

Chapter 321: You Have Been Recruited

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

"Done!" Zhang Xuan clapped his hands with glee.

Seeing how casual the other party was, everyone suddenly felt dizzy and an urge to spew blood welled in them.

Wasn't he being too eccentric?

The Teacher Guild had explicitly stated that one was not to punish a student physically, yet you had to the cheek to beat the other party up so severely. If the Teacher Guild were to pursue the matter, no one would be able to shoulder the responsibility.

"Liu laoshi, you..." Mo Hongyi was speechless. He nearly fainted from anger, "Teachers aren't allowed to beat students up!"

Is this fellow for real! It is one thing for you not to know the rules of the master teacher examination, but you would have at least taken a class before, you would have at least taught some students before... As a 2-star master teacher examinee, how could you not know these fundamental rules?

A teacher was supposed to win over his students by virtue. If the Teacher Guild were to realize that one had punished a student physically, it is very likely that one's teaching license would be revoked.

"Beat students up? Who said that I had beaten a student?" Zhang Xuan glared at the male student. "Did I beat you up?"

"No! I am indebted to teacher. You did it to save me, you did not beat me up!" The male student quickly kowtowed as he explained through his now-incomplete set of teeth.


The crowd was thrown into a frenzy.

Brother, can you be any more arrogant?

Do you think that we are all blind?

All of us personally saw you beat the other party up. It is one thing for you not to admit it, but you even threatened the student! This is truly atrocious and deplorable!

They had seen ridiculous people, but they had never seen someone who left them so speechless.


Flinging his hands, Principal Xie's face steeled.

As the principal and a 1-star master teacher, a teacher had beaten up and threatened a student before him. He couldn't simply remain motionless to this matter.

"Liu laoshi, punishing a student physically is already a violation of the responsibilities of a teacher. I will report this matter to the Teacher Guild, so you should prepare yourself for the sanction from the guild! Also, our Tianwu Academy is unwilling to recruit a deplorable and irresponsible teacher like you, so please leave immediately!"

After which, he pointed to the doors.

"Sanction? Irresponsible?"

Zhang Xuan was taken aback. He turned to Principal Xie and asked, "Is this your judgment on the matter?"

"That's right!" Principal Xie harrumphed.

"Fine!" Zhang Xuan shook his head. "Given your eye of discernment, you still call yourself a 1-star master teacher? Honestly speaking, I would really like to ask... Are you blind?"


"Did this fellow just insult Principal Xie?"

"The heck! He physically punished a student and insulted a 1-star master teacher. Is this fellow insane?"



The other teachers' eyeballs were about to pop out from their sockets.

This is the principal of Tianwu Academy, a Zongshi realm pinnacle expert. In terms of strength, he is ranked in the top ten of the academy. Not to mention, he is a 1-star master teacher as well. To say that he is blind...

The heck!

They had only thought that he was arrogant a moment ago, but now, they realized that he was insane!

Otherwise, how could a teacher who came for a public recruitment beat up a student in public and insult a 1-star master teacher?

Master teachers were not to be sullied. Just this crime was sufficient to have him killed!

The corners of Mo Hongyi's mouth twitched as well.

However, he knew that even though Zhang Xuan had an eccentric personality and a vile mouth, he had the capability to back it up. Based on his understanding of the latter, it was impossible for him to be insulting Principal Xie for no good reason.

Reexamining the male student's condition, he suddenly froze. "This..."

Meanwhile, Principal Xie was already spurting blood.

He was so furious that all of his hairs stood at its end and it felt as though he would erupt at any moment.

"Liu laoshi, do you know that you are insulting a master teacher!" Suppressing his rage, Principal Xie spat through gritted teeth.

If not for his identity, he would have charged up and taught this arrogant fellow a lesson.

"Insulting a master teacher? Me?" Zhang Xuan looked at him with a look of pity. "Someone is insulting the identity of a master teacher, but it isn't me. It is you!"

"You..." Infuriated, Principal Xie was just about to step forward to teach this conceited brat a lesson when the other party walked up to the male student with his hands behind his back and explained calmly.

"Blood Calamity Spider. It is a unique type of savage beast around the size of a human's thumb. It feeds on the blood of living beings and favors dark and cold habitats. It often moves around in the dark and most importantly, it carries a lethal poison on it."

Everyone thought that this fellow was going to say something important, but he talked about an unrelated savage beast instead. Everyone was baffled.

Principal Xie came to a halt and his eyebrows furrowed together. He wanted to see what this fellow had up his sleeves."

"If a cultivator were to fall prey under this spider's poison, he won't die immediately. However, the venom will numb his nerves and cause a change in his personality. He will become violent and an urge to battle with others would overwhelm him... This is because only battle could alleviate the boiling poison in his body and bring him peace!"

Zhang Xuan continued.

"There is actually such a savage beast?"

"Is there really such a peculiar poison in the world?"

Upon hearing the effects of the poison of the Blood Calamity Spider, a conjecture appeared in everyone's mind. However, they didn't dare to confirm it. Rather, their gaze remained fixated on the young man before them.

"That's right, this male student had fallen prey to this poison and it was already at an extremely severe stage! Thus, he couldn't help but fight with others to alleviate his raging emotions. Did you all realize that even though the movements of his battle techniques were sharp and lethal, there was a trace of redness in his eyes? No matter how many battles a cultivator undergoes, it isn't possible for their fights to affect their mental state and change the color of their eyes."

Zhang Xuan surveyed the surroundings.

"Trace of redness... I noticed it too, but I thought that it was because of his agitation!"

"That's right, I saw it too. I thought that it was because of his unique battle technique... Could it really be because of a lethal poison?"

"How is that possible? If he was poisoned, why couldn't any of us detect it?"



Recalling the sight they saw when the male student was displaying his battle technique, everyone froze.

There was something bizarre about that male student's gaze, but there were some battle techniques which could change one's gaze as well. Thus, they didn't consider such a possibility.

Besides, who would have known that there was a poison in the world which could affect a person's mental state and make them aggressive?

"I wasn't beating him up just now. I was using a unique method to force the poison out of his body. If you don't believe me, you can look at the blood on the floor!"

Zhang Xuan casually pointed.

Following his finger, the crowd saw the blood that flowed out from the apertures of the male student when Liu laoshi beat him up just a moment ago.

To their horror, the blood was thick and black in color. The blood had curdled on the spot and the stones in contact with it corroded, causing a dent to appear. It was an extremely eerie sight.

"There was really lethal poison..."

Principal Xie's face turned pale.

It was impossible for normal blood to curdle so quickly, even less so, corrode stone.

Such a situation would only occur if the blood was harnessing a lethal poison.

Which meant to say...

There was lethal poison within the male student! And Liu laoshi wasn't beating him up just now, he was... expelling his poison!

