigga and Baldur even Thor was looking for his adopted brother.

Now that's a story I found out from my Valkyrie that stays with me that.

One day Lady Frigga was visiting villages like usual helping and healing all she can with he escort Valkyries when they were attack all of a sudden and the one who attack her was one of her person guards being control by Loki to kill Lady Frigga with a poison Dagger that kill her instantly.

That day Odin rampage finding the Culprit finding none he Torture the Valkyrie who kill his wife and banished her somewhere on Midgard but I believe she would be dead now.

Man that socks hearing about it but before Frigga could die she saw Loki at a distance laughing at her that's how she knew who truly kill her.

So now everyone is looking for Loki since Odin wants him dead like beyond dead that Trickster God run away when he found out and he barely escape alive solidifying Friggas statement on her murder.

That included Baldur Loki trick Hödr the Blind God of night and darkness and he was tricked by the evil fire god Loki into killing his brother Balder, who was the most beautiful and perfect of the gods. With his only weakness mistletoe arrow that killed Baldur instantly.

I don't know what happened to Hödr I maybe asked Thor later. So yeah Loki did try to take Fenrir the God killing wolf said to be the one who while kill Odin by swallowing him.

But he ultimately failed because Thor was their and ready.

That's all she told me but yeah messed up I know even though Odin wants to kill his son Loki he still loves him hmmm maybe I'll help him a bit and maybe I can get Fenrir as a companion yeah I'll asked Odin about that.

Anyway I was called by BroKk since my spear was ready and I was super excited my own weapon crafted by the Dwarven brother famous for making Mjölnir.

As I got their Ophis on my Shoulder I saw BroKk and Eitri standing side by side while my spear at the front table.

"Well Lad come don't just stand their.....come this spear will be your loyal companion through battles you will go through" BroKk said while coming to me and going behind me and pushing me to the spear.

"Now for the spears functionality it's has self cleaning runes,the tip of the spear can be shot and reform back to normal,it's indestructible,we add a sharpness Rune so it stays always sharp no matter what,that includes self repair, the tip of the spear has some flash bang type of rune to stune, it can be called back when you throw it, and it can change shape to a ring for you to wear and reform back should you go in combat." BroKk explain the functions I held it with me thinking of all the functions the spear had I was happy now beyond happy.

"Come let's head out to test it" BroKk said while dragging Eitri outside on a clearing with 5 test dummies.

"Go ahead test that baby out"BroKk incourage me so I did.

I started by spinning it a bit then throwing it at the first dummy and commanding it to return and hit the ground a watch as and exploding light came from the spot I hit so did more I run towards to the second dummy and Thrust the tip hitting at its belly and I spun around and hit the other dummies I back away a bit and hit the bottom of the spear on the ground again and watch a another explosion of light happen.

"So how's the spear"BroKk asked me while working at the damage I did.

I just admired the spear a bit and look at him.

"It's great I felt no delay when I commanded it to return its well balance" I replied back since its true it was a great weapon.

" So what while you name that baby it better be a good name worthy of such craftsmanship" BroKk asked me

I looked at the spear and thought for a bit

"{DRAÜPNÏR} I call her that" as I said the name I felt the {Draüpnïr} Humm in excitement and happiness for its master to name her?.

"That is indeed a fine name come this calls for a celebrations" BroKk said to me while dragging Eitri back inside the cave.

While I was admiring my weapon I saw Ophis came and looked at me and the spear.

"You like it" she asked me with a smile.

"I do I really do" I smiled back to her.

"Good" she replied and she gave me a small kiss on the lips that makes me smile even brighter.

"Let's go have some fun Ophis" I said while turning {Draüpnïr} to ring form wearing it on my pinky as I dragged Ophis to celebrate this occasion.

Because I have a feeling this will be with me forever {Draüpnïr} my loyal companion.
