

Chapter 326: Three Sentences

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

In the classroom.

Mu Xueqing was staring straight forward without blinking at all.

She thought that Liu laoshi would say something after calling her in, but he only got her to stand by in the corner while he continued to offer pointers to the other students one by one.

"During your cultivation, do you feel a slight blockage when your zhenqi flows through your chest?"

Walking up to a youngster, Liu laoshi said.

"Yes!" The youngster was shocked to hear Liu laoshi's words, but he still nodded.

"The cultivation technique you took up at the start is [Tianwu Fundamental Formula]. There isn't too much of a problem with your cultivation technique, but when you were trying to break through to the Zhenqi realm, you directed your zhenqi into the wrong meridian, causing a problem to occur with your body. Am I right?"

"That's right..."

The youngster clenched his fist and nodded.

That was true, but it was a matter of two years ago, and his previous teacher had already solved this trauma for him.

"After which, you switched to [Four Tributaries True Martial Formula]. This cultivation technique is slightly calmer than the former, and it did help to alleviate your problem. However, it doesn't solve the root of your problem, and as time went by, your hidden trauma worsened.

Liu laoshi looked at him calmly, "Listen to me, switch to [Eastern Blaze Art]!"

"Eastern Blaze Art?"

The corners of Mu Xueqing's mouth twitched.

That was the most violent cultivation technique Tianwu Academy had. Even ordinary cultivators had to be careful when practicing it, fearful that it might inflict some grievous injury on them. Given that the other party had already sustained a trauma, wasn't practicing this cultivation technique no different from courting death?

"I..." the youngster also realized that something was amiss, and his face distorted in distress.

"Rest assured, I am here. Nothing will happen to you!" Liu laoshi gestured grandly.

"Alright!" Clenching his teeth, the youngster nodded.

Eastern Blaze Art couldn't be considered a valuable cultivation technique, and there was a copy in the classroom. Taking the copy, the youngster flipped through it and started cultivating.

Driving his zhenqi according to the formula written inside the manual, the youngster's flushed and paled at intervals, as though he was suffering from irrepressible pain. Just when Mu Xueqing thought that he would fail to hold on and his cultivation would go berserk, his aura suddenly rose.


The sound of zhenqi exploding resounded, and the aura within the other party's body suddenly soared swiftly.

"A br-breakthrough?"

Mu Xueqing uttered with quivering lips. Unable to comprehend the sight before her, her body trembled in shock.

The other students also stared at the seemingly inconceivable sight with eyes widened as though a gong.

As fellow peers who were together on a daily basis, they knew the situation of that youngster well. He had been stuck at his current cultivation realm for more than half a year without progressing at all.

The previous teacher had tried many methods, and even Mu Xueqing had pleaded with her father for a precious pill for him... but it was all to no avail.

His previous teacher said that he could only persevere and progress slowly. It would take at least two years before his cultivation could start to advance... in the end, just by getting him to change a cultivation technique, Liu laoshi managed to induce a breakthrough in his cultivation...

Did it have to be so exaggerated?

"Do you find it difficult for you to harness your strength? It is because of your zhenqi..."

Ignoring everyone's shock, Liu laoshi acted as though he had only done something insignificant and immediately went on to the next student.

Ten minutes later, the student's aura also rose suddenly, and with a 'boom!', he broke through his bottleneck and achieved an advancement in his cultivation realm.

Peng! Peng! Peng! Peng!

In less than four hours, all of the students in the classroom had their cultivation raised significantly.

This Liu laoshi was as though an enlightened sage. With just a few words, he was able to point out the problems in their cultivation and resolve them.

With a pale face, Mu Xueqing's entire body stiffened.

This sight was too shocking.

Those who were weak-minded would have probably gone insane on the spot.

Her father was a 2-star apothecary, and due to his esteemed standing, she had met with numerous star teachers and even master teachers!

But even the master teachers she met weren't so incredible as to get a person to achieve a breakthrough in their cultivation with just a few casual words...

This was completely beyond her comprehension.

"How could he be so incredible? He is... probably on par with Zhang shi..."

Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, at this moment, Mu Xueqing felt nothing but reverence for Liu laoshi.

When she first heard of how this teacher inflicted physical punishment on a student, she was extremely angry, and she even found herself loathing him.

Yet, after seeing the other party inducing a breakthrough in each of them with just a few casual pointers, she realized that he was an extraordinarily capable teacher

He didn't pale in comparison to her idol, Master Teacher Zhang Xuan.

When did the academy recruit such a monster?

Looking at the other students, Mu Xueqing trembled once more.

The gazes they directed toward Liu laoshi had changed as well--they were filled with admiration and respect.

From the looks of it, even if she were to try to incite them to stand against him, none of them would listen to her.

In less than four hours, he managed to surpass her position in the group's hearts...

Even though this was all happening before her eyes, she couldn't help but suspect that her eyes were playing tricks on her.


"It's your turn!"

Disregarding the frenzied Mu Xueqing, Zhang Xuan walked up to another youngster.

This was the final student in the class, Lu Chong. He was currently at Fighter 5-dan Dingli realm primary stage.

Upon seeing the teacher, the youngster didn't say anything. He simply clasped his fist and stood silently on the spot.

"Liu laoshi, Lu Chong doesn't like to speak..." Meng Tao hurriedly walked up.

"Un! I heard that his cultivation and family background are ordinary, and it is because he kneeled at the entrance of Tianwu Academy for seven days straight that an exception was made for him?"

Recalling the information provided by the academy, Zhang Xuan asked.

Most of the students in this class had huge backgrounds, but this Lu Chong was an exception. The part on his background and family was vague, and the only thing detailed was that he had kneeled outside for seven days straight before his admission.

"Yes!" Meng Tao nodded.

"To be able to kneel for so long to become a student of the academy, you do have the tenacity. However, cultivation isn't all about tenacity!" Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Without a doubt, the student before him was the most stoic student in the class. However, despite having being admitted into the academy for two years, he had only managed to progress from Pigu realm primary stage to Dingli realm primary stage.

"The cultivation technique you are currently practicing is Frost Martial Technique, right?"

Zhang Xuan continued looking at Lu Chong.

The youngster nodded silently.

"Please don't blame him, Liu laoshi. He is like that. We have been together for more than two years, but he hasn't spoken more than three sentences..."

Seeing how the fellow was still reluctant to talk, Meng Tao quickly explained awkwardly.

"Oh? He hasn't spoken more than three sentences in two years?"

Zhang Xuan chuckled softly, "I will make him speak more than three sentences now!"

Meng Tao was taken aback, and the others expressed their disbelief as well.

Even Mu Xueqing couldn't help but shake his head.

This Lu Chong was no different from a mute. Even her, as Tianwu Academy's famous beauty, was unable to pry his mouth open. The previous teacher also failed to make him speak as well.

If not for the fact that they had heard him speak before, they would have thought that he was mute!

He hadn't even spoken three sentences in two years! To make him speak more three sentences now? How was that possible!

"You all don't believe me?"

Sensing the crowd's disbelief, Zhang Xuan asked. Then, he turned to the youngster before him and asked him as well, "You don't believe me as well?"