"Usually, one would die within three months of falling prey to the Blood Calamity Spider's poison. Judging from his current state, he should only be a month in, so he isn't in any danger. That's also the reason why he was still able to suppress the poison with his cultivation, making it impossible for anyone to notice it."

Zhang Xuan turned to Principal Xie and said, "Even so, despite being the top academy in Tianwu Kingdom, how could you all not know that one of your students had fallen prey to lethal poison! It is out of kindness that I saved him, yet you framed me of beating him up and even threatened to report this to the Teacher Guild... You're the principal of the academy as well as a 1-star master teacher. How could you fail to see through this much? May I ask... If you aren't blind, what else could it be?"


Principal Xie's face paled.

The black poisoned blood was an extremely clear sign that the male student had been poisoned. However, overwhelmed by rage, Principal Xie actually overlooked the matter. He even bellowed at the other party for beating the male student up. Embarrassed, his face flushed. He wanted to explain but words evaded him.

"Liu laoshi, please calm down. Poison master is an uncommon occupation and very few people have knowledge of it. It's normal for one not to know of it!"

Sensing the awkwardness of the situation, Mo Hongyi interjected.

He was right. Most of the information regarding poison had been sealed by the Poison Hall so most people were uninformed about the matter.

Furthermore, teachers prided themselves on being righteous. As such, they rarely came into contact with something as vile as poison, so naturally, they would have very limited knowledge on them.

Knowing that it was impossible for Zhang Xuan to insult the other party for no good reason, he had reexamined the condition of the male student. When he saw the poison in the blood he spat, he was also thrown into a state of shock.

To be able to tell that the other party had been poisoned just through his battle technique, and even solve it... This meant that Zhang Xuan's mastery of poison had most probably reached the level of a grandmaster.

3-star painter, 2-star beast tamer, and pill forging skills exceeding that of a 4-star apothecary... How many hidden capabilities was this fellow hiding up his sleeves?

Initially, he had thought that even though the other party was superior in terms of pill forging and teaching, it would just be limited to those. However, after this incident, he realized that... the other party was skilled in many other occupations as well, just that he hadn't displayed it before him.

"Even if you didn't know that it was lethal poison, that student had already said that I am saving him. Yet, you still chose to doubt me. Is this the discerning ability that a 1-star master teacher should have?"

Oblivious to Mo Hongyi's attempt to alleviate the atmosphere, Zhang Xuan continued.



Upon hearing those words, everyone went speechless.

The male student did say that you were saving him, but you had just finished beating him up then, not to mention, your ferocious glare. No matter who saw this, they would have thought that you were threatening him. Intimidated, he would have no choice but to answer that way.

Who would have known that... he truly meant it.

"It's due to my lack of observation. I am truly unworthy of the title of 1-star master teacher..."

Under Zhang Xuan's intense interrogation, Principal Xie's face paled and he looked as though he had aged a decade.

He was supposed to be the one conducting the test for the public recruitment, but little did he know that he himself had failed to notice so many crucial details.

"Alright, there's no need to be depressed. Just continue learning earnestly and don't come to a conclusion recklessly before clarifying the situation!" Zhang Xuan shook his hands casually.

Everyone staggered.

This was the principal of Tianwu Academy! Yet, he was being lectured as though he was a student by a mere ordinary teacher...

Everyone was completely speechless, but at the same time, they were also astonished by this Liu shi's means..

Not only did he manage to locate the root of the problems of the two students, something that even Principal Xie overlooked, he was even able to treat the two of them easily. Be it his eye of discernment or his means, it was at an astounding level. If not for them witnessing this sight personally, they would have never believed it to be possible.

In an instant, they were all filled with amazement and respect for this young teacher.

Just when everyone's gazes were gathered on him, wanting to know how he managed to notice the lethal poison in the male student's body, Liu shi's majestic aura suddenly dissipated. Like an expectant student waiting for his examination results, he scratched his head awkwardly and asked, "This... So, will I be accepted into the academy?"

"Of course, of course, you're accepted into the academy!" Hearing Zhang Xuan's question, Principal Xie's vision suddenly turned dark, but he hurriedly nodded his head anyway.

If you're not accepted into this academy even with such high-level capabilities, then I would really be unworthy to be the principal of the academy…




Chapter 322: Mu Xueqing's Countermeasure

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Mu Xueqing was a talented student of Tianwu Academy.

Despite being only eighteen this year, she had already reached Pixue realm with over a dozen acupoints opened up.

Given her fame and the bright future laid before her, she should have been happy. Yet, she had been in low spirits recently.

This was because her teacher had left the academy.

Since the new teacher wasn't here yet, she was left to her own devices and was currently lazing around.

Stretching her back, a beautiful curvature which could easily send any man into frenzy appeared.


At this moment, a youngster walked over.

"Meng Tao, what news have you uncovered? Is it reliable?"

Upon seeing the approaching person, Mu Xueqing immediately turned to face him with a serious expression etched on her face.

"I have looked into the matter, and... that Master Teacher Zhang Xuan is indeed an incredible figure! In fact, based on what I've just found out, he seems to be even more amazing than how you made him out to be! However, I heard that he is in the midst of his 2-star master teacher examination and has to leave the capital for a while."

The eyes of the youngster named Meng Tao gleamed in reverence.

"Tell me about it!" Mu Xueqing's blushed.

Last night, when the news of Genius Mo Hongyi's records being broken reached her ears, the name of Master Teacher Zhang Xuan was also brought to her attention.

Despite being under twenty, he had achieved many outstanding feats, leaving others amazed and frenzied. In fact, he was even already in the midst of taking his 2-star master teacher examination... even though she heard it directly from an elder in her clan, she still found the matter hard to believe.

After confirming the matter several times, she decided that from then onwards, Zhang shi would be her number one idol!

Thus, when she arrived at the academy this morning, she immediately told her juniors of this matter, and the news left all of them gasping in amazement as well. The junior before her, Meng Tao, had refused to believe this matter, so she had him check for himself.

"I heard that when Zhang shi arrived at the capital, he went to the Painter Guild to take the painter examination. Over there, he was met with provocation by the Ji Clan's Ji Mo gongzi and eventually, he used a savage beast to create a fifth level painting, earning him the rank of a 3-star painter..." Meng Tao said.

Initially, he couldn't believe that someone could be more impressive than Mo Hongyi. After all, Mo Hongyi's reputation as the number one genius of Tianwu Kingdom was already deep-rooted in the capital.

However, after looking into the matter, he realized that not only was Zhang shi more capable than Mo Hongyi, the gap between them was huge as well. Even after verifying the news personally, he still found it hard to believe. He had to pinch himself to make sure that it wasn't just a dream.

"Using a savage beast to paint a fifth level painting?" Mu Xueqing clenched her fists tightly.

As a genius, she revered other geniuses as well.

Although the name of Zhang shi was only established the day before, the number of legendary feats he had achieved was overwhelming, leaving her with no other choice but to be awed.

