
Legend of the Silver Fang (Under Editing)

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VermillionAce · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 44: Confrontation

-Hokage's Office-

Hiruzen's POV:

I let my two fellow Kages sit and offered some tea. We then started to talk about some casual stuff and check each other's condition. As time pass by, our conversation became more serious and village-related.

"So, Hiruzen-dono, who do you think will get the first place for this Jonin Exam? I am quite confident in two of my Chunin. One is my son who you may already know, has a Gold Dust Kekkei Genkai. The other one has also a Kekkei Genkai which I won't disclose for now."

Daichi is quite confident in his ninjas this time around. I still remember the time when we fought one on one. It really is one of the toughest fights in my life as a Hokage. Having only one nature that can damage him is quite troublesome.

"As for me, I only have one ninja who I am confident with. He is quite clever and reliable. I think that boy can be an assistant in the future for the Mizukage. His style is assassination so you better keep an out on him. The other one I guess would be a swordsman of our younger generation. But his strength is a bit lacking and he is very arrogant so he needs more training and discipline. What about you, Hokage-sama"

Daitan seems to only have confidence in one of his ninjas. I guess their training program for the younger generation is not yet finish. After the alliance we made with them a few months ago, the Mizukage successfully changed how their academy works. They have a new training program for their ninjas. Also, Tsunade is right. He really is humble to the people he knew who are stronger than him.

"Truthfully, I have four Chunin that I am confident in making the third round. But there is one of them that I am sure that will dominate the competition. In fact, just a few minutes ago, I welcomed him as he already finished the second part of the Jonin exams. I believe you have met him already, Mizukage-dono."

It's true. I even think that this Jonin exam is pointless because I knew who will claim the first place. Minato is a real genius. His strength from what I know can be close or even an Elite Jonin. His intelligence is also on par with Nara Shikakku. Not to mention his Hiraishin which he developed further and his latest creation, the Rasengan. I don't think anybody can defeat that man.

"Ah yes. Minato-kun was it? He really deserves it and well, even though I am from a different village, I also think that he will be the first place in this exam."

"But Daitan-dono, don't you find it weird that he already finished the second part of exam? Something smells fishy..."

The Kazekage can't believe what I just said. It is indeed weird that someone can finish the exams this fast.

"I believe he showed his technique last time when we are discussing the Peace Treaty. At least Tsunade reported that to me. To inform you how he did it, he has the Second Hokage's Hirashin in his arsenal and many more secrets."

As I said the Hiraishin, Daichi is startled. I guess that the thought of someone learning the Hiraishin really is something to be feared of. I was tempted to say that Minato developed it further but they will see it soon. Not to mention his Rasengan and intelligence on the battlefield.

"Konoha really is lucky to have many geniuses being born. First, it's the White Fang, then the Sannin, now you have another talented ninja coming up. I am quite jealous." Daichi said as he seems to be thinking about something. I just nodded and was pleased to boast about our strength. Though in some situations, disclosing your cards to an opponent is a disadvantage, but not in this one. I want them to realize the overwhelming power of Konoha that they will give up any plans against us in the future. And well, we still have two other ninjas who would be a strong asset to the village.

"Well then, I will guide you two to where you will be staying. I think you don't want the people to know that you are here until the third part of the Jonin Exams so it will be a secret until then." I then guided them to the arranged place for them to stay.

-Konoha Hospital-

Tsunade's POV:

After I heard Kaoru's situation inside the Uchiha Clan, I can't help but be angry and just beat the hell out of them. But I knew I can't afford to do that. Contrary to the situation of the Hyuga, Uchiha is still the strongest clan in Konoha, possibly in the whole ninja world. That's why we can't do something reckless against them because that may cause a rebellion and a coup d'etat. Though I am confident that Konoha will still win, the possible loss we will receive is not something to scoff off. The other villages may take advantage of our sudden decrease in power if that happened. But even so, I get the feeling that the young Clan Head of the Uchiha Clan is different from his ancestors. It's just a feeling though.

At the moment, Kaoru is lying in a bed as I was checking what is wrong with her. Kakashi on the other hand went back to his patrol duty. Her baby, Shisui, is in another room, also being checked upon. After a few minutes, I finished and determined what was wrong with Kaoru.