Lu Chong was still silent.

"Fine then..."

Not minding it, Zhang Xuan placed his hands behind his back and said, "If you were to cultivate on like that, you won't even reach Pixue realm in ten years. At this rate, you will be dead before you can... exact your vengeance!"

"Exact vengeance?"

Everyone was taken aback. Why did Liu laoshi suddenly bring up exacting some vengeance?

They had been with Lu Chong for two years, but they had never heard that he had a grudge against anyone!

Just when they were perplexed over the matter, they saw the seemingly mute youngster suddenly turning pale, and his body trembled in agitation. "Tea-teacher, how did you know that my goal is to exact vengeance?"

"You don't have to bother how I know of it! Your vengeance is both a motivation as well as a hindrance to your cultivation. You are suppressing your worries too deep within, and it has suppressed your cultivation, making it difficult for you to achieve a breakthrough. I know that the reason you refuse to speak is because you're afraid that you might accidentally speak of your enemy's name and make them aware of your existence."

Zhang Xuan said calmly.

"Don't worry, as long as you believe in me, I promise you that you will be able to exact your vengeance within ten days!"

"Ten days?"

Lu Chong found his words hard to believe, "This enemy... is a Tongxuan realm expert..."

He was only at Dingli realm primary stage whereas his enemy was a Tongxuan realm expert. There was a huge gap between the two, and it couldn't be covered that easily. Let alone ten days, even five years would be insufficient for him to catch up!

"It's your choice to choose whether you want to believe me or not! However... You only get this one chance!"

Zhang Xuan said.


Conflicted, Lu Chong hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth. His knees caved in and 'putong!', he kneeled on the floor.

"Liu laoshi, please guide me..."

"It has been more than three sentences..."

Hearing the duo's conversation, everyone flew into a frenzy.


Near the Master Teacher Pavilion, in a grand residence.

"Liu shi, how long will it take before teacher finishes his 2-star master teacher examination and returns?"

Zhao Ya asked.

"I don't know either. I've tried looking into the affair at the Master Teacher Pavilion this morning, and based on what I've got, he has already left the capital to conduct the mission, and they estimated that it would take at least ten days!"

Recalling the answer from the Master Teacher Pavilion, Liu Ling replied.

"That is quite long..." Zhao Ya's eyebrows furrowed into deep creases.

"Ten days isn't really long, it depends on how you look at it. How about I bring you all around Tianwu Royal City so that you all can expand your horizons?" Seeing the bitter look on the faces of Zhang Xuan's students, Liu Ling chuckled.

"Expand our horizons? Sure! Where are we going?" Yuan Tao's eyes lit up.

Tianwu Royal City was a city far grander than any of those in Tianxuan Kingdom. He had already wanted to explore the city, and upon hearing Liu shi's words, he could no longer hold back his excitement.

"Why don't I bring you all to Tianwu Academy first? That is the greatest academy in the thirteen surrounding kingdoms, a sacred land for cultivators. From time to time, the master teachers from the Master Teacher Pavilion would head there to conduct lectures. It might be good for you to take a look around there!"

Liu Ling pondered for a moment before replying.

"Master teachers conduct lectures there as well?"

"The greatest academy?"

"Zhang shi would take a minimum of ten days anyway, it would be good to take a look!"


Upon hearing that master teachers would conduct lessons there and that it was a sacred land for cultivators, everyone was moved.

"Furthermore, I heard that Tianwu Academy promotes a free learning environment, so we can enter the lesson of any teacher freely without reporting in advance. It would be good for you to listen to the lectures of other teachers as well!"

Liu Ling smiled.


Hearing that they could listen in to any lessons they wanted, the crowd was excited.

Thrilled, Zhao Ya and the others immediately set off for Tianwu Academy.




Chapter 327: Teacher, I Was Wrong!



"Teacher, can I... really exact vengeance within ten days?"

In the one-to-one tutoring room, Lu Chong kneeled before Zhang Xuan. Until now, he still found the situation hard to believe.

Shouldering a debt of bloodshed, he had never told anyone about his burden, and he never expressed it either. In order to prevent himself from revealing it in his dreams or such, he even feigned a mute. He was confident that he had hidden it well.

But this Liu laoshi was able to conclude that he was shouldering a huge grudge just by hearing of his past affairs and his cultivation state. His capability was way too fearsome!

More importantly... the other party promised him that he would be able to exact his vengeance within ten days!

His enemy was a Tongxuan realm cultivator! If it was that simple, he wouldn't have to cultivate as though his life was at stake for the past two years!

"Since I have promised you as such, I have my own ways. However... my method will be excruciating, and whether you can take it or not will be up to your will!" Zhang Xuan looked at the youngster.

He was extremely satisfied with this student of his.

In order to learn under a teacher to raise his cultivation, he was willing to kneel for seven days straight; for fear of revealing his secret, he pretended to be mute for two years straight. Regardless of which it was, it was a clear sign that he had strong mental fortitude and a resolute will.

His talent might not be anything much, but as long as he was groomed properly, his cultivation would definitely soar. It was just a matter of time before he surpassed Mu Xueqing.

Otherwise, Zhang Xuan wouldn't have said that much to him.

When accepting students, he valued mental fortitude and will more than anything else. As for talent, with his capability, it didn't mean anything to him.

"As long as I can have my revenge, I am willing to suffer any kind of pain!" Lu Chong clenched his fists tightly. His eyes were determined.


Placing his hands behind his back, Zhang Xuan stared at him with deep eyes. "There's a special occupation which none is willing to come in contact with or bring up. Have you heard of poison masters?"

"I have!" Lu Chong nodded.

He had wanted to learn the art of a poison master back then, but he didn't have the connections to look for the Poison Hall.

"Teacher, could it be that..."

Lu Chong hesitated for a moment before asking doubtfully.

Wasn't poison master a job which was looked down on by the others? Could it be that Liu laoshi was a poison master?

Or did he want to impart to him the skills of a poison master?

"I am not a poison master, and I won't teach you that either!"

Seeing through his thoughts, Zhang Xuan shook his head. "I have a way that can raise your strength swiftly, but it will require the use of poison. Even though it won't be detrimental to your future cultivation, you will have to suffer excruciating pain. Furthermore, if you fail to endure it, you will die."

What he was referring to was the method to cultivate the Poison Body which he saw in the books in the Poison Hall.

Once one managed to successfully cultivate the Poison Body, not only would one be immune to the toxicity of poisons, one's strength, spirit, and agility would be enhanced significantly as well, granting one significantly higher fighting prowess.

Other than the Heaven's Path Divine Art, the only way to raise his strength immensely within the limited time he had was this.

Usually, when poison masters cultivated the Poison Body, they would consume poison and this would affect their longevity. Back then, the reason why Gu Mu sustained a trauma was due to this as well.

However, after the compilation of the Library of Heaven's Path, the detriments to the cultivation method had been reduced to the bare minimum. Even so, without the support of Heaven's Path zhenqi, it wouldn't be easy to cultivate it. One would have to suffer a great pain.

Since Lu Chong possessed strong mental fortitude, it was worth a try. Perhaps, he might produce outstanding results.