"Say... now that our teacher has left, if the academy can get Zhang shi to be our replacement teacher, how wonderful will that be..."

Even though the news gathered by her junior was identical to what Mu Xueqing had heard last night, she couldn't help but feel another surge of admiration for the young master teacher.

"Bring him in? Senior, Zhang shi is a figure who is going to become a 2-star master teacher, how can the academy afford to hire him..."

Meng Tao was speechless.

There were only three 2-star master teachers in Tianwu Kingdom, and every time they held a lecture, all teachers, including the principal, would attend it. To invite the other party over as their teacher...

It was nothing more than a pipe dream.

"I know it as well, but I can't help but hold such expectations. I really wish that I can listen to his lecture once. Given how talented he is, his lessons must be deep and profound. Perhaps I might even achieve a breakthrough in my cultivation just by listening to one of his lessons!" Mu Xueqing said with a dreamy look.

"Right, isn't the academy recruiting teachers today? Are the results out yet?"

"There's not much news circulating at the moment, but from what I gathered, there is only a handful of star teachers applying for the position. The rest of them are just some ordinary teachers. I doubt they will be able to teach us anything good..." Meng Tao shook his head. He didn't bear much expectations for the new teachers.

"That's true..."

Mu Xueqing nodded as well.

If they were good, they would have long been brought into Tianwu Academy. They wouldn't have the need to attend the public recruitment at such a timing.

"Bad news, bad news..."

Just when the two of them were discussing the matter of the new teacher, they heard an anxious voice. Then, a lady rushed in with a reddened face.

"Calm down, don't panic. What's wrong?" Mu Xueqing frowned. "Didn't I ask you to camp outside the Elder Hall to check out the accepted teachers? Why are you already back? Wait, could it be that the results are already out?"

"Yes!" Panting, the lady hurriedly nodded her head.

"So fast?" Mu Xueqing was taken aback.

According to the news, there were over a hundred teachers who attended the public recruitment today. By right, it should have taken a significant amount of time to sieve through them.

"I saw the principal pass the identity tokens of our class over to a young teacher..."

After taking a few deep breaths, the lady finally managed to catch her breath and she started recounting the situation.

"A young teacher?"

"Un. That teacher seems to be in his twenties. Since I was too far away, I didn't manage to hear anything. However, I saw..." even now, the lady still found it hard to believe what she saw to be true.

"You are murdering us with anxiety! What did you see?" Mu Xueqing glared at her and hurriedly urged her on.

"I saw... the teacher beating up a freshman to the point the other party was vomiting blood..." the lady said.

"He beat up a freshman to the point the other party was vomiting blood?"

Mu Xueqing and Meng Tao glanced at one another in horror.

A teacher beating up a student?

Such violence was unheard of in Tianwu Academy.

"It's true! I've seen it with my own eyes... this is what I've secretly recorded down previously, look!"

With a flick of her wrist, the lady produced a Record Crystal. Infusing zhenqi into it, two figures instantly appeared on it. Taking a closer look, a young man was beating up a student.


The student spurted a mouthful of blood, and eventually, he kneeled before the young man.

As the scene was recorded from a distance, they were unable to hear the conversation taking place inside the Elder Hall. Even so, they could clearly see the tragic state of the pummeled student.

"You said that... the principal gave our identity tokens to this fellow?"

After seeing that sight, Mu Xueqing's face turned ashen.

What in the world was going on?

How could they hire such an aggressive person to be their teacher?

"Indeed, I witnessed it myself! Furthermore..." The lady uttered nervously before she pausing for a brief moment. "After grabbing the tokens, he immediately started walking toward our class. He should be arriving soon!"

"Arriving soon?"

Mu Xueqing clenched her fists tightly. "Doesn't the Teacher Guild prohibit teachers from getting physical with students? Why would the academy hire this kind of teacher?"

"This..." The lady shook her head. "I don't know either!"

"Senior, could it be that the academy knew that our class... is uncontrollable, so they intentionally found such a teacher to teach us a lesson and beat us into submission?" Meng Tao scratched his head.

"Beat us into submission? Hmph, let's see if he has the capability to do so!"

Mu Xueqing's face darkened.

"Meng Tao, get everyone to stop cultivating and gather here!"


Meng Tao nodded and hurriedly left. Soon, slightly more than a dozen students gathered around Mu Xueqing.


"Un! I believe that Meng Tao should have told you about what happened earlier. The academy has hired that vile fellow who gets physical with students on a whim to be our teacher. About this issue, what thoughts do you all have?"

After saying so, Mu Xueqing glanced at the crowd.

"If he were to become our teacher, our lives will become a living hell! I oppose to it!"

"However, what can we do about it? The academy has assigned him to us, and our identity tokens are already in his hands. Unless we head to the Administrative Office to request for a teacher switch, there's nothing we can do in this situation!"

"Since the academy has sent him to us, it definitely won't allow us to switch to the other classes. Since it came down to this, let's think of a way to chase him away so that we can get a better teacher here!"

"Even if we can't get a genius like Zhang shi, we have to at least have a star teacher. If we were to come under the tutelage of an aggressive fellow like him, our future will be ruined!"


The crowd harrumphed indignantly.

Meng Tao had already explained the situation, and he had shown them the recording in the Record Crystal as well. Every single one of them felt infuriated upon seeing the teacher laying his hands on a student, especially since it was to the point that the student was vomiting blood.

Given how brutal he was in treating his students, how could he be worthy of being a teacher?

They expected them to become the students of such a person?

Dream on!

"Alright, there's no use talking about it. Since the academy has passed our identity tokens to him, we are already his students. We have to find a way to chase him away!"

Mu Xueqing raised her hand to get the others to calm down.

"Why don't we intentionally go against him to trip him up!"

"Trip him up? How do you intend to do it?"

"For example... let's refuse to follow all of his instructions! As a teacher, realizing that he is powerless in the class, he would surely leave on his own accord soon."

"This might be useful against others, but that fellow is an aggressive person. If we were to really disobey his instructions and he were to get physical with us, who would be able to stand against him?"


The group fell silent.

Regardless of what plans they had, the main problem was that this new teacher was an aggressive person. If he were to lay his hands on them, given the disparity in their strength, it would be impossible for them to stand up against him.

After all, even the strongest person among them, Mu Xueqing, was only at Pixue realm. Given their strength, it was impossible for them to stand against a Tongxuan realm cultivator.

"How about this? If he were to really lay his hands on us, let's record the scene down using a Record Crystal and find a way to send it to the Teacher Guild. I don't believe that the guild will ignore such a matter!"

"It is a good idea, but given how that teacher dared to beat up a student before the principal, elders, and so many teachers, he must have connections there. Or perhaps he might even be backed by the academy. If we were to screw this matter up, he might make things worse for us!"

"Indeed! If he were to know that we are plotting his downfall, won't he oppress us even further?"


The crowd proposed several more plans, but they were all vetoed.

