
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs


As I was resting on our guest room I still had a lot on my mind.

"Was it okay for you...to hand that item" Ophis asked me I looked at her beside me reading her book on Harry Potter.

"Sign....yes I trust him, are first meeting was in a way bad but I can tell his a good king and God his just burden?" I said to her while I move and layed my head on her lap while she plays with my hair.

"I see so how long are we staying here?" She asked me flipping the page of her book.

"Maybe...2 weeks just need to learn some stuff, and maybe get more books for us to read and collect back at the dimension of ours" I said while my eyes slowly get heavy.

"Okay then rest my mate it's been a long day" she replied back I just nod and drift of to dream land.


The next morning I found myself still sleeping on Ophis lap as she keep on reading I just stayed feeling comfAs I was resting on our guest room I still had a lot on my mind.

"Was it okay for you...to hand that item" Ophis asked me I looked at her beside me reading her book on Harry Potter.

"Sign....yes I trust him, are first meeting was in a way bad but I can tell his a good king and God his just burden?" I said to her while I move and layed my head on her lap while she plays with my hair.

"I see so how long are we staying here?" She asked me flipping the page of her book.

"Maybe...2 weeks just need to learn some stuff, and maybe get more books for us to read and collect back at the dimension of ours" I said while my eyes slowly get heavy.

"Okay then rest my mate it's been a long day" she replied back I just nod and drift of to dream land.


The next morning I found myself still sleeping on Ophis lap as she keep on reading I just stayed feeling comfortable on her lap for an hour until I heard a knock on the door.

I stood up and open the door an saw a beautiful Valkyrie but least arm.

Her beautiful grey eyes were shining like the morning sun.

"Morning Jason-sama I will be with you on your stay in Asgard" she said and bow to me seeing a bit of cleavage I shake that thought away.

"Thank you" I said to her and turn around to get Ophis next minute I am out with Ophis on my broad shoulders as the Valkyrie brought me to a classroom? I guess.

"I'll be teaching you Primordial Runes like you ask Odin-Sama" she said to me so she started teaching me runes and how to used them some Battle orientations runes, some for day-to-day use, and some used in enchanting other items.

The class was informative about what not to do using runes I could used this on crafting myself a good Spear,Sword and Staff.

For my Sword using runes to make it endestructible,always stay sharp, self cleaning, or enchant it with some spells to swing at my enemies.

Same with my Spear making it like Odins Gungnir to never miss no matter the skills.

It was a good experience to have a teacher teach me their way of using magic ill write this down on a book later on.

After my class with the Valkyrie teacher we headed to Brokk and Eitri blacksmith dean? Or workplace. Can't tell it just looks like one of those creepy caves the Valkyrie stayed outside since its not her place to be in but I used my {Creation Magic} to get her comfortable some books I read, table and a chair I also left Ophis with I know doesn't like noises and that's why she keep on wearing the earphone I made her.

As I go deeper in the cave all I hear is banging of metal against each other some words here and there but mostly bangs of metal. Smoke was everywhere and it was not good but I have been slowly changing my Race to {High Human} to make sure this things didn't bother me.

The heat of the place was hot as the Sahara desert but it didn't bother to much.

As soon I as I reach a corner I saw BroKk and Eitri using their hammers on a hot piece of metal shaping it to their desire then they put it in the furnace once more and they did it a couple of times till they got the metals shape which I can guess a sword maybe one of those short sword.

Eitri notice my arrival and approach hastily.

"Good,good your here Odin has inform me and my Brother to teach you what we can on crafting and blacksmithing" he said in a hurry and waving his arms me which I have no clue why.

Seeing my expression BroKk explain to me

"Bah... don't mind him his been always like this his some sort of clean freak won't touch anything dirty or bloody...fucking pussy" BroKk said while waving his hammer to towards his brother.

"I'll have you know.... I am not a clean freak it's just we don't know where this fellow been he might have a deceased" Eitri said while point at me and saying that kind of hurt my feelings

"And who are you calling a pussy.....you blue berry shit with out me we wouldn't be famous" Eitri continued while I was on the side lines listening.

"Ahhhh....you fucker calling me blue berry shit.... you smell like a troll who hasn't even bathe in years" BroKk said while throwing his hammer at Eitri and he dodge.

They go back and forth for a few minutes after that BroKk look at me up and down.

"Alright you why don't you show us what you can do and while go through there" he said while walking back to the furnace heating it up I nod and change my shirt to a Tank top using magic BroKk whistles at me

"Well you do have good muscles but let's see how you used them in crafting some weapons" he said

So rest of the day I learn how to guess what temperature of each metal, how to hit the hammer on each area around the metal with less force, and when to heat it up again just the basic today.

But it was informative who basic no nothing of such a craft.

I did ask them to build me a spear something for [God of War:Ragnorök] {Draupnir spear} using Draupnir as a base and I hand them some of my blood.

"Bah...this is one fine spear we while make....and you will help us since it's youre weapon" BroKk said while patting my back that included Eitri nodding his head.

I never expected to like Dwarves but hey theirs a first for everything I guess.

As BroKk and Eitri continue to teach me their ways I thought this life isn't so bad.