"Regardless of how much pain it puts me in, as long as it allows me to exact vengeance, I am willing to give it a try!"

Lu Chong's eyes were filled with resolve.

He only had this one opportunity.

While he was cultivating, his enemy wasn't resting either. Given his talent of only a single rise in a cultivation realm every two years, it was impossible for him to ever surpass the other party.

Since this Liu laoshi said that he could give him the strength to exact vengeance within ten days, he was willing to believe in the party.

He had seen with his own eyes how his fellow peers grew visibly stronger under his guidance. No matter how foolish he could be, it was obvious that he was a person of great means.

Seeing the resolve in the other party's eyes, Zhang Xuan nodded in satisfaction. Then, with a deep and slightly cold voice, he warned, "The cultivation technique that I am about to impart you must not be leaked to anyone. Otherwise, even if I don't do anything, you will suffer a recoil from your zhenqi and you will die tragically!"


Lu Chong nodded. Raising a hand, he swore, "I, Lu Chong, swear to never impart the cultivation technique and secret arts Liu laoshi impart me to anyone else, and if I were to break my vow, may my soul dissipate!"


Zhang Xuan tapped on an acupoint on Lu Chong's body and discreetly sent a surge of zhenqi into his body.

The cultivation technique he was imparting to the other party was too powerful. If it were to leak out, it would bring trouble to him, as well as the world. Even though the other party had sworn to it, he himself needed to prepare a countermeasure as well.

After his study and research of poison, his Heaven's Path zhenqi was capable of turning into a tonic or a poison with a single thought.

If the other party were to seal his mouth tightly, this surge of zhenqi would clear away all of the obstacles lying in his meridians and raise his cultivation. However, if he were to abuse his strength, this surge of zhenqi could also have him killed in an instant.

"Cultivating the Poison Body requires the complementation of poison. I don't have such medicinal herbs on me at the moment, so I will impart the cultivation technique to you tomorrow! However, I will teach you another technique that can strengthen your physical body. You should learn it well as a strong physical body is required to withstand the lethal poison!"

After making preparations, Zhang Xuan looked him in the eye and said, "I will only recite the cultivation formula once. How much you remember and understand will depend on your ability. Don't let me down!"

"I won't let teacher down!" Lu Chong nodded.

"Very well, this physical body enhancement technique..."

Zhang Xuan started explaining.

The technique he was referring to was the Heaven's Path Golden Body. Of course, he imparted the simplified version which he imparted to Zhao Ya and the others as well.

Cultivating the Poison Body required one's body to come into contact with lethal poison. If one's body wasn't strong enough, it would be hard for one to hold on.

Even though this Heaven's Path Golden Body was inferior to the one which Zhang Xuan cultivated, it was still a product of the Library of Heaven's Path and it mustn't be underestimated. As long as one cultivated it seriously, it wouldn't be a problem for one to grow stronger swiftly.

"... and this is what we call a complete body!"

Soon, Zhang Xuan finished reciting the cultivation formula.

"Teacher, thank you for your bestowment!"

After hearing the formula of the technique, Lu Chong's body trembled and his face flushed in agitation.

Having studied in Tianwu Academy for two years, he had seen quite a few cultivation techniques and he also knew of a few physical body enhancement technique formulas.

Compared to the one which Liu laoshi had just taught him, they were all trash.

At the very least, this technique was at Phantom pinnacle or above!

If Liu laoshi were to auction it, it would definitely fetch an astronomical sum. Even the Tianwu royal family would go in a frenzy for it...

It was such a valuable technique, yet Liu laoshi taught it to him without asking for anything... This was a huge debt which he would never be able to repay.

"You should start cultivating!"

Ignoring the other party's agitation, Zhang Xuan waved his hands casually.


Knowing that teacher didn't like to waste his words, Lu Chong hurriedly sat on the floor and started cultivating.

Following the Heaven's Path Golden Body's formula, Lu Chong drove his zhenqi on a specific path in his body, and after a moment, he felt an extremely comfortable and relaxing sensation gush through his body; all of the traumas he had sustained before instantaneously disappeared.


After an unknown period of time, a cracking sound echoed in the muscles throughout Lu Chong's body, and his strength rose significantly.


Lu Chong opened his eyes.

At this moment, he felt as though he harnessed boundless strength in his body.

"Un, not bad. You managed to achieve Minor Accomplishment within two hours. This shows that you have a good foundation!"

Zhang Xuan nodded his head in satisfaction.

For revenge, the other party was willing to take all kind of pain, so he must have trained his body for this goal as well. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to reach Minor Accomplishment for the simplified version of Heaven's Path Golden Body within two hours.

"You can go out now. Your other classmates are probably anxious for you!"

After he was done with the cultivating the physical body enhancement technique, Zhang Xuan pushed the door and walked out.

It had been more than two hours since the duo entered, and the students outside were probably anxious from waiting already.


In the classroom.

"Liu laoshi said that... he would grant Lu Chong the strength to defeat a Tongxuan realm expert within ten days. Do you think that... it is possible?"

Until now, that student was unable to believe it.

"I don't know either. However, judging from how Liu laoshi was able to help us achieve breakthroughs in our cultivation just by giving us a few casual pointers, I doubt that his discernment is inferior to that of a master teacher!"

"I have heard the lessons of a master teacher before, and it is only slightly deeper than the lecture of our previous teacher. Compared to Liu laoshi... I think that their lessons are lacking!"

"Indeed... is he really just an ordinary teacher?"

Discussions sounded in the classroom.

Initially, they harbored deep hostility toward this teacher. However, the moment he started guiding them, everyone immediately realized that they had met with a good teacher and fell to his side.

"At Tongxuan realm, one's strength exceeds 100 ding, granting them the might to easily split open a tree. Lu Chong is currently only at Dingli realm primary stage, and that is two whole realms away from Tongxuan realm... how can he possibly reach Tongxuan realm in ten days under such conditions?"

Mu Xueqing shook her head.

She was at Pixue realm, and she knew how difficult it was to raise one's cultivation. It would already be incredible if Lu Chong could reach Dingli realm intermediate stage within ten days. To advance two whole realms and match a Tongxuan realm expert...

To her, it sounded no different from boasting.

"Indeed..." Meng Tao nodded as well.

Back then, it took him an entire year of effort to advance from Dingli realm primary stage to advanced stage. To reach Tongxuan realm within ten days... he didn't think that it was possible either.


Just when they were discussing, the door suddenly opened and Liu laoshi and Lu Chong walked out.

At this moment, Lu Chong looked spirited, and his eyes were filled with energy. Explosive power could be felt from his body, and it felt like the mighty waves in the ocean, exerting great pressure on the one looking at him.

"Dingli realm... pinnacle?"

Upon sensing his aura, Mu Xueqing and Meng Tao fell silent. Their eyes grew so wide that they were about to pop out from their eyes.

How long had it been since he entered the room with Liu laoshi?

To advance from Dingli realm primary stage to pinnacle in two hours...

The duo felt like spurting blood.

Compared to him, their cultivation speed was no different from a snail's. It took them several months before they could see a slight progress in their cultivation, yet Liu laoshi simply brought Lu Chong in for just a while and he had already broken through two smaller realms...