Given how their new teacher was able to beat up a student before so many teachers, he must have had the backing of the principal. Otherwise, he wouldn't dare to act so brazenly.

The idea of recording down the scene was not bad, but if it were to land in his hands before reaching the Teacher Guild, they would have a tough life ahead of them.

They had devise a plan properly so as to solve the problem once and for all. Otherwise, once they were to alarm him, their life would just get worse.

"What should we do? Senior, do you have any ideas?"

After racking their brains, they found that they were unable to think of a feasible plan. Eventually, everyone turned their sights to Mu Xueqing.

She was the de facto leader of the class, and everyone obeyed her words.

"I do have an idea!" Mu Xueqing's eyes suddenly lit up. Looking at the crowd, she said, "We are all students, and if we were to try to torment our teacher, once the Teacher Guild learns of it, we'll surely be punished. Or even worse, if the word of the matter were to spread, our reputation might fall to the gutters!"

The crowd nodded.

In this world, teachers were an esteemed existence and students were expected to obey their teacher's commands. If it was discovered that they tried to harm their own teacher, they would definitely suffer the condemnation of the public, and their families wouldn't let them off easily as well.

"Then what should we do?" Meng Tao asked anxiously.

"Since we can't do anything to our teacher, then... we should still be allowed to ask questions, right?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Mu Xueqing's eyes. "There are quite a few students in our class who like painting, tea ceremony, formations, equipment forging, pill forging... we can ask questions about these! If he is unable to answer those questions, let's see if he still has the cheek to remain here!"

"That's a good idea!"

"This way, not only will we not offend him, he will also be too embarrassed to remain here. Two birds with one stone!"

"That's a good plan..."

Hearing Mu Xueqing's idea, everyone's eyes lit up.

This was indeed a good plan.

Not only would they not offend the other party, they could also humiliate him at the same time.

"Wait... he is supposed to be a teacher guiding us on our cultivation. If we were to ask about these, he could just say that he isn't adept in those occupations. If so, our plan will be foiled!"

One of the female students spoke up.

Every teacher had their own expertise. Given Tianwu Academy's size, it was natural that they had teachers specializing in the various occupations as well. It was clear that they were up to something if they were to pose all of these questions to a single teacher.

Besides, as a teacher specializing in cultivation, it wasn't embarrassing for him to be unable to answer questions on other occupations!

After all, it wasn't possible for one to be adept in all occupations!

"I have already thought of that as well. We can just exert some pressure on him!" Mu Xueqing seemed to have already thought of a countermeasure, and a hint of a smile flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"Exert some pressure on him?"

"That's right! Later, when that teacher arrives, I will say that I have met with Master Teacher Zhang Xuan and he has expressed the intention to accept me as his student!" Mu Xueqing smiled.

"If that's the case, with Zhang shi as a backing, that teacher will surely be intimidated. He probably will be hesitant to go too far, and he will be too embarrassed to admit to knowing nothing at all as well... just that, if Zhang shi were to realize that we had made use of his name, won't we be in trouble?"

A student asked hesitantly.

"How is that possible? Zhang shi is an amazing genius, not to mention, he's a 2-star master teacher as well. We probably won't even get a chance to meet him in our entire life! Who asked him to suddenly become so famous all of a sudden, so much that everyone in the streets is talking about him? Besides, it's just a name, he probably won't ever find out about it!"

Mu Xueqing flung her hair.

The world that Zhang shi lived in was vastly different from theirs, it was impossible for them to ever be associated with him. Since he had become a huge topic in the past two days, they could make use of his name to intimidate that aggressive teacher.

"Alright, let's do it this way then..."

After contemplating for a moment, the group felt that there wasn't too much of a problem with the plan and they nodded in agreement.

"Un, when that teacher arrives, make sure not to display your hostility. All of you must be respectful to him so as to not allow him to grab hold of any of your handles!"

Mu Xueqing instructed.

"Yes!" The group answered.


"Is this the class I will be taking?"

Just when the group was busy plotting against Zhang Xuan, Zhang Xuan himself was currently standing outside the classroom, looking around to verify that he had come to the right location.




Chapter 323: You're Expelled!

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

After Liu laoshi had settled the problems of the two students, Principal Xie no longer doubted his capability and passed the class token over.

Based on his teaching experience in Hongtian Academy, he knew that each of these tokens represented a student. Placing them in his storage ring, he started walking toward his classroom.

The school was vast, and he got lost several times. It was only after grabbing a passerby and verifying the directions several times that he finally reached his classroom.


Pushing the door open, he walked in.

The classroom was much wider than those in Hongtian Academy. It was around seven to eight hundred meters square big, and the ground was forged using smooth bluestone. On the two ends, there was a sculpted savage beast each, adding an aura of grandness to the classroom.

In the center of the room, there were slightly more than a dozen of students surrounding a beautiful lady. They were absorbed in a discussion, and as such, none of them seemed to sense his presence.

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

The sound of him pushing the open wasn't loud, but it wasn't soft enough for him to go unnoticed either. For all of them to be oblivious to his presence, they were truly lacking in alertness.

Walking forward, he was just about to address them when he heard the content of their conversation.

"Senior, did you really meet Master Teacher Zhang Xuan yesterday? And he said that he wanted to take you in as his student?"

"That is Master Teacher Zhang Xuan, the number one genius of Tianwu Kingdom! I really want to meet him too... Senior, if you were to become his student, you must bring me to meet him. I am his loyal fan!"

"Same here..."

The students surrounding that lady had faces flushed with excitement, as if they were fans talking about their idol.

"Met me? And I intended to take her in as my student?"

Zhang Xuan was stunned. He hurriedly took a closer look at that lady.

He was certain that he had never met that girl before, needless to say, accepting that lady as his student.

Besides, he spent the entire day at the Master Teacher Pavilion yesterday, and he came here for the public recruitment right after leaving the library. Thus, how could he have met a Tianwu Academy student?

After all, he was someone who didn't even know where the academy was at...

"Zhang shi is currently in the midst of conducting a mission for his 2-star master teacher examination, and by the time he's back, he will already be a 2-star master teacher. Even though it'll be difficult, I will plead with him to conduct a lecture for us..."

The lady in the middle grinned. However, halfway through her words, she suddenly noticed Zhang Xuan and she frowned, "Who are you? Why are you in our classroom?"


The moment she said those words, the students surrounding her immediately turned around to stare at Zhang Xuan with a guarded expressions.

"I have come under the dispatchment of the academy to be your teacher for this term!" Facing their gazes, Zhang Xuan said.

"Our teacher?"

The students were taken aback.

As the recording in the Record Crystal was taken from quite a distance away, they weren't able to see Zhang Xuan's appearance clearly. However, after hearing that he had beaten a student up, they thought that he would be a bulky person. They didn't think that he would look so refined.

