
Legend of the Silver Fang (Under Editing)

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VermillionAce · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 45: The Meaning Behind

Minato's POV:

It's now two weeks after the second part of the Jonin Exams started. At the moment, I am standing in front of the Hokage with two men beside him. They are the Mizukage and the Kazekage. I met the Mizukage when we went to Kiri and send a message from the Hokage. I can say that we have a rather good relationship. As for the Kazekage, I just recognize him from the Bingo Books. Beside me are seven other ninjas from the three villages that participated this year. There are also many people watching us from above. They came to see the three Kages being in the same place and not us. I think we all knew that there would be a rest day before the last part will start.

There are two from Kiri and also two from Suna. As for Konoha, we have four, including me. The other three were Hiashi, Mikoto, and Shikakku. Both Hiashi and Mikoto improved a lot after their training with Tsunade from the Special Course of the Medical project. They both improved their chakra control that they can now rival mine. As for Shikakku, he is the smartest of our class with me being a tie with him. His combat skills are also comparable to that of an Elite Chunin.

I only recognize one of the participants from the other villages and that would be Rasa. I met him once when I am assigned to be part of the battle with Suna during the war. His strength at that time is that of a Chunin but I think he has also improved a lot during the past years. His Gold Dust Kekkei Genkai has a very strong defensive capabilities and only strong lightning attacks can penetrate it.

"Welcome to all of you here. I would like to first congratulate you all for making it to the last part of the Jonin Exams. But before that, we will give all of you a day before the last part will start. For now, let me first explain how it will go. You will fight each other in a bracket system which will be decided based on the time you arrived at Konoha and completed the second part of the Jonin exams."

As the Hokage said that, the screen on his back showed the matchups we will be having.

First Battle: (1)Namikaze Minato VS (8)Biwa Juzo

Second Battle: (2)Kazekage Rasa VS (7)Uchiha Mikoto

Third Battle: (3)Hyuga Hiashi VS (6)Ao

Fourth Battle: (4)Nara Shikakku VS (5)Pakura

Fifth Battle: Winner of First Battle VS Winner of Fourth Battle

Sixth Battle: Winner of Second Battle VS Winner of Third Battle

Last Battle: Winner of Fifth Battle VS Winner Of Sixth Battle

"We three Kages will be the ones to determine if you can be promoted to Jonin. Does any of you have any questions?"

"I have a question, Hokage-sama. Though this is not related to the last part of the exams, I believe it is still an important issue. I believe that the Konoha Ninjas have a huge advantage in the second part of the exams. The location of each scroll is within the Land of Fire or at the Land of Rice. This means that they are more familiar with the area. Can you explain this to us?"

The one with a sword on his back and is from Kiri asked. He is my first opponent, Biwa Juzo. The second part really seems too suspicious at first glance but...

"Minato-kun, can you explain the objective of the second part?"

I was a bit surprised that the Hokage wants me to explain it but I still agreed.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. The objective of the second part at first glance was to solve the riddles and go to the next location faster than anyone. In real life, that would be equal to investigating an area where a situation occurred and then going to another location which the culprit may go and catch the culprit before they managed to leave the area. The latter part is shown through having the ninjas compete in solving the riddles first. In short, the second part is about a Pursuit Mission."

I then took a deep breath and continued my explanation.

"But that is just what it seems at the first glance. I believe that even though you are not familiar with the location, your destination is pretty easy to solve for everyone or is well hidden that it is hard to see even if one is familiar with the search area. I confirmed this when my last destination is the Valley of the End where everyone in the world knows what happened there. Next is that the riddles are way too simple to be called a clue. For me, it seems like the riddle is just giving away the answer right off the bat. As for the objective of the second part of the Jonin Exams, I believe it is a Delivery Mission but the contents of the package are very important that many ninjas are targeting it. This situation is common during wars where communication is the key. One must hide his/her trails and prevent anyone from chasing him/her. But that is not the end. The second part will be finished if one can arrive at the village first. That for me signifies that even though you complete your mission, you must still strive to survive and return to your village and your family."

Juzo then looked at me and contempt was present in his eyes. He seems to be quite proud of himself and can't accept that he was placed last. To prove that he is not in the last place, he deliberately questioned the validity of the exams for him to make an excuse. He also seems like the kind of person who will underestimate his opponent first. I guess my first win will be easy. But I would still be careful in dealing with him. Maybe he does have the capabilities in backing up his arrogance.

"Well then, Biwa Juzo. Did that clear your doubts?"

He just nodded and was visibly angry because of his embarrassment.

"Well then, all of you will be staying in a place where we assigned you to be. You are not allowed to roam around Konoha freely and need an escort before doing so. This is to prevent you from doing underhanded methods to your opponent before the battles started. The ninjas escorting you would be a Jonin from Konoha and one ninja from your respective village. As for you four from Konoha, there would be a ninja from another village that would be assigned to you and also a Jonin from Konoha to avoid favoritism. Is that all clear?"

This time, the Kazekage informed us about what we will need to do and not do.

"Well, then, the moment you stepped out of this stadium will officially end the second part of the Jonin Exams. We wish you all good luck."

Before I went to the place where I will be staying, Juzo blocked me and offered a handshake.

"You may be the first to finish but that won't mean I am weaker than you. I will embarrass you in front of all the people watching like what you did to me earlier. Mark my words."

That confirms my assessment of him. And it is exactly what I thought. I just shook his hand and said nothing. He also gripped my hand tight and is showing his strength. It lasted for a few seconds before he realizes that it does not hurt me.

I then went to the place where I am assigned to stay. I plan on just staying where I was to avoid the other participants. I don't want any troubles this time and just focus and I won't train for the rest of the day.