"Kaoru-san, it seems like your immune system is weak at the moment. It looks like after many battles against the Puppet Brigade of Suna, your body just weakens over time because of the amount of poison you have received."

I still remember it. Even though she only reached the Chunin in her prime, she was still quite powerful because of her tactics and intelligence on the battlefield. She is sent with me when we are ordered to help the group who is confronting Suna at the border. Though many will have a stronger immune system against poison if they continually receive it, some people's immune systems can't handle poison resulting in the weakening of the immune system. Unfortunately, Kaoru fell to the latter.

After another few minutes, Shisui's results came, and fortunately, he seems to be a normal baby without any problems. Kaoru sighed in relief when she heard her baby is healthy. But what pains me is how weak she became. Though her immune system weakened, it is supposed to go back to normal after a few years. But that requires a healthy environment and healthy living. I then realized just how bad her condition within the clan is.

"Kaoru-san, you really need to get out of the Uchiha Clan. Their environment is unhealthy for you."

Though I said that, I know what the Uchiha rules are. One must be a Jonin before they can live outside their clan's territory. The other condition is if the elders of the clan approved you in living outside their territory but that rarely happens. I don't really know why but that is their rule. I just felt extremely helpless at this moment. As I was thinking about how I can help, two familiar faces went inside the room and were surprised to see them. I forgot that her reputation among the Konoha ninjas is very high, especially those who saw her in battle personally. I just got our light of hope.

-Uchiha District-

Tsunade's POV:

I can't believe what we are doing. Though I was thinking of beating those Uchiha elders in my mind, I still can't afford to do that for now. But then this crazy woman just said that she will beat them up if they don't permit Kaoru from living outside the clan. This is crazy... And to think I just thought of her being our hope

"Ara~ Tsuna-chan. Why do I get the feeling that you are thinking of something bad against me?

Ha! What is up with that accurate assumption?

"What do you think? You just gave birth last month and you're saying that you would be beating them up. Are you crazy, Aisuru-san?"

Yeah, I know that she is more powerful than me but come on! You just gave birth for goodness' sake. I thought she will talk to the Uchiha elders and Clan head peacefully. She is a very respected person in the whole Konoha so I thought maybe if she talked to them, they will comply with our request. But to think she will really fight them if they did not agree... Even the readers will bash the author because of what you're doing!

[Don't worry, Tsuna-chan. Aisuru fully recovered last week which is crazy. And well, only Hiruzen or Sakumo can threaten us in battle. Not to mention, I improve quite a bit after our training with Shiro.]

This crazy wolf also is confident. But what they are saying is all true. Only the Hokage can defeat them in the entire Konoha. And Sakumo can pull a draw against the two of them combine. But still... this is just reckless.

As I was thinking of what could potentially happen, we reached the place where the elders of the Uchiha Clan are having a meeting because of their sudden relocation.

"Tsunade, stay here for a while. I will settle this matter myself."

I was about to disagree but was ignored. Aisuru and Ashi went inside the place. I just hope nothing happens. To the Uchiha clan that is.

Aisuru's POV:

I went inside the meeting place and saw about eight elderly people facing a rather young man. I believe his name is Uchiha Fugaku and the older men are the elders of the Uchiha Clan.

"Pardon my intrusion but I am here to get Uchiha Kaoru and his son, Uchiha Shisui, out of the Uchiha clan district."

When I heard Kakashi saying that he met Kaoru earlier, I was delighted. But when he said something is wrong with her and was taken to the hospital with Tsunade, I immediately rushed there. I left Aiko with Kakashi and Sakumo. Sakumo also rushed home when he heard the news. Though I want to be with Aiko all the time, my best friend is in a bad situation. And when I heard what Tsunade said about the Uchiha Clan's treatment to my friend, I thought about beating them up if they don't allow Kaoru from leaving the Uchiha District.

"How rude of you just to barge in, Aisuru. And regarding Kaoru, I am sorry but your request will be denied."

"Request? What request? It seems you are misunderstanding something old man. That is not a request, but I was just saying what I will do. I was just showing my respect out for you. And if you try to stop me..."

I then released my full killing intent and all of the people inside the room almost collapsed.

"Enough, Aisuru-sama. We will comply with your order so, please relax."

Fugaku said as he also was about to pass out.

"Good. And never think about rebelling, even for a moment. I have my means to deal with you all. Good day, Uchiha."