Liu Cheng, whom Zhang Xuan was impersonating, was a twenty-four-year-old young man with a slim build. Even though Zhang Xuan thought that the other party's appearance was far from a match to his, at the very least, it was still pleasant to the eye.

"Paying respect to teacher!"

The lady in the center coughed, and only then did everyone recover from their daze. They hurriedly bowed and greeted Zhang Xuan.

"Un! My name is Liu Cheng, and you all can call me Liu laoshi. I will be guiding you all on your cultivation from now onward!"

After that, Zhang Xuan walked up to the lecture stand and sat down. Then, he turned to the lady in the center and asked, "You have met Master Teacher Zhang Xuan?"

"Reporting to Liu laoshi, it was just a stroke of good luck!"

Mu Xueqing hurriedly nodded her head.

"So you really met him? May I know how he looks like?" Zhang Xuan continued asking.


Not expecting Liu laoshi to ask such a question, Mu Xueqing hesitated for a moment before answering, "He is slightly taller than Liu laoshi, and he has a muscular build. When I met him then, he was dressed in a green robe. His eyes are electrifying and his smile is charming. He gives a feeling of one who is unsullied by the world, as though a deity in the heavens..."

Even though she had heard numerous stories about Zhang shi, no one had ever described his appearance!

Even so, she had no choice but to answer Liu laoshi's question. If she didn't, it would definitely incur the other party's suspicion. Thus, she could only describe him based on her imagination.

A bizarre expression appeared on Zhang Xuan's face.

Zhang Xuan was at least aware of how high he stood. Since when did he possess such outstanding appearance?

"Based on my knowledge, if a 2-star master teacher intends to accept a student, countless people would definitely jump at that opportunity. Furthermore, Master Teacher Zhang Xuan is a genius among geniuses, so there must be many talented students interested in coming under his tutelage. So, why would he accept you as his student?"

He was already sure that the other party was lying, and based on the expressions of the crowd, he could roughly deduce what they were up to. Thus, Zhang Xuan continued questioning.


Not expecting this aggressive teacher to ask such difficult questions, Mu Xueqing swayed from side to side. Suppressing the urge to spurt blood, she mustered her courage and continued on with the story, "I helped him on a minor affair yesterday, and upon realizing that my talent is still acceptable, Zhang shi decided to take me in. As for the details... I don't really know either!"

"I see... since Zhang shi is willing to take you in, as a normal teacher, I don't think that I'm qualified to vie with him over a student. You do have the right to choose your teacher as well. Here is your identity token, you should go to him!"

Flicking his wrist, Zhang Xuan took out a token and threw it over.

Zhang Xuan didn't know who the lady was, but her blood was infused into the token. By matching the aura of the two, Zhang Xuan was still able to find her token easily.

"What do you mean..."

Mu Xueqing subconsciously grabbed the token, but she was in a daze.

This wasn't how it should have gone.

It was impossible for one to only have a single teacher in his entire life. It should be an honor for a student to have a master teacher value his students.

Shouldn't Liu laoshi value her more after hearing that Zhang shi was interested in accepting her?

What did he mean by throwing the token over?

"I don't mean anything!" Zhang Xuan shrugged casually. Lifting his eyelid slightly, he said, "It just means that... you're expelled!"


Mu Xueqing's body shuddered, and she nearly spurted a mouthful of blood.

I am a genius! Regardless of where I go, I am someone who all teachers want under their tutelage. Yet, to expel me at first sight?

Are you sure you aren't joking?

"That's right. As a student, instead of studying, you choose to use your wits to fool your teacher... of what use are you to me? Don't worry, I'll report this matter to the academy and have them post an announcement to inform all students of the matter. Thus, you can feel free to go to Zhang shi!"

Zhang Xuan said calmly.


Mu Xueqing's body trembled.

Due to her appearance and her talent, she was one of the most celebrated students in the academy. If the entire school were to know of her expulsion, how could she face others in the future?

She knew that this teacher was eccentric, but... this was way too eccentric!

Based on her predictions, even if the other party didn't believe that she was acquainted with Zhang shi, he would at least be intimidated.

After all, what if, against all odds, she was really acquainted with Zhang shi? Even the principal would have to take her seriously if that was the case.

Yet, this fellow... he didn't even bother to weigh the consequences before expelling her from his class...

If scoring poorly in the Teacher Qualification Examination was the most shameful matter for a teacher, then being expelled was the most shameful matter for a student.

Even if her cultivation were to reach a high level, this blemish would continue to remain with her no matter where she goes.

"I am not fooling teacher..."

Gritting her teeth, Mu Xueqing hurriedly spoke up.

"You aren't fooling me?"

Zhang Xuan shook his head. Standing up, he placed his hands behind his back and walked slowly around the classroom. "Firstly, despite the sound I made coming in, you, as a Pixue realm cultivator, didn't notice me at all. Instead, you continued chatting with the others. Do you think that it makes sense?"

"You chose to disregard the presence of a teacher, this is flouting Clause 17 of the student guidelines of Tianwu Academy, disrespecting one's teacher. In severe cases, one is even susceptible to being expelled!"

"Also, to intentionally say that you know Master Teacher Zhang Xuan before me... let's put aside the question of whether it is real or not. If it is real, it means that you are using Zhang shi's reputation to oppress me. Based on Clause 42 of the student guidelines, making use of your background to disrespect one's teacher or even threaten him is prohibited. In severe cases, one might even be expelled!"

"On the other hand, if it is false, that means that you are lying to your teacher. This is flouting Clause 45 of the student guidelines, spreading false rumors to mislead or deceive a teacher. This is also a clause going against whom calls for expulsion!"

"Regardless of which it is, if we were to operate strictly by the rules, you will be expelled. What else do you have to say for yourself?"

The student guidelines of Tianwu Academy were pasted all over the academy. On his way here, Zhang Xuan had passed by it numerous times, and he had long memorized them all.

This bunch of children wanted to climb over his head... since that was the case, he should first teach them that he wasn't one to be trifled with!


Mu Xueqing's face became devoid of color. Staggering backward, she stared at Zhang Xuan as though he was a monster.

Didn't he just arrive at the academy?

Why is he so familiar with the student guidelines?

More importantly... I thought that he is a person who settles matters physically! Why are his verbal skills equally powerful?

"Pack up your things and leave! I welcome students with their own opinions and thoughts, but I don't welcome students who fan others to stand against me!"

Zhang Xuan gestured.

With just a single word, this lady was able to get the other students to greet him. It was clear that she wielded great prestige among the group.

If he didn't intimidate them on the first meeting, it would be impossible for Zhang Xuan to control them in the future.

Teaching wasn't confining one's students to follow strictly by one's instructions. However, if Zhang Xuan failed to establish his superior position on the first meeting, he wouldn't be able to control them once they rebelled. More importantly... the students wouldn't learn anything like that.

They would underestimate you, and naturally, they wouldn't learn properly from you as well.

