
Legend of the Silver Fang (Under Editing)

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VermillionAce · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 43: Help, Return, and Kage

Kakashi's POV:

As soon as I realized what I can do, I immediately rushed to the hospital and looked for Tsunade. The hospital at this time is almost empty since the war is over and a Jonin Exam just started a few hours ago. I then saw Tsunade in one of the rooms where she is inventing different antidotes and medicines to various poisons and diseases respectively.

"Tsunade-sensei, can you go with me for a while? There is someone you need to meet and help at the moment."

She looks quite confused at the moment but still agreed to come with me. We then went to the Uchiha District and saw Kaoru sitting in front of her house. On the way here, there are countless Uchiha who stared at us with confusion. Though the Uchiha and Senju relationship is not that good, it recovered a little when the Hokage relocated their clan to its original place.

"Tsunade-sensei, this is Aun-"


Before I finished talking, Tsunade cut me off and was about to hug Kaoru. But then she realizes that Kaoru is holding a baby and suppressed herself.

"Ahh, Tsunade-chan. Long time no see. How are you and why did you come here?" Kaoru said with a surprised face and a smile. I think I know how they met. It is likely that Kaoru also joined in training with Tsunade and my mother when they are young.

"Kakashi told me that someone needs my help. But if I knew it was you, I would have rushed here immediately." Tsunade said.

"I am glad that you came here and offer your help but I am fine. And I don't think that the elders of our clan would be pleased to see you helping me. I don't want to trouble you." Kaoru said with a reassuring voice.

"Those old bones of Uchiha really are rotten to the bones! I can't believe they are doing this to you just because you are half Uchiha!"

Now that is news to me. I didn't know about that. Only two clans in Konoha do not easily accept someone to marry other people outside their clan. That is, of course, the Uchiha and Hyuga clans. Though they did not prohibit it, they don't entertain it either. I heard some rumors back in my past life that there are times when half Hyuga or half Uchiha are being treated badly. And their reason? They think that half-breeds are disgusting and impure.

A/n: They call them mudblood. LOL

"Don't worry about them Kaoru-san. I will beat them up if they did something bad to you. And I doubt they will because your clan head witnessed how the Hokage changed his attitude. Now, come with me so we can check your condition. There is also a possibility that your son has some problems."

Yeah, I doubt that. Shisui. He is, I think the fastest Konoha ninja after Minato died back in my past life. His Shunshin leaves after images that can still inflict physical damage to any enemies. He is a terror on the battlefield. But his death is a mystery to all of us.

"Thank you, Tsunade-chan."

With that, we went to the hospital for Kaoru's check-up.

-Uzumaki Residence-

Kushina's POV:

After the party for Aiko's first month, I returned home to wash myself first before going on duty for the afternoon shift of patrols. Seeing the Hatake family that happy, I just imagine what would it be like to have my own family in the future. Will we also be that happy? Will we also have such a great family? As these thoughts are running through my mind, I heard a knock on my door. At first, I thought it was my team but I remember that they already went to do the patrol for the afternoon. I then became quite suspicious and asked the person behind the door.

"Who is it?"

I still remember the day I was kidnapped by the Kumo ninjas. That incident made me realize just how dangerous being a jinchuriki of the Kyubi really is.

"Kushina-chan, it's me, Minato."

At this point, I drew my sword and slowly opened the door. Though the voice is the same, Minato can't be here because he is in the Jonin Exams and I heard that it will take at least two weeks to complete. The moment I opened the door, I was about to slash my sword but then I saw the warm smile Minato often shows.

"What the!- Kushina-chan, what are you doing? Is there an enemy?" Minato seems quite surprised for a moment.

"I thought you were an impostor. I heard that the second part will take at least two weeks to finish..."

"Oh, sorry for surprising you. And yeah, the second part needs two weeks to accomplish for most of the ninjas but I am not included in that category. My Hiraishin really helped me this time around."

I then let go of my sword and hugged Minato tightly.

"Welcome home, Minato-kun."

I saw Minato become red and some steam coming out of his head. When I realized what I just said, I also blushed and was about to say something but was stopped. There seems to be something stopping my lips from moving. I realized that Minato kissed me on the lips for a moment and I was stunned that I still felt his lips touching mine even though it isn't anymore.

-Hokage Office-

Hiruzen's POV:

I am really shocked when I saw Minato's name disappeared from the list I was holding for the Jonin Exams. There are only two possibilities why this happened. One is that he died, which I doubt, and two is that he already finished the second task.

But then I saw a commotion in front of the gate which confirmed my suspicion. I went there and really saw Minato walking inside Konoha. The new generation really is blooming right before my eyes. Not to mention Hatake Kakashi who is likely to even surpass Minato in the future if he kept this up. There is also Maito Gai who showed excellent promise in taijutsu and is close to being a Chunin.

At the moment, I am working on the mountain of paperwork as usual when someone opened the door. I then saw a man with a fair complexion and has a messy dark blue hair with yellow eyes. This man was also part of my generation whose talent is comparable to mine and Onoki. The so-called strongest Kazekage of Suna, Kazekage Daichi.

I once fought against him during the Second Shinobi War and I got to say that his Magnet Release is no joke. The only jutsus that worked against his magnet release and iron sand was my lightning jutsus. That is one of the reasons why he is very cautious when fighting Sakumo and the Third Raikage, A.

A/n: Can't find a fitting name for him so it can be changed later. Please do give suggestions.

But then another man appeared beside him. His hair was the exact opposite of the Kazekage. He has long straight hair with slit eyes. He must be the Third Mizukage of Kiri who Tsunade told me about, Yuki Daitan. I also heard from Tsunade that he is from the Yuki Clan who also possesses a Kekkei Genkai, Ice Release. Their names are kinda similar. What a coincidence.

These two Kages were supposed to be here next week. We even prepared a welcome party for them. Also, it seems that the surveillance team of Konoha needs to improve because two Kages just went in unnoticed. They seem to relax a bit after the war was over. Of course, there are Konoha ninjas who noticed these two but I ordered them to ignore these two. I can see everything that is happening in Konoha right now.