
Legend of the fated mates.

Werewolves, packs, fated mates, the moon goddess, the Alphas & their moon gifted Luna's, Omegas, Lycans and rogues, just to some up the most famous, well known and popular shifters of the "other" world. A world beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, a world where anything can happen, above and beyond, a world full of unending possibilities and unending fantasy! But besides those famous moon howlers, there are more living creatures out there! But they are sometimes being forgotten since they are living beyond the shadows of the famous wolves. Creatures who are much alike as their famous howling neighbors.... They are also shifters. Shifting between their human form and their true form, having also mates and feel the same way about them just as the wolves! But what if fate brings two people together. Two very different people coming from two very different worlds, not to say from extreme opposites! This is a tale about one of those "forgotten ones", a tale of love, passion, sacrifice, hope but also of fighting for your right of place in the world and for your hearts desires but above all, about the discovery of one's true nature that transcends all boundaries! A tale of two sisters, humans & two shifters, a grizzly and a lion pulled together by fate!

MarjoryBloom84 · Urban
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18 Chs

13. Betrayal.

'Why can't i stop thinking about her sister??' Lionel muttered while he was trying to focus on his work in front of him.

He was getting distracted by his thoughts of Betty, Ava's younger sister and he felt akward and disgusted by it since she was not yet 18, just 17 years old!! And he didn't have a clue as to why he started to think about her so much!

It was only some days ago since he had spent some hours in her presence...

"Man i need to get laid!" He muttered out loud with a semi-hard on in his pants which he git from thinking so much about HER....

He picked up his phone and dialed his friend and boss.

"Grissom, dude are you free tonight?"

"Hey buddy, yes i am, what's up?"

"Let's go to a club, i really really need a woman man!" Lionel admitted while left his office and walked over to the elevator.

"Ah the old fashion problem huh? Well i understand, I'll come with you but when you find one I'll go, i don't want to be the thirth weel on the wagon as they say here ok?!" Grissom replied smirking.

"Sure, sure! You just lucky you now have your mate to jump on with upcoming moon, i hope i will find mine soon because that itch is becoming unbareable!"

"Lucky you say...hmm...yeah i have a mate.....but she's not ready yet" Grissom said softly making Lionel frown while being in the elevator.

"What do you mean?"

"Just how i said it Lionel, i haven't marked her yet, she is not ready to mate!" Grissom sighed.

"Sh*t! Really? I thought you guys already done multiple times by now?....ow but wait isn't that because of what Lucas did to her, it would make sence if that is the case!"

"Exactly what i am thinking! But like you said, it is full moon soon and you know what happens then and i dont know if she would be ready for me by then...it's getting harder each day you know, being around her and not able to touch her, afraid of going to far, pushing her away.....maybe i should even go back to the treehouse for the period around the full moon, just a day or 3 or so, what do you think?"

"Wow, and i thought i had a problem! Well body it is you and me against the world i guess!.....if you decide to go to the treehouse please take me with you before i decide to jump on Ava's teenage sister!"

"What??! Wait...is she....is she YOUR mate?" Grissom asked his friend surprised.

"No....don't rediqoulous! She is not even 18 yet and besides my lion hasn't claimed her as such, i just like her and my body seems to be attracted to her is some crazy way.....that's all!"

"Hmm okay....if you say so, but what do you think about my issue with Ava....should I leave her during full moon or?"

"Well did you tell her what happens then?"

"Kind of yes but i don't want to frighten her...i feel stuck man, you know i can be a brutal beast during full moon when it comes to my bedroom manners.....but i also don't want to give myself over to another woman who is not my mate but those damn feelings are pushing me to the limit jow i finally have found my mate, so what on earth should I do?"

"Damn, you're in trouble! Okay well then i would suggest we go to your tree house and hope and pray that Bruno will behave himself enough and will not jump on everything with just 2 legs!"

"Yeah well that's what im scared off"

"Okay well i have to go now, see tonight at the club.

"Okay Lionel, thanks for calling, see yah!"

After he cut the call Lionel git in his car and drove of to his home.

He fully understood his friend. But for him it was easier since he didn't find his mate yet, he could just pick up any woman to spend the night of the full moon with to his hearts content but if Grissom was going to do that he would cheating on his mate!!

"And here i thought i had the biggest idiotic problem!" He chuckled to himself as he entered the highway.

Sometime later he entered the gates to his estate and parked his car inside the garage next to his other cars and went inside his luxurious home.

"Good afternoon your highness, welcome, i want inform you that your pare te are in the living room waiting for you!" His butler annouched.

"Okay Alfred, thank you!" Lionel said as he directly went to see them being curious what brought them into the human realm to visit him.

"Ah there he is, our handsome son! How are you my dear?" Lionel's mother, the current queen asked him after kissing his cheek warmly.

"Fine mother, just a bit tired" he answered sitting down after shaking his fathers hand.

"You work too much! But things will change after your crowning at full moon night dear and i hope you are prepared!?" His mom says keanly observing.

"Yeah i know, about that aniways, i might be spending the full moon night with Grissom, he hasn't mated with his mate yet and he is for seeing trouble during the full moon so he will be spending time in his treehouse so i promised to keep him company before he does something stupid"

"Still not? But why, what is he eaithing for?" His father now asked curiously.

