
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

14. Hurt

"GO AWAY!! BOTH of you!!!" Ava hick-upped through her tears, as Bruno sat in front of her, holding her tight in his paws with tears falling out of his glowing sad orbs.

*Bruno* "I'm not letting you go!! You're MY Mate and, that that stupid human of mine did this to you i can't change it but i regret it very much but i will not let you go little one, because i love you!!" Bruno said to her which she couldn't hear since their matebond was not completed.

"Ava, Bruno says he feels very sad and sorry that Grissom did this to you but he will never let you go because he loves you very much!" Lionel translated the mind-linked message from Bruno to his inner lion back to him.

Ava squirms in Bruno's tight grip, wanting to go away but he wouldn't let her and nuzzled his big head in the crock of her neck, inhaling her scent to calm him down.

"You know i earned you sis, i just wished you went to talk to hik about it sooner!!...i am not saying that he is right to do this but i think i could understand him" Betty says to Ava who sat next to Lionel on the sofa in their home.

"Let me explain what happened at least!...i think it's also a bit my fault since i asked him to come with me to the club while knowing he was struggling with his strong feelings.....it was a temptation Ava, he told me he wanted to be in his own during full moon to avoid him jumping on you to mate since you seem not ready at all for that....but on the otherhand he was also afraid of cheating in you.....aniways we went to the club am i found a lady friend to spend some time with thinking he was gone back home because that what he had told me he would do once i would find someone...but i didn't know that for ine reason or the other he stayed on his own and had started drinking....he was drunk and hornet as hell when i found him in the parking and that's when he told me what happened all messed up and crying that he lost his mate and then i brought him back home. He loves you so very much, Ava, he never meant to do this to you!" Lionel sighed while looking at the big bear who sat on the ground, crying with his head hung low.

"I am not blaming Bruno, although he shares the same body with him or whatever but it was Grissom who let that....that filthy woman touch him!!"

"I know, but please try to also see it from his side Ava, i believe Betty already explained to you this matting thing with the full moon right, it's very difficult being out there having a mate but not able finish that bond, please i know it's a lot to take ik as a human being but please try and don't Treo away the love you have for each other!" Lionel says while getting up from the sofa.

"Sis, he made a mistake, and we ALL make mistakes in our lives!! Just talk it out with him and tell him what holds you back so you can try work it out before the full moon ceremony!" Betty says in a serious tone.

"What is holding you back?" Lionel asked while putting his coat back on.

Ava sighed, fidgeting with her fingers.

"I...i....i am afraid that the whole rape thing will pop up in my mind again when me and Grissom will.....you know...do it...and i dont want that to happen" she whispered.

"That's what i thought kind of, that Lucas idiot destroyed your innocence!! God i wish i could kill him right now!" Lionel hissed in anger.

"Please make it up with him! You both deserve happiness and i take half responsibility for his actions tonight so please accept also my apologies Ava!.... Anyways I have to go back to the palace because i have to meet my parents so see you guys later and please take care of that crying bear in the corner!" He said and hugged both sisters and then left their place leaving them behind with a sulking Bruno who cursed his human side inside him who had hurt their little mate!

"Are you hungry Bruno?" Ava asked after hearing the loud rumble coming from Bruno's big belly.

Bruno shook his head in a yes so Ava stood up and went to the pantry and came back with a flower pot size full of delicious honey and sat it down in front of him.

"I made this for you and wanted to gift it to you before the full moon but i think it will be useful today so enjoy Bruno" she sniffed as she sat down in front of him between his huge legs.

Suddenly he embarrassed her gently as to say that k you for the nice gift and after he let her go again he lifted up the pot and dipped one claw in it and started eating the delicious goody.

Ava watched the big hairy bear enjoying his treat with great eagerness and a soft smile appeared on her lips. She truly loved this crazy bear but her already fragile heart had now another crack in it and she didn't want to have more.

"When you are done Bruno, i would like to talk to Grissom please" Ava softly said with a sigh making Bruno's eyes widen.

While Bruno liked up the last honey, Ava tried to think of what to say to Grissom.....

While being deep in thought she didn't notice that Bruno had slowly shifted back into his human form again, giving the controle back to Grissom who quickly took a blanket from the nearby chair and wrapped it around his waist before facing Ava.

Then he slowly wrapped his muscles arm around her tiny waist and draw her into his embrace flushed against his tout chest.

"I'm so freaking sorry little one! I never ever ment to hurt you! I just.....when i saw Lionel leave with that girl i could so jealous and started drinking, of which i should have and then i saw in my drunken state a blond woman coming at me and i thought it was you and i met myself go...I'm so so love my love!! Please tell me what to do to make this right?" He whispered with a broken voice in her ear while she listened in silent.

Ava sighed and then looked up at him tear stricken face and brought her hand up to caress his cheek.

"I think we both made mistakes, Grissom.....i should have told you my feelings regarding what happened with Lucas what has been holding me ba k all the while, that is my mistake and we'll, you know yours so that's that.....i just want to move on from this...i.....i still love you, very much but i can't deal with another heartbreak Grissom, I've been hurt alot in my life and i don't think i. An have anymore on top of this, so either you stop hurting me or you let me go!" Ava sighed.

"You're my mate and i will never hurt you again! I swear on my dead biological mother!!.....i love you my little mate and i will never stop loving you asong as i will live!" Grissom replied with watery eyes.

After that, he sealed his promise with a deep passionate kiss which Ava welcomed with her lips parted, letting him in.

Time stood still for the 2 fated mates while they were finally happy again in their bubble of love.

After a while the parted in need of oxygen and they lay beside each other on the sofa with their body entagled with one another, enjoying the presence and warmth of each other embrace.

"So what do you think of Lionel and your sister?" Grissom asked her softly in her ear.

"What about them?" Ava replied curiously looking into Grissoms sprawling blue orbs.

"Shell im not sure at all but i have a feeling that your sister might turn out to be his mate!" He dropped the bomb on Ava's head.

"What?!!!....noway! That can't be! She is not 18 yet!! I will not allow her Grissom please that's not right!" Ava muttered.

"Hush, little one! I know and he knows as well!! He told me that he finds it even disgusting for him to think like that about her but he can't help but think of her all the time these days...and that's for me a sign to think that she might be his mate but who knows, maybe it's just attraction from his side and nothing more!" He said while nibbling on Ava's earlobe making a soft moan to escape her lips.

"So what do you want me to do, during the full moon, Ava, do you want me to go or to stay with you?" He husked.

Ava blinked twice and tool a deep breath.....

"I want you to mark me, make me fully yours, Grissom!!" She whispered her answer, making his jaw drop in suprice.