Did it have to be that exaggerated?

Furthermore, they were oblivious to the fact that Lu Chong's simplified Heaven's Path Golden Path had granted him the strength exceeding that of an ordinary Dingli realm pinnacle!

Adding his physical strength along with that of his zhenqi, he possessed an astounding might of five ding!

An ordinary Dingli realm pinnacle could only wield a might of four ding.

"This... this is too incredible... Senior, I think it is best that you admit your mistake. It is impossible to find such an incredible teacher anywhere else..."

Suppressing his shock, Meng Tao hurriedly sent a telepathic message to Mu Xueqing.

Halfway through his words, Meng Tao realized that the other party wasn't responding. Thinking that his senior's proud nature was acting up again, he hurriedly turned around to persuade her, but the unexpected sight before him nearly caused him to faint.

Putong! The incomparably arrogant Little Demoness Mu Xueqing who would never admit her mistakes was already kneeling before Liu laoshi with an earnest expression on her face.

"Teacher, I am in the wrong... please forgive me! I will do whatever you ask of me in the future. I won't disobey you ever again! Even if that genius Master Teacher Zhang Xuan were to come over, I will disregard him as though he is just mere air!"

"..." Zhang Xuan.




Chapter 328: Brawl of the Two Ladies

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"Stand up!" Even though he felt dismayed at Mu Xueqing's words, Zhang Xuan walked over to help her up.

He didn't intend to quarrel with a student over this affair. The only reason why he threatened her with expulsion was to warn her so that she would listen obediently in the future.

Due to her consumption of pills from young, the pill poison had already permeated deep into her body, blocking her meridians tightly like shackles. He needed her unreserved trust to clear away the impurities in her meridians.

Thus, he intentionally gave her the cold shoulder so that she could think it through and cherish this opportunity. If she was willing to grasp this opportunity, Zhang Xuan didn't mind saving her. However, if she decided to remain obstinate, Zhang Xuan didn't think of it as a huge loss either. At worst, he would just lose a student. If he wanted, he could easily groom students with cultivation surpassing hers within ten days.

"Even though there is poison in the pills, it isn't a severe problem. Otherwise, the standing of alchemists won't be that high either!"

Zhang Xuan explained, "Your cultivation method has the effect of swiftly propelling the medicinal energy through your body, allowing it to take effect swiftly. However, at the same time, it also causes the pill poison to be absorbed into your body swiftly as well, thus causing your condition to become so severe. Over the years, the pill poison accumulated in your meridians, making it difficult to expel it!"

"Write down your cultivation technique, I will modify it for you. As long as you cultivate according to it, the pill poison that has sunk into your body should be expelled in less than ten days and you will experience a rise in your cultivation as well!"

Pill poison was a difficult problem for even a 4-star master teacher. However, given that Zhang Xuan had cultivated the Heaven's Path Divine Art—the cultivation technique closest to perfection—it wasn't too difficult for him to solve it.

"Yes!" Not daring to hesitate, Mu Xueqing quickly copied down her cultivation technique on a piece of paper.

After taking a look at it, he did a few modifications before passing the paper back to her and instructing her to cultivate according to it.

An hour later, Mu Xueqing felt a refreshing sensation gushing through her body. The shackles which seemed to be binding her body before seemed to have been released, and a relaxing feeling surged to embrace her body from within. In fact, she even managed to achieve a small breakthrough in her cultivation, opening up another acupoint.

Sensing the change in her body, Mu Xueqing finally understood how incredible this Liu laoshi was. Instantaneously, she was filled with gratitude for him.

"Alright, we'll end the lesson here. You all may leave now!"

After settling Mu Xueqing's issue, Zhang Xuan casually waved his hands.

The crowd nodded and left the classroom.

Leaving the classroom, the group could no longer suppress the excitement in their hearts.

"Liu laoshi is simply too formidable! After his guidance, I realized that my cultivation method was entirely wrong. If I were to cultivate according to his instructions, I will surely be able to reach Dingli realm in less than three months!"

"It's the same for me as well. After cultivating according to the formula teacher gave me, I feel relaxed all over, and my strength is also progressing swiftly. I didn't expect that a problem I didn't think much of would weigh me down so much.

"This is what a truly incredible teacher is like! Did you notice that we actually know about the things he had pointed out, but we have never thought of putting them together..."

"I thought that the academy would send another mediocre teacher over, but to think that Liu laoshi would be this formidable..."


Everyone's eyes were glowing.

Even though it hadn't been long since they met with their new teacher, they were already completely amazed by him.

"To be able to raise our cultivation with just a few casual pointers, even master teachers might not possess such capability!" Hearing the group's discussion, Meng Tao couldn't help but add in.

"Indeed! I've had the honor of meeting with several master teachers, and I even once obtained Pavilion Master Jiang's Tutelage Jade Token and listened to two hours of his lecture. His lecture was impressive, but he was still lacking compared to Liu laoshi's precise guidance!" Mu Xueqing nodded.

Due to her family background, she had come into contact with numerous master teachers from young, to the point that she had even listened to Pavilion Master Jiang's lesson before. However, his guidance wasn't as spot-on as Liu laoshi's, the latter pointing straight to the crux of the problem and allowing one to improve immensely once they corrected it.

"Even Pavilion Master Jiang's lesson is lacking compared to his? Does this mean that our Liu laoshi's teaching ability is already above that of a 2-star master teacher?" Meng Tao asked in disbelief.

"Not only Pavilion Master Jiang, I think that the genius Master Teacher Zhang Xuan also pales in comparison to him! He only managed to cause a huge uproar in the master teacher examination due to his talent... the cultivation of his students aren't anything much. Based on what I've heard, they are all at Dingli realm, and even the strongest of them was only at Pixue realm!"

Mu Xueqing continued.

"If he was really as proficient in teaching as Liu laoshi, how could his students be so weak?"

With a new idol, Mu Xueqing was no longer blinded in her reverence for the genius master teacher.

Recalling the news she had heard, she made a comparison between Zhang Xuan and Liu laoshi, and arrived at this conclusion.

Master Teacher Zhang Xuan was a talented individual, but in terms of teaching, it was impossible for him to match up to Liu laoshi.

Otherwise, how could his direct disciples be so weak?

One had to know that Liu laoshi had claimed that he could make Lu Chong defeat a Tongxuan realm expert within ten days. Regardless of how short the duration when Master Teacher Zhang Xuan's students had been with him, it was definitely more than ten days.

It was clear who was the superior one.

"Who did you say was mediocre in teaching? I dare you to repeat your words!"

Mu Xueqing had just finished speaking her piece when a cold voice sounded out behind them. Turning around, they saw an incredibly beautiful lady who was around Mu Xueqing's age standing in the distance. Her eyebrows were knitted tightly together in displeasure.

Upon seeing this lady, Mu Xueqing, who always prided herself on her looks, couldn't help but gasp in admiration. However, envy soon welled up in her.

"What business of yours is it whomever I speak of?" Mu Xueqing harrumphed coldly.