"Teacher... Senior Mu is the most talented student in our class. Despite being only eighteen this year, she has already reached Pixue realm. She is our goal and direction, so we beseech teacher to rescind your order!"

Seeing that the new teacher was going to expel their leader as soon as he arrived, Meng Tao immediately stood forward.

"Most talented student? Goal and direction?"

"She started training when she was seven, and it has been eleven years since then. During that time, she consumed three Acupoint Soothing Pill and ten other pills, but even so, she only managed to open twelve acupoints, giving her a strength of 16 ding."

"Despite having learned the Floating Water Palm for three years, she has only reached Minor Accomplishment in it. Furthermore, she isn't adept in it yet, and in a battle, she is unable to bring out its full might!"

"On top of that, at least seven of her acupoints are completely sealed by her turbid zhenqi, making it difficult for her to advance in her cultivation. Even reaching Tongxuan realm will be a huge hurdle for her..."

At that point, Zhang Xuan turned to Meng Tao and spoke composedly, "This... can be called talented as well? You must be joking!"


Mu Xueqing's face immediately turned as pale as a sheet of paper.




Chapter 324: The Dumbfounded Students

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Everyone knew that her cultivation speed was amazing, and that she was a genius.

However, none of them knew that it was because of her clan. Furthermore, due to the excessive number of pills she had consumed in the past few years, pill poison had accumulated in her body, making it extremely difficult for her to raise her cultivation.

Otherwise, she could have long applied for graduation upon reaching Pixue realm. She wouldn't have to remain in the academy all this while.

Not a single teacher had noticed her condition, not even the previous teacher who she was fond of. Yet, this person was able to point out her condition accurately despite having just met her. This was way too fearsome!

Could it be that... he wasn't an aggressive teacher, but someone who possessed true capability?

Mu Xueqing's body trembled.

If that wasn't the case, how was he able to tell that seven acupoints had been sealed with her turbid zhenqi and that it would be hard for her to reach Tongxuan realm with just a single gaze?

Meng Tao also didn't expect this teacher to know so much either. Even though he had been with Senior Mu daily for several years, he didn't know of this matter either. Frozen on the spot, he wanted to speak up for his senior, but couldn't find the words to say.

"In the previous academy tournament, Senior Mu was ranked number ten. She is one of the most talented geniuses in the academy, and everyone agrees on it. Why... are you saying that she isn't a genius?"

A female student couldn't accept Zhang Xuan's judgement.

"Being a genius isn't about how far one can progress in a limited period of time, but how far one is able to go! It is incredible that she has reached Pixue realm at her age, but due to pill poison accumulating in her body and the fact that she has cultivated a mindset of reliance on them, her future growth is limited!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

Since he was taking over the class, he was given basic information on the students. Matching it with the students, he could tell that this lady with appearance that could match Wang Ying's was the strongest student in the class, Mu Xueqing.

Knowing her name, it wasn't too difficult to look into her background.

Mu Xueqing's father was a famous 2-star apothecary. What others deemed as incomparably valuable pills wasn't anything much to her.

While it provided her an edge over the other students, it also created a fatal flaw for her future cultivation.

Even though Zhang Xuan didn't use the Library of Heaven's Path, given his Soul Depth of 10.1 and his expertise as an apothecary, he was able to discern and deduce Mu Xueqing's condition with a glance.

After all, he used his own strength to take the 2-star master teacher examination. If he couldn't even see this much, it would have been impossible for him to pass the first four tests.

This Mu Xueqing's cultivation was not bad, but she was too reliant on pills. This was detrimental to her future growth.

All medicine possessed poison, and the same applied for pills as well. Of course, that was assuming that the pills didn't reach the level of an Inscribed Pill.

Be it Formation, Satiation, or Perfection... considerable amount of impurities still remained in those pills. Without pure zhenqi to wash away these impurities, it was very easy for the pill poison to accumulate and block one's acupoints, slowing down the progress of one's cultivation.

This was precisely the reason why many people choose not to consume pills unless they were unable to achieve a breakthrough with their own strength.

It was just like with an illness. If one could tide through it easily, very few people would choose to resort to medicine even if they knew that medicine would help them recover faster.

Her current cultivation speed was outstanding. Furthermore, with a 2-star apothecary of a father guiding her along, her foundation was strong as well. However, as time passed, she would slowly lose out to her peers.

In fact, it was a huge question whether she could even reach Tongxuan realm or not.

The pill poison was one problem, but the mindset she formed which made her reliant on pills was another one. As she achieved breakthroughs in her cultivation relying on medicine, she had already lost confidence in herself.

"She isn't a genius. In fact, you are in a much better position than her!"

Zhang Xuan turned to the female student who had just spoken up for Mu Xueqing and said, "Even though your cultivation is only at Pigu realm primary stage, you have trained your physical body well, and your State of Mind is steady as well. If I'm not wrong, there's a beast tamer in your family who used the blood essence of a savage beast to help you raise your cultivation."

"Such a method is similar to consuming medicine to raise one cultivation, but as the blood essence of savage beasts is more compatible with the human body, not only will it not hinder your cultivation, it will even make your muscles more compact, thus raising your strength!"

"If I'm not wrong, you should be capable of battling against Pigu realm intermediate stage opponents!"


The female student nearly leaped in shock.

Her father was a 1-star beast tamer, and before she reached Pigu realm, she had consumed the blood essence of a savage beast. This made her physical body significantly stronger than an ordinary cultivator's, thus granting her the strength to fight against those with cultivation exceeding hers.

She had only told this matter to a few good friends, so it was impossible for the academy to know of it. Yet, this teacher was able to point it out with a single glance...

This was way too scary!

"However... while the blood essence of a savage beast is not bad, there's a saying that 'the weak must be slowly nourished'. There won't be severe side effects if a male were to consume it, but for you... the body of a female is already weak, and while triggering your physical functions through the blood essence might grant you significant strength in the short run, as time goes by, all kinds of invisible side effects will start appearing."

"It is just as if a severely ill patient consumed a thousand-year-old ginseng, not only will his illness not be treated, it might even claim his life!"

Zhang Xuan shook his head.

The female student's skin was slightly red, and her blood was boiling forcefully. Her condition showed signs of the beast tamer secret arts. Even though it wasn't written in the information provided by the academy, it wasn't too difficult for Zhang Xuan to deduce this much.

"You as well!"

After speaking on the two ladies' circumstances, Zhang Xuan's gaze landed on Meng Tao. "You have a reserved personality, and there is a shroud of scholarly aura around you. Also, I can see several calluses between your thumb and your middle finger, and I don't think that there's any battle technique that would result in that. Furthermore, there is a slight patch of darkness at the corner of your shirt. If I'm not wrong, you should be fond of painting, and you often imitate the drawings of experts!"

"However, it is a pity that you aren't looking deep enough, resulting in your failure to capture the essence and spirit of whatever you see. If you are to continue painting like that, it is unlikely that you will ever create a Spiritual Canvas or Infused Intentions level painting."

