
Let Fate Decide

Originally ‘Why Us?’. She vows to overcome her fear no matter what it takes. While trying to accomplish her mission, she encounters more troubles but as her personality of not giving up, she still had the results she needed. Aislin Hart, known my her friends as Ash gets raped by a stranger for a reason unknown to her. She suddenly develops a strange fear of the opposite gender and swears to find out who did that to her though she has zero clue. Whiles trying to overcome this fear, her parents transfer her to another school where her life changes forever. Who are these R3 (Ryan, Reuben and Ryder) and what do they want from her? What connection does her new friend Jennie share with Ryder? And why is Ryan strongly against that connection. Mr. Class President, Keenan and Ryan share a past but are now enemies. What led to that? Ash is interested in finding out but will that be an easy task? What happens when Ash starts getting close to Keenan and Ryan. Sparks fly and each starts developing feelings, who will Ash choose in the end? What shocking revelations is she yet to find and how will they affect her? Don’t miss out on all the cries, laughter and suspense in LET FATE DECIDE.

Patience_Adehoke · Teen
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94 Chs

Chapter 5

After a while, we heard a knock on the door. I quickly ran to check impatiently. They finally arrived. I ran into in opened arms for some moments before allowing them to walk inside.

"I can see you are very happy", dad spoke first.

"It only has one reason, both of you are home", I answered with a smile.

"So how are things going?", mum turned to ask Ana who was standing beside me.

"Everything is in its impeccable state ma'am ", she replied.

"Ana I thought I warned you about this ma'am thing, you are part of our family", mum said to her giving her a smile.

"Okay so what's with this emergency visit ", I jumped in.

"Nothing really, just wanted to talk about you and your future ",dad spoke now with a serious expression.

"Ok, so what about me and my future are we going to talk about?, I asked curiously.

"Listen princess, your dad and I decided to talk to you about something..",she just paused mid sentence.

"Come on, you guys are making me nervous",I said uncomfortably.

"We are not going to force you, we just want you to think about it carefully ", mum continued

"I will think about it, now what", I asked frustrated.

They both stared at each other before turning back to face me.

"We want to transfer you to a different school", mum finally broke the silence.

"Oh dude, you guys scared the hell out of me, is this supposed to be a problem?", I heaved a sigh of relief.

"Transfer you to a mixed school , to be precise", mum continued.

"What?!", I finally couldn't sit anymore" why all of a sudden?

"Nothing , we just want you to experience other aspects of life so just think about it.", mum tried to remain calm.

"Look mum, there's nothing to think about, you can transfer me to any school you like but not a school with guys, no way ", I said and walked away straight towards my room.

"This is going to be harder than I thought",I heard mum say behind me.

I just laid on my bed sobbing quietly while trying to think they were just kidding. 'But they look all serious' I thought.

"Ash darling , may I come in?", it was Ana. I knew she definitely will agree with my parents so I was contemplating on whether to let her in or not.

I finally thought I need her at the moment so I just opened the then came back to bed.

"You knew about it , right?, I asked her when she wasn't saying anything.

"They are trying their best to help you fight your past sweetheart", she said rubbing my back.

"You agree with them?, I asked again

"If you don't want it, there's nothing I can do about it",she calmly replied.

"Are they still sitter downstairs?"

"They are also confused about this whole thing", she answered with a sigh

"But what do you have to say about this ",I just wanted to listen to her opinion.

"Don't get me wrong but I think they do have a point. You can't continue being like this and besides you would have to get married someday", she simply explains.

"I want to be alone, please", I said to her and without any questions, she left .

'My parents have always been there for me without asking for any favors until now, what do I do?', I questioned my conscience. What will happen to my future if I go on like this?

'All I have to do is to avoid the guys right?,I kept throwing questions at myself without getting any answers. 'Maybe just avoiding them would be the best option'

I headed downstairs after doing a lot of thinking. My parents where deep in thoughts that they didn't even hear me calling out to them.

I wonder what Ash is trying to do now. Is she going to fulfill her parents wishes or she still doesn’t want to mingle with the opposite sex?

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