"Well i don't know if you know but his mate got raped by a bad man and Grissom is now afraid that she is not ready for the matting part so he thinks it's better to leave her alone during full moon"

"Hmm i hope he made the wright Desi ion and that he thought it trough properly because if he cant take the presure he might cheat in his mate and that will kill her!" The king explains.

"Yeah that is also what i am afraid of and i tokd him that he could be cheating on her...but he dienst know what do so what advice should i give him father?"

"Well i don't if he hasn't yet but if not he should be honest with her and tell her and let her decided and after that based on her decision make his own" the King relied to his son.

"Hmm yeah he said that he kind of told her but he didn't sounded sure of himself, well i think i will tell him again and tell him also that it is your advice father and hopefully Grissom will make the right decision!"

"Good to hear son! Now lets us talk about your coronation day and its festivities, shall we?"

"Sure what do you have in mind?"

Meanwhile in Ava's & Betty's house....

"Sis, what's going on with you, you look sick!" Betty asked while looking at a pale looking Ava who was playing with her food, not eating much.

"I'm not sure.....i just feel hot & sweaty all the time and my stomach feels weird, but i font know why!" Ava replied with a sigh while pushing her plate with untouched food away from her.

Betty thought deeply for a moment, thinking about what could be wrong with her sister...

"Are you pregnant?!?!" Betty suddenly blurted out with a huge smile on her face making Ava to gasp in shock.

"NO afcourse not! That's impossible we haven't yet.....we...i just can't be pregnant" she muttered while Betty's mouth dropped.

"You and Grissom haven't mated yet?....wow! Now i get it, poor Grissom, walking around with blue balls all the time!" She smirked.

"Wait, what?.....what do you mean?"

"Just how i say it sis, didn't you noticed is almost full moon and he has stopped visiting us here in the house and when he did i caught on him couple of times with a bulge in his pants when he was looking at you!!.....the poor guy wants you sister, si why haven't you guys done it already?" Betty asked curiously.

"I didn't know! I only saw that one's but he told me he would be fine and that we could do it some other time"

"Girl you should go after your man before it goes hay wire!" Betty's says while muching on a piece of chicken.

"What do you mean?"

"Jeez sis! I thought you have been doing some research about this whole mates thing but it sounds to me that you have skipped the most important part of it!...well anyways let me enlighten you than and listen carefully!....during the full moon he desire to mate will be the strongest of the year so that means that the ones who doesn't officially have a mate yet can just go around and have sex with whoever they like but i have you have a mate you do it with your mate afcourse...but since you guys haven't done it yet and it sounds to me that you push it or he does i don't know.....but have it in mind dear sis that if you let him alone that night you might push him into another woman's arms, and i think you don't want that!"

"No but....why would he?"

"Because those damn feelings are too powerful Ava, we are humans so we will not understand, not until we experienced it but for them the fantasy realm creatures, it's a real thing! So in order not to lose you beloved bear you better go talk to him and do something about it!"

Hours later, Ava was on her way to club NightWing after she went to Grissom's house where his parents told her that's where he went with Lionel tonight.

She had been thinking about what her sister had been telling her.

She really wants to make love with him but she is afraid that she will spoiled it all by maybe freaking out in the middle of it, that it will remind her of whatucas had done to her.....that's the only some reason for her the doubt but hearing the trouble Grissom has to trough and is already going trough makes her sad!

So now she is on her way to talk to hom about to see if they could do something that would help both of them!

Upon entering the club, the smoke and loud music greeted her.

She started looking around the packed dancefloor but didn't see Grissom's or Lionel's tall figure so she went in to the bar and ordered a drink to steady her nerves.

It was the first time for her in a nightclub again after her rape and it made her on edge but she knew she had to talk with Grissom so she pushed her fear to the ba k of her mind.

After finishing her drink she went over to the direction of the vip section and showed the security guard her business ID that gave her acces.

Once inside she went to main lounge at the back where she heard some laughter coming from.

She opened the door and gasped in horror, the moment she layed her eyes in the scene in front of her...

A blond girl sat on her knees inbetween Grissom's thighs with her lips wrapped around his thick member, sucking him ferosiously as he lay in the cahir with his eyes closed and head back softly moaning one name...


The moment she heard her name coming out of his mouth she swallowed hard as the memory of her sister's words came back into her mind...

"If you let him alone, you might push him into another woman's arms!"

"I'm too late!" She whispered with a lump in her throat as tears piped out of her eyes.

She turned around with teary eyes, not seeing where she was going and hit her nose on the door what made her Yelp in pain.

Her scream allerted Grissom who looked up, straight into his mates hurt eyes making him gasp in horror.

"Ava, wait!!.....please I'm sorry!!....little wait please!!" He yelled while pushing the blond away from him and putting his member back into his jeans.

But while Ava heart his pleas she, ignored them and ran out of the club as fast as possible while Grissom was running after her.

Outside the club Ava took the nearest taxi and jumped into the backseat just before Grissom was able to grab her arm.

"Please baby, I'm so sorry! Let me explain please!"" He begged her but the taxi took of and he pulled on his hair feeling angry, pain and frrustartik all at once.

"What have I done!???" He whispered in agony.