I then went outside and went back to the hospital with Tsunade and Ashi.

Fugaku's POV:

The moment Aisuru came in, I was shocked and felt a little fear inside of me. I still remember the days when I accompanied her and Ashi to the battlefield during the Second Ninja War. I still remember how she fought and every slice and slash of her sword drew blood from her enemies.

Then I heard what she said and was about to agree quickly but an idiot dared to disagree. I then felt her killing intent again like on the battlefield but this time, it is directed on us. I forced myself to stay conscious and speak. Though I am quite powerful, I am still no match for her at the moment. I then immediately tried to calm her down and agreed to her request.

As she went outside, the heavy pressure was released and we all sighed in relief.

" FUGAKU-SAMA!!! Why did comply with her request!? This will make our Uchiha Clan lose face!"

These idiots have no idea about her strength.

"First of all, as she said, it is not a request, it is an order. Second, are you confident that we can win against her after what she did? Not to mention that the Inuzuka Clan will always help their members, especially their Alpha. And let's not forget her relationship with the Sannin and Sakumo-san. Lastly, we will never lose face on what we did. On the contrary, other clans would have seen us as idiots if we defy what that woman wants. I bet you did not see her at the Second War but I did. I believe she could have been the Hokage if she wanted to. Not to mention, Ashi-san is also by her side earlier."

The main reason these idiots did not saw what Aisuru did on the battlefield is because not many Uchiha are sent during the war. The late council and the Hokage have a part of that reason but the main thing is that, we have not produced any talented ninjas after the foundation of Konoha. Though we are still the most powerful clan in Konoha at the moment, that is mainly because we have the most numbers of clan members. Our main strength is our combat abilities and that also decreased over time. Even if the other clans' combat prowess is not on par with us, their other abilities are much valuable than us in war.

The Nara's intelligence and tactics won Konoha a huge amount of battles. The Yamanaka's surveillance team which reduced the number of intruders from entering Konoha Camps and Konoha itself. The Akimichi's physical prowess and their food pills which saved a lot of people. The Inuzuka, Aburame, and Hyuga's abilities to keep the surroundings safe and free from any traps in advance. As for our genjutsu, the Kurenai's genjutsu is improving at an alarming rate. Though still not on par with us, they are still better than anyone in the world.

But even if I said all that, they still won't understand. Some of the Uchiha members and elders are all blinded by their greed and I have no idea what they can and will do to obtain what they want.

Hiruzen's POV:

After I escorted the two Kages to their respective places to stay, I went back to my office and continue my paper works. On my way back, I felt a similar killing intent coming from the Uchiha District. I was about to rush there but then I saw Aisuru with Tsunade and Ashi by her side coming out of the Uchiha District.

"Aisuru-chan, did something happen? I just felt your killing intent leaking out."

I remember that one time when I confronted Onoki at the border. When I got there, I felt the intense killing intent that Aisuru is giving off. She is was about twenty at that time but her strength is close to a Kage. When I got there, she and Ashi were confronting Onoki and were full of scars all over their body but their movements remained sharp and strong.

"Oh, Hiruzen-sama. I just talked to the elders of the Uchiha. My friend is having a hard time living in there but they still won't let her go so I just scared them a bit."

Scared them huh. I doubt that. I think in the whole Konoha, only I can sense her killing intent. Not because her killing intent is weak but because she had controlled it so that only the ones she focused it on can feel it.

"Aisuru-chan. Please prevent from provoking the Uchiha. Though I am confident that you have your means in dealing with them, there will surely be losses if we confront them."

In my eyes, Aisuru is the second or third strongest ninja of Konoha as of now. She can also compete with the other Kages back when she is still active on the battlefield. The Uchiha on the other hand has only one ninja who is close to being a Kage level and that is their Clan Head, Uchiha Fugaku. But they still have many Elite Jonin ninjas like their eight elders but their younger generation has no genius as of now.

"Don't worry Hiruzen-sama, I won't let things escalate that Konoha will be affected. And I have a feeling that Uchiha Fugaku is different from his ancestors."

That's true. Fugaku is quite humble for an Uchiha. He could have asked for more benefits last time when we are talking about the Medical Project of Tsunade but he didn't. I just hope that he won't be pressured by his elders later down the road.