"As for you, you must be interested in tea ceremony! I can catch a slight aroma of tea from you and it smells refreshing as well. However, you have been spending more time on the Way of Tea than your cultivation, causing the latter to stagnate and become unstable... if I'm not wrong, you haven't achieved a breakthrough in a year's time. Furthermore, your will in cultivation is lacking. You often ignore your teacher's instructions and spend your time thinking about other matters. You are the typical example of a person who gets easily distracted by toys..."

With his hands behind his back, Zhang Xuan pointed out the conditions of four students straightforwardly, and there was no mistake in his words at all. Everyone was shocked and dumbfounded; the entire room fell silent.

What in the world was going on?

They had just decided to intentionally ask him questions on their other occupations so as to embarrass him, but... before they could say anything, he had deduced their occupations and spoke about them casually!

Could it be that this teacher... was skilled in all occupations?

If that wasn't the case, how could he deduce so easily based on an ink mark on the corner of his shirt and the scent on the other's body that Meng Tao liked painting and the other male student was interested in tea ceremony?

This... was way too scary!

"Alright, show me your battle techniques!"

Seeing that he had managed to amaze everyone, Zhang Xuan turned to the remaining students and said.

The situation with the first four was more apparent, and he was well-versed in their occupations as well. Thus, he was able to speak of them easily.

On the other hand, he couldn't do the same for the remaining students.

Tianwu Academy was completely different from that countryside Hongtian Academy. Other than cultivating, most students would take on an occupation that they liked as well.

Even though most of them wouldn't even reach the level of an apprentice, it could serve as a hobby and a way to train their State of Mind.

It was just like Liu shi and the others learning the Way of Tea from Elder Tian.

Their understanding of tea ceremony hadn't reached the level of an apprentice, but this didn't hinder their interest in it at all.

These fellows were the same as well. Even though they had learned a little of their supporting occupation, they were still a considerable distance away from reaching the level of an apprentice.


Amazed by the teacher before them, the others immediately executed their battle technique, not daring to hesitate at all.

In an instant, the howling of the wind roared in the entire classroom.

A moment later, Zhang Xuan nodded his head.

He had to say that the students in Tianwu Academy were at a much higher caliber than those in Hongtian Academy. Regardless of whether it was their battle techniques, cultivation techniques, or their understanding toward their supporting occupation, it wasn't something that Zhu Hong, Mo Xiao, and the others could compare to.

"The battle technique [White Canary in the Clear Skies] you practiced has swift and powerful movements, but you aren't able to catch up with their pace. Furthermore, your zhenqi is too lacking to train in this technique. If you were to meet with a slightly stronger opponent, without even moving, if he were to attack your armpit, you would immediately fall in defeat!"

"The reason why there is such a situation is because you aren't serious about your training. If I'm not wrong, your supporting occupation should be a blacksmith! A blacksmith needs to refine all kinds of ores and metals, and this requires great strength. Wielding the hammer for extended periods of time caused the strength of your right arm to far surpass your left, resulting in imbalance. A bird has a pair of wings, and if one wing is stronger than the other, it would be weird if a problem didn't occur!"

"You must be interested in appraising. However, it is a pity that appraising is a money-burning occupation. Judging from how tattered your uniform is, you must have worn it for more than half a year already. Which is to say... your family isn't too well off. Despite not possessing the money, why are you learning appraisal? Without coming into contact with true treasures, will you be able to identify a treasure if you see one?"

"As for you, you are dedicated to your cultivation training, and as such, you didn't pick any supporting occupation. This isn't anything much, but did you realize that even though you are diligent in your training, you didn't improve much? This isn't because you aren't working hard enough or are lacking in talent. It is because you are cultivating wrongly! It should have been a wide and open cultivation technique, but you cultivated it as though a close and confined technique..."


Walking among the students, every single seemingly casual word of Zhang Xuan would cause a student to pale and sweat profusely.

This Liu laoshi was able to tell the problems in their cultivation and supporting occupations through their battle technique, and his words were spot-on!

His discerning ability was truly at a frightening level.

It was almost... terrifying!

Their supporting occupations were at a very low mastery, barely coming into contact with the basics, but they spanned over seven to eight occupations. Furthermore, Zhang Xuan spoke the same words as those said by their supporting occupation teachers. This wasn't a feat that a normal cultivation teacher should be capable of.

In fact... they felt that even a master teacher might not be as discerning as him!


Mu Xueqing was completely dumbfounded.

It was just a moment ago that she confidently said that as long as they asked him some questions on their occupations, this new teacher would definitely back down. Yet...

Before they could say anything, the other party had already stripped them bare, pointing out to them all their flaws.

Aren't you a teacher who dealt with students through violence?

Aren't you just a normal teacher, one who hasn't even reached the level of a star teacher?

Why do you seem to know everything?

Why do you seem to be adept in everything?


What kind of monster did the academy send them?!




Chapter 325: The Shocked Elders

Translator: StarveCleric Editor: StarveCleric

Elder Hall.

The teachers who came for the public recruitment had all left and Principal Xie was gone as well. All that were left were the elders.

"The class Bai Fan laoshi left behind is one of the best classes in the entire academy, as well as the one that's the hardest to take. I wonder if Liu laoshi can subdue them and make them listen to him obediently!"

Upon recalling the arrangements made previously, an elder shook his head.

The students in the class possessed superior talent, and on top of their high cultivation, most of them had strong backgrounds as well.

Putting everything aside, their leader Mu Xueqing was the only daughter of a 2-star Apothecary Mu Dan of the Apothecary Guild, and she was well doted on by him. Putting aside her high cultivation, she had many tricks up her sleeves as well. No ordinary teacher would dare to offend her.

"I'm afraid that it will be difficult. Those students are troublesome. Have you forgotten the teachers we sent to them before? They didn't even last for a day!"

Another elder flashed a bitter smile. "If that wasn't the case, we wouldn't have to conduct a public recruitment for them!"

The main reason why a public recruitment was conducted during the term wasn't just because of the departure of those teachers.

After all, if a teacher could take ten students, taking twenty wasn't too much of a problem either. They could simply scatter the class and spread them out over the others, and assign a few teachers over to take them.

However, the main problem was that... these students refused to cooperate!

Especially this class.

They had sent several teachers already, but none of them lasted for more than a few days before being chased away.

Furthermore, due to backgrounds of the most of them, the academy wasn't in a position to punish them too harshly as well. After a few rounds, no teachers were willing to accept them anymore.

Left without a choice, they could only hire teachers from the outside.

"I think that there's still a chance though. Those two students from before, one of them had an aversion toward studying while the other one was prone to violence; these were the most difficult problems a teacher could face. Yet, this Liu laoshi easily solved them and even reprimanded the principal at that. He isn't any simple figure as well. He might really be able to subdue all of these students!"