She was the Little Demoness who feared nothing at all. She might have become an obedient lamb facing Liu laoshi's authority, but if a random stranger thought that she could climb over her head, then she must be dreaming!

"Did you just say that Master Teacher Zhang Xuan is mediocre in teaching, and his students are weak?"

The beautiful lady opposite to her stared at her with eyes burning with fury.

"Why? Have I said anything wrong? There is nothing to be said about Zhang shi's talents, but the students he taught are truly ordinary. Just by looking at their cultivation, one can tell that his teaching abilities are subpar!"

Mu Xueqing was a person who favored the carrot over the stick. Even though she revered Zhang shi a lot, she couldn't help but retaliate verbally upon sensing the threat the lady's voice.

"You... since you said so, let's not waste any words. Do you dare to duel with me!?"

The lady's face steeled and she gritted her silver teeth.

"Duel with you?"

Mu Xueqing was taken aback.

She must be sick!

She only casually said that Master Teacher Zhang Xuan's lessons couldn't compare up to Liu laoshi's, yet this lass was acting as though she had killed her entire family. What in the world was she up to?

However, as the Little Demoness and one of the top students in the entire Tianwu Kingdom, she couldn't back down a duel!

"Let's fight then, do you think that I will be scared of you?" Harrumphing coldly, Mu Xueqing flung her sleeve.

"Senior..." seeing the Little Demoness flying to a rage, Meng Tao and the others were shocked. They hurriedly tried to stop her.

On the other hand, another lady beside the beautiful lady looked a little worried as well.

"Zhao Ya, Liu shi told us not to cause any trouble..." the female said feebly, worried that they would get into trouble.

"Wang Ying, they have already insulted our teacher, are we to tolerate it?" A young man stepped forward. With a flick of his wrist, he whipped out the spear behind his back, and the joints of the spear started fixing itself together.

"Indeed, we can't tolerate it. They have insulted our teacher and us. So what if this is Tianwu Academy?" A plump-faced fatty stepped forward.

They were Zhao Ya, Zheng Yang, and the others who came to Tianwu Academy for a leisurely stroll.

They had been walking around Tianwu Academy, and the grandeur of the top academy of the thirteen surrounding kingdoms had indeed left them stunned. After walking for an entire afternoon, just as they were about to return, they heard someone insult Zhang laoshi!

How could they watch by the side as the respected figure in their hearts was being sullied?

They could tolerate being insulted themselves, but they couldn't allow anyone to insult Zhang laoshi!

In their hearts, Zhang laoshi was an existence equivalent to a god. What Liu laoshi and Jiang Chen... all of those meant nothing to them at all!


Seeing Zheng Yang and Yuan Tao fervently supporting Zhao Ya's decision, Wang Ying hesitated for a moment before nodding her head, "Alright!"

Zhang Xuan's five students always had a fearless personality. Otherwise, they wouldn't have dared to challenge Lu Xun publicly during the Teacher Evaluation.

Even though they were at Tianwu Academy, and they had no connections or backing here, they couldn't forgive the fact that someone had dared to insult their teacher.

"There is a sparring ring right in front. Whoever loses must apologize to the other party!" Zhao Ya's pitch-black hair flew in the air, and in an instant, she felt as though a pure and valiant goddess. "Do you dare to accept the challenge?"

"What is there to fear? Rather, I'm afraid that you will go back on your words when you lose!" Mu Xueqing didn't back down at all.

"Then cut the crap, let's go!"

Zhao Ya couldn't be bothered to argue with the other party, and she began to walk toward the dueling ring.

As an academy for cultivators, Tianwu Academy had average-sized sparring rings throughout the entire campus to allow students to spar with one another and raise their cultivation.

"What's wrong?"

"It seems like Little Demoness Mu Xueqing is sparring with someone!"

"Sparring with someone? Who would be so daring as to fight with her? Zhao Wuxing? Or is it Liu Changyan?"

"It isn't them... I haven't seen the other party before either. It is an extremely beautiful lady, so beautiful that I couldn't believe my eyes!"

"The battle between two beauties? I have to take a look then..."


Sensing the strong smell of gunpowder between the duo, the other students, who were walking leisurely around the campus, were immediately roused and innumerable people gathered around the sparring ring.

Mue Xueqing was both beautiful and strong, and she had always been in the center of attention in the academy. Not to mention, the lady she was facing was even more beautiful than her. In an instant, the attention of the entire academy was focused on this duel.

Large circles of crowd gathered around the sparring ring.

"She's indeed beautiful!"

"That... why haven't I met her before?"

"She must be new. Otherwise, given her beauty, it is impossible for me to not have heard of her!"


Upon seeing Zhao Ya, the eyes of the student population lit up.

After triggering her Pure Yin Body, her disposition and appearance became refined, and she stood out from the typical ladies. In an instant, she attracted everyone's gazes, and the eyes of many male students were glowing.

"Damn it..."

Seeing those male students directing furious glares at her, Mu Xueqing's face steeled, and she was about to explode with fury.

In the past, regardless of where she went, she was the center of attention. But at this moment, her spotlight was being stolen by some other lady. How could she take this lying down?

"If I don't leave your smash your head until you even forget your own name, I'll forsake my surname..."

Clenching her jaws forcefully, Mu Xueqing clenched her fists tightly.




Chapter 329: Duel Agreement

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"Zhao Ya, even though there isn't much to be said about the other party's character, she isn't weak. You must be careful!"

Zheng Yang stepped forward and told Zhao Ya with a hushed voice.

"Un, don't worry!" Zhao Ya responded.

After Zhang laoshi's guidance yesterday, she opened up another ten acupoints. Even though the lady before her wasn't weak, she could only be considered to be on par with her. When it comes down to it, it was hard to say who would lose.


Leaping forward, Zhao Ya landed lightly on the sparring ring. Staring at Mu Xueqing with her black beady eyes, she gestured with her hands and said, "Let's begin!"


Refusing to back down, Mu Xueqing leaped onto the sparring ring as well. She unleashed her might, which had just risen from her breakthrough just a moment ago, and strength gushed through her as though a flowing river.

"It's beginning!"

"The battle between the two beauties..."

Seeing the two beauties facing each other on the sparring ring, the crowd immediately fell silent, fearful that they would interrupt their concentration.

"I will make you apologize!"

With a clear thud, Zhao Ya pushed against the floor and charged forth. At the same time, a howling aura which bore some reminiscence to the gleam of a sword shrouded her arms.

"The one to apologize will be you!"

Refusing to yield, Mu Xueqing also charged forward.

Peng peng peng peng!

Soon, the duo had already traded blows several times. As Pixue realm cultivators, the might of their blows caused a violent sonic boom to burst in the air.

"Incredible! Where did this lady come from? Despite her young age, she is actually able to match Mu Xueqing!"

Amidst the crowd, a young man looked at the battle with a perplexed expression.

It was the student who was ranked first in the student tournament, Zhao Wuxing.

"I have no idea as well. It seemed as though she suddenly appeared today!" Beside him, another person looked at the stage with a doubtful expression as well.

If Mu Xueqing saw this person, she would definitely recognize him as the one who was placed second in the student tournament, Liu Changyan.

