
Mutated Wolf?

Pant! pant! pant! the skinny young white wolf ran lethargically, avoiding the many people and vehicles running down the busy street. It was in such an dire state only because it had stolen a piece of meat from a toddler's hand and ran. But, what caused it to be in such a miserable state was the relentless pursuit of a monster it now wished it had never offended.

As it finally ran into a wall and whimpered pitifully, a shadow fell over it blocking the sun. The shadow drew closer revealing the figure of the monster which had been pursuing it.

It was the 3 year old boy who had chased it from the other city. The wolf had long since dropped the meat it had stolen in hopes of escaping the boy but he did not care and kept chasing.

The black haired boy with pitch black eyes said to the wolf, "Wow! You sure can run! Now, I finally caught you."

The wolf growled threateningly and the boy chuckled "Since we're done with our game of tag, I want you to come back with me."

The boy bit his finger, trying to get some blood, but none came out. After multiple failures, the boy grunted and stopped trying. He lifted his right index finger which now emitted a light electric charge from the nails, much to the fright of the wolf.

He used it to carefully cut a slit on the finger of his other hand and facing the little animal, drew a symbol in the air with the bloody finger. The finger healed instantly after drawing the symbol.

After a second, the blood symbol emitted a blue current and disappeared into the wolf's forehead. Both man and beast suddenly felt a faint connection to each other.

At the wolf's confusion, the boy exclaimed, "Rejoice, for I've decided to keep you! Now what's your name boy?" the wolf snapped angrily "or girl?" the wolf actually nodded. The boy was surprised at its intelligence but then laughed. "A smart one aren't you? You're really a demon! No wonder you're so fast."

The wolf was startled and a cute and haughty voice was transmitted to the mind of the boy "Humph! You are such a stubborn block head! I was only hungry and took some food. You did not have to chase me for half the island. That too when I dropped it and didn't even get to eat a single bite!" Saying so, the beast's stomach growled.

The boy was amused and took out a sandwich wrapped in a kind of course fiber from the pocket of his shorts. "Here, you can have this" as the wolf came to take it the outstretched hand was pulled back ."What's your name?"

Impatiently the wolf replied "I don't have one." and snapped at the empty air where the sandwich used to be.

"What gives!" the wolf exclaimed. The boy said "But, I didn't tell you mine."

"So, tell me! I'm starving."

"I'm Adam. Pleased to..." this time the wolf directly lunged at the food and swallowed it whole without waiting for Adam to finish. The boy let go just in time to avoid his fingers being snapped by the powerful jaws of the wolf"

The boy stared at the wolf menacingly while the wolf lick its lips "that's what you get for toying with a hungry beast." Suddenly feeling a chill rush down its spine looking at the expression of the boy in front of it, the wolf started backing away again slowly. But, before it could go back two steps the boy pounced at it.

The boy now had a small white ball of fur in his arms which he was stoking with a blissful expression on his face. "You have such pretty and soft white fur! I like to stroke small furry animals. I guess, this is how you will repay me for the food."

The struggling wolf futilely screamed, "Stop! Stop! I don't want to sell my body! This isn't worth it!" The boy gave no mind to the insistent cries of the pup in his arms. As they were going through an alleyway, Adam suddenly stopped when he heard a flurry of steps behind them.

The duo were surrounded by a group of rats. The rats were each the size of the wolf in his arms. Seeing the new comers the wolf was looked down with a terrified look. From among the rats a smaller rat came out.

Staring at the wolf, the rat with blood red eyes and white fur, said in a deep voice unexpected from such a small animal "Well well well, what do we have here? A runaway wolf and lunch"

Looking up, the wolf growled at the army menacingly, "Get lost rat or ill tear you to pieces!"

The rodent mocked the wolf with no regard for the boy, "Hehehe, little pup shouldn't try to threaten me. You still haven't paid your debt. So, I'll take it from your flesh."


With that, the rat army charged at the wolf who was still in Adams arms. They didn't notice the boy's dark eyes glowing violet with rage before suddenly exploding.

Only the smallest rat was left behind. It was petrified witnessing the scene clearly. A large electric discharge from the neglected boy had passed through all the rats and caused them to explode.

Slowly Adam walked towards the tiny animal and asked, "Who did you say was lunch?"

There was a puddle of liquid building under the immobile rat which couldn't make a sound in fear.

"Ugh! What the hell! That's just disgusting. I'm done. I'll let you go. Just… yuck." Disgusted, the boy went away, leaving the lone rodent to collapse on its own piss.


The boy brushed off the wolf's excitement and continued to stroke it. "Stop hyperventilating, you could choke. Now, since you don't have a name. As your master, It is my duty to bestow one upon you! Let's see now…"

"OI! I'M NOT DONE HERE, HOW DID YOU … wait, what did you say? A name? You do know that to name a beast, you need to use up a lot of energy, right?"

"Yes, naming a beast gets more difficult with the increase of its rank and place in the food chain. But, you don't look too threatening and I don't think its going to cost me too much. Besides, you should know by now that I may be young but, I'm quite strong."

Struggling to refrain from biting this boy who looked down on it, "So, I've seen. But, I even don't know what species I am. So, I don't know where I'm supposed to be in the food chain."

"You're a white furred wolf, so you shouldn't be too high up. You look like a….what are you? It isn't impossible for an ordinary snow wolf to be a demon, but that's too rare and they have special defining features unlike you."

"There are 6 species of demon wolves– Dire Wolves, Were Wolves, Horned Wolves, Vulpa mancers, Dark Wolves, Night Wolves.

Also 5 species of celestial wolves- Arctic Wolves, Wind Wolves, Aquatic Wolves, Sun Wolves and Jade Wolves.

Besides that is the Fenrir also known as the Celestial-Abyss Wolf or Wolf God.

You could be an arctic wolf if you were colder or a Fenrir if you had red eyes and dark aura radiation.

But, you don't seem to be any of them. Hmm, maybe you are a mutant?"

So finally done with my first chappie. I hope you guys add this to your library and grant me some useful comments

Jetstormcreators' thoughts