"This Liu laoshi is indeed gutsy, but each of those students is a thorny one. I wonder what kind of conflicts would emerge when the two of them meet one another!"

"Say, do you all think that they will fight?"

An elder suddenly asked worriedly.


Everyone suddenly froze.

If it was any other teacher, in fear of the Teacher Guild and in consideration of their identity, it would be impossible for them to lay their hands on the students. However, they couldn't say the same about that Liu laoshi.

He even dared to insult the principal, a 1-star master teacher, to be blind. Not to mention, he had beaten that male student in front of their eyes...

If Mu Xueqing and the others went overboard, it seemed very likely that he would get physical with them!

If these students were volatile chemicals, then this Liu laoshi must be an explosive one... didn't you see the principal's brooding expression? He left as soon as the public recruitment came to an end.

"This is bad! If they were to fight, given the background of those students, it might cause a huge uproar!"

"That's right, we have to stop them!"

At this, the elders' faces immediately twisted in fear. Unable to remain still, they hurriedly stood up and rushed over.

If the incident of a teacher beating up a student were to occur here, then Tianwu Kingdom would surely become the laughingstock of all surrounding kingdoms!

The Master Teacher Pavilion might even be urged into action!

Realizing the graveness of the matter, the elders hurriedly rushed to Zhang Xuan's classroom.

"It's over, look!"

Before even reaching the classroom, an elder wailed in agony.

Hearing the shout, everyone hurriedly turned their gazes over and saw a female student kneeling motionlessly outside the classroom.

Upon seeing her appearance, everyone staggered and they nearly keeled over.

This was the most troublesome student in the class, Mu Xueqing!

This lass had good talent, and her cultivation was high as well. She was already a handful of trouble normally, but to have her kneel at the door... Liu laoshi, you are about to smash through the heavens!

They hurried over.

"Xueqing, why are you kneeling outside? Hurry up and get up!"

An elder walked up and tried to help her up.

As this elder wasn't even a master teacher apprentice, he had to address Mu Xueqing's father as Apothecary Mu respectfully whenever he saw the other party. Upon seeing this shocking sight, how could he remain motionless.

"I can't!"

Mu Xueqing shook her head. "I've done wrong so it's only deserving for me to be punished. If I were to stand up now, Liu laoshi will surely expel me. If so, how can I face my father?"

"We will deal with that Liu laoshi for you, so don't worry..."

They thought that she would plead with them to deal with Liu laoshi, but never in their wildest imaginations did they expect her to say such words. Stunned, Elder Bai found the words he was about to say stuck in his mouth. With widened eyes, he asked, "Ah, what did you say?"

"It's... deserving for you to be punished? You have done wrong?"

The other elders were stunned as well.

Mu Xueqing was nicknamed the 'Little Demoness' in the academy due to her unruliness. Yet, to be kneeling at the door and admitting her mistakes...

Why did it seem so inconceivable?

"Indeed! After Liu laoshi's guidance, I realized my own inadequacies, and I am willing to study under him as his student. Elders, there's no need to persuade me anymore." There was a determined look in Mu Xueqing's eyes.

That Liu laoshi was able to point out her physical problems, as well as those of other students, with a single glance. Without a doubt, he was a person of great capabilities.

She had heard her father mentioning the issue of pill poison as well. It was something unavoidable when one consumed pills.

Given how Liu laoshi was able to point out her problems so easily, he might have a solution to it. It wasn't easy for her to come by such an opportunity and such a formidable teacher. If she allowed this chance to pass her by, she would definitely regret it for life.

She might be rebellious, but she wasn't a fool.

"Guidance? Realized your own inadequacies?"

Elder Bai and the others were perplexed.

When did this Mu Xueqing become so obedient?

If she was like from the start, she wouldn't have scared away several teachers.

"Elder Bai, is it possible that Liu laoshi has already... started?"

An elder suddenly thought of something and he paled.

A shudder suddenly ran through everyone's bodies.

Given that it was Liu laoshi they were talking about, it was possible!

That male student from before also changed his attitude after being beaten up. Could this Mu Xueqing be the same as well?

As such a thought ran through their mind, they subconsciously turned to look at her. However, they couldn't find a single injury on her.


Just when they were perplexed over the matter, the doors suddenly opened.

A student walked out. It was Meng Tao.

"Senior, teacher has asked for you to come in!"


Hearing that she had obtained her teacher's permission, Mu Xueqing's eyelids leaped and she immediately charged in excitedly without even bidding the elders farewell.

"This... it doesn't seem like she has been beaten up..."

Baffled by the entire situation, an elder commented.

If she was beaten into submission, there should at least be some injuries on her! Even if she wasn't injured, she should harbor some resentment toward the other party. To run in excitedly the moment the teacher called for her to enter, to the point that her face was red in agitation...

Who in the world could look so happy and excited after being beaten up?

But... if she wasn't beaten up, why in the world would this wilful lass be kneeling obediently at the door?

"You're called Meng Tao, right?"

An elder hurriedly stopped Meng Tao before he could return to the classroom. "Your grandfather, Meng Fan, is a good friend of mine. We've met the other time as well!"

"Elder Jin!"

Only upon hearing someone call him did Meng Tao realize that there were so many people at the doorstep. Shocked, Meng Tao's body stiffened and he hurriedly clasped his fist.

This Elder Jin was a good friend of his grandfather and they've met many times.

"Did Liu laoshi... inflict any physical punishment on you all?"

Elder Jin asked.

The other elders pricked up their ears as well.

"Inflict physical punishment?" Meng Tao was taken aback. "Liu laoshi is such an amiable person, why would he inflict physical punishment on us?"

"Then... Mu Xueqing..." Elder Jin pointed.

"Oh, Senior Mu did it of her own volition. Teacher got her to pack up and leave this classroom to join the other classes, but senior was unwilling to. Thus, she kneeled outside in hope that teacher would change his mind!" Meng Tao said.

"Of her own volition?"

The elders glanced at one another.

Based on their previous experiences, if a teacher dared to talk to her like that, this young miss would have already rushed to the Elder Hall to cause a ruckus.

Why was she keeping silent this time, even willingly kneeling at the door?

"Elders, Liu laoshi is still in the midst of the lesson and I have to get back now. Farewell!"

After saying so, Meng Tao hurriedly rushed back into the classroom.


Seeing that the fellow was the same as well, the elders couldn't help but open a slit in the classroom doors and peer in.

Through the slit, they could see the students standing respectfully before Liu laoshi. No matter what Liu laoshi asked them to do, they would immediately carry it out without protesting or hesitating at all.

Was this really that most unruly and troublesome class of the academy?

How did it suddenly change so abruptly?

Even if Liu laoshi was capable, how long has it been since he left the Elder Hall?

Adding it up, it was only an hour at most. In this time, he managed to whip the most rebellious students in the academy into obedience...

Can anyone tell me what is going on?

All of the elders felt dizzy.