
Let Me Hear You Scream

Surviving Ghostface making sure you live any means necessary please be aware they will be CNC involved. Blood play and rough hard core NSFW.

Zavery_Meddows · Movies
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4 Chs

Mid Night

GhostFace POV: everything is in his head. Keep that in mind 

I stand in her closet so close to her that I notice she put the roses in a vase. She liked my surprise, and that made me happy. I hope my killing the prick of an ex also made her happy. Calling her a freak for what nothing is wrong with her. She is perfect in every way, so what if she likes hardcore sex? There is nothing wrong with a bit of roughhousing. I would love to give her a five-finger necklace. 

Watching her undress and take a bath made my cock twitch. Seeing her body notice her nipples were done for a virgin, she is brave also; why the fuck did Kyle always turn her down? What the fuck is wrong with that man. I watch her start to fall asleep with the TV on. Once I know she is sleeping, I gently touch her cheek. I run my hand along her body gently so I don't wake her. My thumb slides across her already hard nipple, and I hear a soft moan escape her mouth. I look, seeing her phone light up. I pick it up and see pictures of Kyle and people calling her a bitch. I pull my phone out and save their names. I see she has a Tinder download. I pulled up her profile, and I was getting upset she was mine. I uninstalled the app and went to take care of the assholes calling my princess names. As I brutally murdered the seven people calling her names, I was breathing heavily and grinning, knowing she would like it and maybe just maybe believe I was there to protect her.