Despite being the two most famous students in the academy, Zhao Wuxing and Liu Changyan couldn't hold back their curiosity to spectate the battle.

"Who do you think will win?"

After looking for a moment longer, Liu Changyan chuckled.

"In just a few days, Mu Xueqing's cultivation has improved, and the restraint in her movements has also disappeared, causing her fighting prowess to soar greatly. Even though the lady she is facing is using inferior battle techniques, her movements were forceful. Furthermore, there seems to be some kind of frosty aura to her moves, making it difficult for one face it head on... I can't really say for sure who will win!"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Wuxing said.

As the number one student in the entire academy, his eye for such matters was astonishing. However, regardless of whether it was their cultivation or their means, the two ladies on the sparring ring seemed to be on the same level. He couldn't say for sure who would win either.

Liu Changyan nodded in agreement. Then, he suddenly frowned, "That lady who abruptly appeared has a strong foundation, but why are her battle techniques so weak? All of the moves she has used were at intermediate-tier Mortal or so. If her battle techniques were slightly more advanced, she might have won already!"


Zhao Wuxing was also perplexed by the sight.

These two beautiful ladies had both reached Pixue realm. As long as they wished, they could easily access the high-tier or even pinnacle Mortal battle techniques. To still be using intermediate-tier Mortal at her cultivation realm, that was indeed a little lacking.

If not for the frosty aura in her body limiting the other party's movements, rendering Mu Xueqing unable to gain on her, she would have already lost.

"This isn't good!"

Zheng Yang and the others could also see the problem.

Zhao Ya's Pure Yin Body granted her a huge advantage against cultivators of the same cultivation realm. However, as the battle techniques she knew were still limited to the level of Tianxuan Kingdom, there was still a huge distance between both parties.

More importantly, it had only been two months since Zhao Ya advanced from Fighter 1-dan Juxi realm to Pixue realm. The rapid rise in her cultivation caused her to lack actual combat experience.

On the other hand, as the Little Demoness who had caused innumerable storms in Tianwu Academy, Mue Xueqing had plenty of battle experience.

Lacking battle techniques and battle experience. If not for her overwhelmingly powerful physical constitution and her powerful zhenqi, she would have already lost by now.

"Don't panic. Even though Zhao Ya is lacking in practical battle experience, it isn't that easy for the other party to triumph over her!"

Liu Yang said.

Back then, Zhao Ya's physical constitution could even suppress Lu Xun laoshi. No matter how powerful this lady was, could she be stronger than Lu Xun?

"Don't worry. Once she gets used to the tempo of the battle, it will just be a matter of time before she defeats the other party!"

Zhao Ya's disadvantage was due to her lacking battle experience. As the battle continued on, Zhao Ya would slowly get used to the flow of the fight, and by then, it wouldn't be difficult for her to defeat the other party.

"Damn it!"

Since the crowd below was able to realize this, naturally Mu Xueqing could notice it as well, and her face steeled.

Even though she wasn't the strongest female in her age group in Tianwu Kingdom, she wasn't too far from it. She thought that it should have been easy for her to teach a lass younger than her a lesson, but never in her dreams did she expect for the other party to be this formidable!

When did such an incredible freshman appear in Tianwu Academy?

"If this continues to drag on, given how condensed her zhenqi is, I will surely lose. I have no choice but to use that technique!"

Mu Xueqing gritted her teeth, and a ferocious glint appeared in her eyes.

Even though the other party was in a disadvantageous position at first, as time went by, she found the tables being slowly turned on her.

In the end, her cultivation was forcefully pulled by pills, so her zhenqi was still a little thin.


Harrumphing lightly, Mu Xueqing frowned. Her aura suddenly surged, and she released a forceful punch.

"It's Apothecary Mu's [Fallen Flower Fist]!"

A grim look appeared on Zhao Wuxing's face.

"Fallen Flower Fist?" Liu Changyan turned to Zhao Wuxing and asked.

"Indeed. It's a high-tier Phantom battle technique. It's said that when Apothecary Mu reached Zongshi realm, in remembrance of his dead wife, he created this technique. There is a total of three moves to this technique, and every single one has overwhelming strength. Even Mo Hongyi was filled with praises for it!"

Zhao Wuxing stared at the lady on stage and commented, "To think that Apothecary Mu would pass this technique onto his daughter and that she would have already mastered the first move!"

"High-tier Phantom battle technique? Techniques of such level are rare even in the capital, the other lady Mu Xueqing is facing is in trouble!"

Amazed, Liu Changyan nodded his head.

Even in Tianwu Kingdom, a high-tier Phantom battle technique was considered to be top-notch. On top of that, the other lady was lacking in good battle techniques, making it difficult for her to withstand this move.

As they expected, facing the savage pressure from the other party, Zhao Ya's face warped in shock.

"I have to go all out!"

Gritting her silver teeth, she knew that she would definitely fall in defeat if she were to continue executing normal moves. Thus, with a bellow, she pumped her zhenqi furiously through her veins.

She was putting her all into this single move.


The Fallen Flower Fist met her palm.

Deng deng deng deng!

The duo's faces reddened, and they retreated seven to eight steps consecutively before fresh blood spurted from their mouths.

It was a draw!

"Zhao Ya!"


Zheng Yang and Meng Tao dashed up to the stage.

"Seems like I have underestimated you. It is a draw today, but do you dare to fight against me three days from now?"

Flinging her arms, Mu Xueqing pushed Meng Tao and the others aside before glaring at Zhao Ya coldly.

"So be it! If you lose at that time, you have to apologize!" Zhao Ya stared back at her as well.

"Apologize? I only said that Zhang shi isn't good at teaching, what business of it is yours?"

At this, Mu Xueqing suddenly realized something and she froze. "It can't be that... you all are Zhang shi's students?"

"That's right! He is our teacher! Your action of insulting him is equivalent to insulting all of us!" Zhao Ya replied.

"I see!"

Finally understanding the reason why the other party was so furious as to challenge her to a duel, Mu Xueqing shook her head. "I am also filled with respect for Zhang shi, just that... I am being objective here. In terms of teaching, I can guarantee that our Liu laoshi is definitely superior to your Zhang shi!"

"Liu laoshi? I've never heard of him!" Zhao Ya shook her head. Then, with a proud look, she declared, "Our Zhang laoshi is definitely the best in teaching! No one is able to match up to him!"


Mu Xueqing gritted her teeth. "Since none of us is willing to concede, then let our fists do the talking! Let's meet again three days from now on, and whoever loses has to admit that their teacher is inferior to the other party's teacher! Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

"Why wouldn't I dare to accept your challenge?" Zhao Ya nodded.

"Fine, it's a deal then! Let's go!"

Seeing that the other party had agreed to it, Mu Xueqing flung her arms, turned around and left.

It hadn't been long since she came into contact with Liu laoshi, but she felt grateful to the other party for solving the trauma in the body and raising her cultivation. Given that a student of Zhang shi was challenging his prestige, she felt a need to guard his honor!

She wanted to let people know that even though Liu laoshi wasn't a master teacher, he was in no way inferior to a master teacher!

"Let's go!"

