
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

13. Dream? and leaving.

Drinking with BroKk and Eitri was fun we celebrated my knew weapon {Draüpnïr} till the next day.

Afterwards Ophis brought us back us to the guest room and I fell asleep before I could change to my pajamas.

As my eyes closes I felt Ophis give me a quick peck on the lips and a goodnight.


I opened my eyes I felt I was laying on a very soft bed? I looked around an all I saw was the vast amount of clouds as far as the eye can see.

'Did I die and end up in heaven?' I thought because I know I was with Ophis so I couldn't possibly die.

"No your not died Jason" I heard a voice behind me that startled me I jump back and got ready for a fight since I don't know why I am here.

As I looked at my guest? Friend? Don't know yet.

"Hahaha no need to be wary.....come sit with me I wish to just chat" the man said but I can't see his face no matter what angles I try to see.

So I did what he asked since I felt if I didn't he will just make me and I can tell I can't fight him.

"Who are you?" I asked the man while sitting on the cloud chair? Still staying vigilant.

He looked at me and smiled? Can't tell with the way his face is smudge so can't tell the facial features.

"Me I have many names God,Shiva,Israel,James, but...my true name is Jason Sky" the man said while the last shocked me as the smudge on his face was clear I saw my face but more mature.

I so confused right now.

"You might be wondering why and how" he asked me while looking at me I just nod since I don't know why he looks like me.

"Hah...I was the same as you Jason thrown at some world given abilities to start my journey.." he said while reminiscing

"I meet my love loves but I had enemies at every corner for all the good I did I was hunt by those people,God's,and any Supernatural species" he keep on going I just listen maybe I'll gain wisdom from this.

"I won obviously but I got cocky and lost my first wife and you know who she is" he said while looking at me and it hit me like lighting thinking about an the pain inside my heart.

"Hah....enough of that I just wanted to meet my parallel self" he said while standing up his back facing me.

"Jason...listen well you may have the power the same power level as Ophis right now but you are not even close to being the strongest so prepared train to make sure you won't end up like me" he said while disappearing not telling me the rest of his life.

But I did get some clues knowing that I will make enemies left an right I need strength, and to refine my battle Instinct.

Maybe a teacher... yes a teacher

As the white clouds slowly disappeared I got to planning on what I will be doing next I need a combat teacher the best of the best one that comes to mind was The Immortal Witch Scathach. The [God Slayer]


I woke up feeling refresh but I still remember that dream of mine and I won't disregard it as just a dream....since it to can be a warning even though he said parallel self many things can happen.....

"What's wrong?" I felt Ophis touch my cheek since I felt wetness on it I move my hand and touch my face.....tears?.... of course I would be crying knowing someone I love will perish because I got cocky or over confident I look at Ophis and hug her tightly...

I don't want to lose someone I cherish.

"Just had a bad dream Ophis, nothing more" I said while caressing her cheeks.

"Umm....okay am here if you need me" she said snuggling on my chest.

She has progress on showing this many emotions.

I'll make sure I protect her from harm while teaching her all I could about fighting so she can and we not be killed.

I'll started making her some enchanted jewelry for extra protection.

Today is the last day on our visit here to Asgard I had a amazing experience I'll visit often to talk to my friends BroKk,Eitri and Thor.

The Valkyrie who was outside our room guide us back to the Royal palace since me and Ophis are leaving I wanted to say goodbye.

Arriving at the palace I spoke with Thor about our spar since their busy I wanted to postpone it for a bit.

And he agreed since his still looking for his brother Loki. An his guarding his Mother Frigga and Baldur since they are recovering their strength.

I was once greeted by that big ass door and waited for it to open and I didn't have to wait long I arrive inside with Ophis beside me back to reading her books.

I saw Odin looking tired but happy with the shine his remaining eye has.

He looked at me and I nod at him.

"How was your stay here." He asked me while sitting straight.

"It was a great experience I thank you for that" I said bowing slightly.

Since he earn a little respect from me.

"Hohoho.....that's good and I hear your leaving?" He laugh a bit and asked me

"I we are, me and Ophis will be traveling the world" I said to him while looking I at him he fish something in his pocket.

And stood up and handed me my {Resurrection Stone} I looked at him surprised since he have Two more chances.... seeing my expression he smiled a little.

"Thank you for lending me such item.....but I have what I wish for ill save such wishes next time should I need it and it's yours to begin with" he said while patting my back and walking back towards his throne.

Man..... he just gain 50 points on my respect scale.

I thought he would keep it till he used the last 2 remaining.

"Thank you may have gain my respect even more" I said while bowing back at him

I heard him laugh a bit.

"I guess that's good.....but I'll warn you that item while be wanted by many and they will do anything to get it I know your strong but you need allies and friends you can trust...I don't know what else you have but....you need to prepare for such occasions so ill give you a Symbol of friendship and so other factions won't bother you to much" he said while throwing me a Emblem that surprise me but I received such gift.

An thank him while saying goodbye we got back at the at the rainbow Bridge I looked back thinking about visiting Asgard later on

On to my next destination where ever the Celtic pantheon is.