Zhao Ya also left with Wang Ying and the others.

"These few people are Zhang shi's students?"

"This is a huge affair..."

"I've heard of Zhang shi! He's the genius who broke all of Genius Mo Hongyi's records, taking over his position as the number one genius of Tianwu Kingdom! No wonder that lady was so incredible, she is his student!"

Upon learning that Zhao Ya and the others were Zhang shi's students, the crowd below broke into a commotion.

Those students who harbored ideas on Zhao Ya immediately vanquished all of their thoughts.

Master Teacher Zhang Xuan was a rising figure in the city, and many influential powers were eager to build a connection with him.

Laying hands on his students was no different than suicide!

"Right, isn't Mu Xueqing's teacher Bai Fan laoshi? Who is Liu laoshi?"

"You still don't know about it? Bai Fang laoshi has already left the academy, and this Liu laoshi is a teacher who was just recruited today!"

"Just recruited today?"

"That's right. I was in charge of attending to the interviewees, so I personally saw the scene back then. That Liu laoshi is indeed a capable teacher..."


The student recounted the events during the public recruitment.

"With a single word, he fixed a student's aversion to studying, and with a beating, he fixed a student's violent tendencies?"

"You must be joking! There's actually such a person in the world?"

After hearing those words, the crowd was dumbfounded. They couldn't help but doubt that the other party was lying to them.

"It's true!" The student said indignantly. "You all know Mu Xueqing's personality as well. If it's not true, how could she be willing to fight with another person for him when she has only come into contact with him for such a short period of time?"


"Now that you speak of it, I suddenly thought of something. When I met the students in their class this morning, their cultivation didn't seem to be that high yet. How in the world was all of their cultivation raised in just a few hours?"


"Could this really be due to Liu laoshi's guidance? For him to be so formidable, who in the world is this Liu laoshi?"

The more the crowd discussed, the more curious they were about Mu Xueqing's new teacher.

"Ah choo!"

After leaving the classroom, just as Zhang Xuan was walking on a pavement, he suddenly sneezed. Perplexed, he rubbed his nose.

What's wrong? Did I catch a cold?




hapter 330: Physician Guild

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Not long after Mu Xueqing and the others stepped out of the classroom, Zhang Xuan left as well.

To raise Lu Chong's cultivation in the shortest time possible, he had to purchase sufficient medicinal herbs to concoct the poison. It was impossible for him to obtain these herbs just by waiting in the academy.

"There are only two sources where one can obtain medicinal herbs. The herb kings and the Physician Guild!"

Zhang Xuan contemplated as he proceeded forward.

Herb kings referred to wholesaler of medicinal herbs, and the Great Herb King of the Red Lotus City was the largest wholesaler in the thirteen surrounding kingdoms.

"If Tianwu Royal City has a herb king, Bai Chan and the others wouldn't have to go through so much effort to travel to Red Lotus City to purchase medicine... I better head to the Physician Guild!"

Given how Bai Chan and the other physicians traveled all the way to Red Lotus City to purchase medicinal herbs, it was clear that there was no herb king in Tianwu Royal City. Even if there was, it was unlikely for him to have a wide variety of herbs.

Since that was the case, Zhang Xuan decided to head for the Physician Guild straight.

The Apothecary Guild and the Physician Guild both expended huge quantities of herbs on a daily basis. The pills the former forged were mostly related to raising one's cultivation, and thus, the medicinal herbs they possessed were mostly tonics and Spirit medicinal herbs. On the other hand, the latter concocted medicine with the purpose of saving and treating others, and poisonous herbs frequently appeared in their prescriptions. Therefore, it was more likely that latter would possess the poisonous herbs that Zhang Xuan was looking for

After asking around in the academy, Zhang Xuan soon found out where the Physician Guild was located.

It wasn't too far from Tianwu Academy, and he arrived at its doorstep within an hour.

The Physician Guild wasn't as grand as the Master Teacher Pavilion, but still, it was larger and more imposing than the Painter Guild.

Upon walking into the lounge, Zhang Xuan immediately saw a group of people lining up neatly within. There were apprentices seated at the front diagnosing the patient. It was quite similar to the hospitals in his previous life.

Walking around the crowd, Zhang Xuan walked up to the reception and a young lady in her twenties walked up to welcome him with a sweet smile.

"May I know what gongzi hopes to enquire..."

"I wish to buy some medicinal herbs!" Zhang Xuan said.

"You wish to buy some herbs?" The lady hesitated for a moment before asking politely, "Can you show me your prescription?"


He was just here to buy medicinal herbs, so how could he possibly have something like that?

"You can only buy medicinal herbs with a prescription..." Seeing the confused look on the other party's face, the lady frowned.

"Where can I obtain a prescription?" Zhang Xuan asked.

"Physicians and apprentices have the right to issue a prescription!"

The lady looked at Zhang Xuan with a bizarre gaze, "However, apprentices can only issue prescriptions consisting of low-tier medicinal herbs. If you wish to purchase high-tier medicinal herbs, you will have to look for a physician!"

To dare to come up here to buy medicinal herbs when you don't even know where to get a prescription from... It is fortunate for you that my temper is good, otherwise you would have already been kicked out as a troublemaker!

"Oh, the medicinal herbs I want to buy can't be considered as high-tier but they are still quite rare. I will recite them for you, so can you tell me whether I should look for an apprentice or a physician to issue a prescription?"

Seeing the long queue before the apprentices and a longer one before the physicians, Zhang Xuan decided to clarify everything properly before deciding on a course of action.

He didn't want to leave in disappointment after lining up for several hours at the apprentice queue only to realize that the other party was unable to issue the prescription.


The lady nodded.

"I want to buy White Angelica Flower, Crimson-edged Leaf, Wolf Venom Grass..." After pondering for a moment, Zhang Xuan listed out over a dozen medicinal herbs.

Before he could finish his words, the lady's eyes widened into large circles. Alarmed, she took a step back and knocked a bronze gong. "Guards, someone is causing trouble..."

"..." Zhang Xuan.


A few armored guards rushed over.

"Ya Rou xiaojie, what's wrong?"

The guard leader was a tall and bulky man. With a physique as though a steel tower, his presence exerted a huge pressure on those around him.

Tongxuan realm expert!

"That man is causing trouble..."

Receptionist Ya Rou pointed.

"Cough cough..." Zhang Xuan didn't expect that he would be taken for a troublemaker when he only intended to purchase medicine. Shaking his head, he said, "I am a teacher of Tianwu Academy, I am really here to buy medicinal herbs!"

After which, he flashed an emblem indicating his identity as a teacher.

He didn't want to be thrown out from the guild despite having only entered a moment ago.

"Oh, so it's Liu laoshi. Pardon our disrespect!" After taking a glance at the emblem, the guard leader clasped his fist. He then turned to Ya Rou and asked doubtfully, "What is going on?"

Tianwu Academy was known as the sacred land for cultivators, and the teachers possessed immense prestige in the capital. No one dared to look down on them.

Since the other party was a teacher, it was unlikely that he would cause trouble here given his esteemed standing.

"He... Despite not having a prescription, he said that he wanted to buy prohibited medicinal herbs like White Angelica Flower, Crimson-edged Leaf, and Wolf Venom Grass. If this isn't causing trouble, what else is…?"

Not expecting that this ignorant fellow to be a teacher of Tianwu Academy, Ya Rou was taken aback for a moment. However, she soon recovered and explained the situation.

"Buying prohibited medicinal herbs?"

After hearing the reason, the guard leader turned to Zhang Xuan, "Liu laoshi, medicinal herbs like the Wolf Venom Grass possess lethal poison, and thus, the guild deems them as prohibited herbs. Even with a prescription, we aren't allowed to sell them to you. Unless... Unless a physician vouches for you personally, otherwise it will be impossible to purchase those herbs!"

"I'm unable to purchase those herbs even with a prescription?"

"Yes! These prohibited medicinal herbs possess lethal poison, and in order to prevent people from abusing these medicinal herbs to conduct vile deeds, the guild decided to impose strict rules on their distribution. I seek your understanding on this matter." The guard clasped his fist and explained respectfully.

If not for the fact that the other party was a teacher of Tianwu Academy, he would have thought that he was here to cause trouble as well.

Despite knowing nothing at all, to head to the guild to purchase prohibited medicinal herbs... He sure was brazen!

"Oh!" Zhang Xuan nodded.

He could understand the rationale behind their actions. In his previous life, some of the more potent medicine, such as sleeping pills, weren't available to the general public even with a prescription.

They were simply trying to prevent widespread use of these lethal medicinal herbs, which could potentially cause unrest in the city.

"Since Liu laoshi understands this matter, I have to ask you to leave and not make things difficult for us..." Seeing that the other party comprehended their plight, the guard leader continued.

However, before he could finish his words, the young man before him knitted his eyebrows tightly together. With a helpless expression, the other party shook his head, "Seems like... I have to try taking the physician examination then. Sigh, to think that even purchasing medicinal herbs would be such a hassle..."

"Taking the physician examination?"

"Purchasing medicinal herbs would be such a hassle?

Upon hearing those words, Ya Rou and the guards nearly keeled over.

Physician was one of the higher ranked occupations of the Upper Nine Paths. As such, the difficulty of the examination was extraordinary.

Despite not even being an apprentice, not to mention how you didn't even know that a prescription was required to purchase medicinal herbs, how could you boast so arrogantly that you are going to take the physician examination? Furthermore, for you to do so just to purchase medicinal herbs...

Brother, will you die if you act a little humbler?

Ya Rou's complexion immediately turned awful.

She had seen many braggarts before, but she had never seen one who was capable of bragging to the stars.

Even if you don't know that a prescription is required to purchase medicinal herbs, you should at least know that taking the physician examination requires an in-depth knowledge of medicinal herbs!

To not even know that the White Angelica Flower, Crimson-edged Leaf, and Wolf Venom Grass are prohibited medicinal herbs... and you still wish to take the physician examination? You must be joking!

"Liu laoshi, the physician examination isn't as easy as you think..."

The guard leader was infuriated by how lightly the other party was taking the occupation, but in consideration of his identity as a teacher of Tianwu Academy, he suppressed his anger and tried to explain the matter to him.

"Un, I understand! How can becoming a member of an occupation of the Upper Nine Paths be easy?" Zhang Xuan nodded.

Hearing the other party's words, the guard leader nodded, thinking that the other party had given up on the idea. However, upon hearing the words that followed behind it, he staggered and nearly spurted blood.

The young man looked at him with a serious face and asked, "So... may I know where the physician examination is held?"

To not even know where the physician examination is held... and you still want to take the examination?

"It's at the Physician Hall over there..." The guard leader was seething with rage, but he still managed to hold himself back. Pointing to the front, he replied with a trembling voice.

Looking toward where the other party's finger was pointed, Zhang Xuan saw a huge hall, and a plaque placed on top of the entrance that wrote 'Physician Hall'!

"Alright, thank you. May I trouble you to prepare the medicinal herbs that I just spoke of? I will come and claim them after I'm done with the physician examination!"

Upon knowing the location, Zhang Xuan instructed the receptionist, Ya Rou, before heading over.


Upon seeing the other party leave, Ya Rou could no longer hold herself back and harrumphed with clear disdain in her voice.

She was already absolutely certain that this fellow was here to wreak havoc.

Otherwise, who would attempt the physician examination despite knowing nothing at all?

"He does seem somewhat unreliable. Given the prestige associated with being a physician, how can it possible for anyone to pass the examination that easily?" The guard leader shook his head as well.

It is one thing if you have studied the Way of Medicine before, but to not even know where the physician examination is held and that a prescription is required to purchase medicinal herbs, it can't be clearer to see that you are a newbie! And yet, you still want to take the examination...

Aren't you underestimating this occupation a little way too much?

"That may not necessarily be so. I recall that there's a person in our guild who managed to pass the 1-star physician examination despite not being an apprentice!"

A guard spoke up.

"Oh, you're speaking of 3-star Physician Mu Hong? He is an exception. Having come from a lineage of physicians, he has been learning the Way of Medicine since young. He possesses true ability, that's why he's able to pass the 1-star physician examination straight!"

The guard leader said.

The other party was right, there was indeed an exception in the guild.

It was the famous Physician Mu Hong.

Even though Physician Mu Hong had never taken any examination prior to passing his 1-star physician examination such that he wasn't even an apprentice then, he had been accompanying his father on diagnosis and treatment runs and he was already famous by then.

"He is just an arrogant lad, how can he be compared to Physician Mu Hong?" Ya Rou harrumphed coldly.

Physician Mu Hong had begun learning Way of Medicine from young, and by the age of thirteen, he was already treating patients by himself. Even though he had never taken the examination prior to that, he practically grew up in the Physician Guild and he was well aware of everything here.

On the other hand, that fellow clearly knew nothing at all. Given the foolish and ignorant look on his face, and how he didn't even know of the prohibited medicinal herbs... how could the two of them possibly be the same?

"But no matter what, the other party is a teacher of Tianwu Academy. I don't think that he will complete not care for his reputation like that!"

The guard leader said.


Ya Rou fell speechless.

The standing of a teacher was beneath that of a physician, but due to their relationship with master teachers, it was an esteemed occupation as well. As an official teacher of Tianwu Academy, it was unlikely for him to abandon his pride to cause trouble at the Physician Guild.

"He might really possess true ability!"

"Indeed, it's possible that he might, like Physician Mu Hong, pass the 1-star physician examination straight and amaze everyone!"

The two guards held deep respect for teachers.

"Now that you speak of it, it isn't entirely impossible..." Hearing the analysis of the others, Ya Rou hesitated for a moment before nodding her head. Just as she was about to continue speaking, the young man who just left a moment ago returned and asked sheepishly.

"May I know... what procedures are there to the physician examination? Also, what books do I have to read?"

"..." Ya Rou.

"..." The guards.

Translator's Thoughts

StarveCleric StarveCleric

I have one extra edited chapter at hand so I'll launch a challenge. Post a phrase commonly used in the series that you find interesting, and if one of them receives a hundred likes by today, I'll post another chapter.