
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · Sci-fi
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102 Chs

Nows The Time

Several years had elapsed since Aqua's initiation into the depths of Renan Cosmos's tutelage. Now, standing resolutely in the heart of Titan City, she marveled at the magnitude of her accomplishment. Her clever ruse of feigning malfunction and subsequent "repair" had enabled her successful infiltration into the very heart of the city that once imprisoned her. Guided by Renan's unwavering guidance and mentorship, Aqua had grown exponentially in her skills and knowledge.

As she surveyed the cityscape, her gaze settled on the familiar figure of Lando, now a mature and confident 18-year-old. The bond between them and their shared experiences filled Aqua with a profound sense of gratitude and relief.

Though their journey had been treacherous and filled with adversity, the fact that they had emerged unscathed brought her solace. However, whenever Aqua engaged in conversation with Zynkara, an undercurrent of rage surged within her. Despite the manipulation and brainwashing they had all endured, a flicker of empathy remained, preventing her from harboring resentment towards any of them.

Drawing closer to Lando, Aqua waved enthusiastically, reciprocated by his warm smile and friendly gesture. Seated beside Hana, they savored their morning meal together, a comforting ritual in their challenging lives. Aqua joined them, a glint of excitement sparkling in her eyes. "Any new mission awaiting us?" she inquired, her tone tinged with anticipation.

Lando, mouth full of food, glanced up and swallowed before responding. "This time, it's just Hana and me," he revealed, his voice brimming with a sense of responsibility. Aqua's brow arched inquisitively, her curiosity piqued.

"We have an unnamed target, an extremely dangerous individual surrounded by a contingent of approximately thirty loyal followers," Lando continued, his eyes reflecting determination. "Our objective is to capture him alive. It's a high-stakes assignment, but we're up for the challenge."

Aqua nodded approvingly, admiration gleaming in her eyes. "I have faith in both of you," she affirmed, gently patting Lando's shoulder. With a final encouraging glance, she bid them farewell and left the bustling cafeteria. A mischievous smirk gradually spread across her face, a prelude to the forthcoming endeavor. "Now, it's showtime," she whispered to herself.

Lando gracefully settled into the cockpit of his formidable Nephalem, an advanced vehicle built for daring missions. The sleek controls greeted his touch as he activated the powerful machine, its engines purring to life. Hana, his loyal companion, swiftly followed suit, joining him in the cockpit with determination etched across her face.

As they powered on their Nephalem, a familiar voice resonated through the intercom. It was Azia, their trusted ally, breaking the morning silence with a cheerful greeting. "Good morning!" his voice rang out, infused with warmth and encouragement.

Returning the greeting, Lando smiled at the thought of the adventure that awaited them. Eager to fulfill their mission, he swiftly accessed the database, meticulously searching for crucial information about their target. The screen flickered to life, illuminating their focused expressions. After a moment, he located their mark. "He's over there," Lando confirmed, his voice filled with a sense of purpose. Hana nodded in agreement, their eyes meeting for a brief moment, silently conveying their shared determination.

With their objective set, Lando skillfully maneuvered the Nephalem, initiating its launch sequence. As they ascended, their gazes were drawn to the breathtaking vista unfolding before them—the sun's rays casting a golden glow on the ancient ruins, casting intriguing shadows that beckoned them forward.

Gradually, the Nephalem glided towards the designated location, validating Aqua's earlier intelligence. Their hearts pounded with anticipation as they approached the scene. Thirty individuals roamed the area, their anxious demeanor betraying their awareness of the imminent events. Meanwhile, their intended target, an enigmatic figure, stood unperturbed, radiating an aura of calm amidst the brewing chaos. Curiously, Lando and Hana noticed that not a single word was exchanged between the group or the enigmatic figure, an air of mysterious unity shrouding them all.

Suddenly, without warning, a blinding rocket streaked through the sky, targeting their Nephalem with deadly precision. The missile struck its side with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves reverberating through the cockpit. Lando's ears rang from the explosion as the alarm system blared urgently, signaling danger. Despite the unexpected assault, Lando's disciplined composure remained intact. With a swift assessment of the situation, his eyes landed on the controls.

Pressing a yellow button with unwavering confidence, Lando anticipated a swift countermeasure. However, fate had other plans. The button malfunctioned, amplifying the urgency of their predicament. Refusing to succumb to panic, Lando shifted his focus to Hana, his unwavering trust in her abilities fueling his resolve. Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them.

"Fire at those bastards!" Lando's voice pierced through the chaos, commanding authority as he deftly manipulated the responsive blue joystick, directing the Nephalem's retaliatory strike. The powerful machine responded in kind, unleashing its mighty force, surging forward like a majestic predator honing in on its prey.

Hana's determination burned bright as she focused on the intricate controls before her, her short brown hair swirling around her face like a tempestuous halo. Her agile fingers danced across the buttons and levers, masterfully navigating the labyrinthine network of commands that controlled the Nephalem's weapons systems. Eyes fixed on the vibrant display screen, she synchronized her movements, aligning their aim with the military truck housing the missile launcher.

"Got it!" Hana's triumphant shout reverberated through the cockpit, her voice tinged with a mix of exhilaration and fierce determination.

Lando steadied himself, his chest rising and falling with a purposeful breath as he pressed yet another button, initiating a powerful launch sequence that propelled the Nephalem into the expansive sky. With unwavering focus, he firmly gripped the joystick, expertly maneuvering the colossal robot through the air. A smirk of anticipation graced Hana's face as her finger purposefully descended upon a crimson button. In response, a formidable blaster emerged from the Nephalem's right arm, radiating an aura of destructive energy. With pinpoint precision, she aimed the weapon at the menacing truck below, the embodiment of their imminent threat. The trigger was pulled, and a resounding explosion erupted, sending the vehicle hurtling through the air, engulfed in a fiery spectacle of destruction.

With calculated finesse, Lando skillfully guided the Nephalem back to the earth's surface, its colossal frame casting an imposing shadow upon the battlefield. As the dust settled, his discerning eyes surveyed the remnants of their vanquished enemy. A line of adversaries stood before them, brandishing assault rifles with hostile intent. Hana's astute observation broke the tension, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. "The Vultures never give up, do they?" Lando's solemn nod acknowledged the relentless nature of their antagonists. Undeterred, he fortified himself with unwavering determination, channeling his resolve into a formidable charge. Once again, the Nephalem defied gravity, soaring into the air with effortless grace.

Seizing the opportune moment, Lando's finger deftly found the yellow button, triggering the emergence of razor-sharp claws from the Nephalem's left hand. A triumphant chuckle escaped his lips as he skillfully landed in the midst of their foes. Fear tinged the air as some soldiers stumbled backward, attempting to issue a futile warning. However, Lando's wearied sigh carried a sense of inevitability. "You are our enemy, I'm sorry. You shot first." The Nephalem's claws swung with lethal precision, slashing through flesh and bone, painting the earth in a macabre tableau of blood and scattered limbs.

A desperate cry echoed through the chaos as one soldier urged his comrades to flee, firing his rifle in a futile attempt to repel the indomitable force before him. His final gasp of shock was abruptly silenced as Hana's blaster locked onto him, obliterating his form in a cataclysmic burst of fiery devastation. The soldiers, now driven by sheer terror, abandoned their posts, their frantic voices reverberating through the battlefield like a chilling siren of impending doom. "Run for your lives!"

Amidst the carnage, Lando's steely determination heightened, his gaze narrowing upon a particular figure in the distance. "That's the target!" he growled, the weight of their mission etched into his voice. With a renewed surge of power, he propelled the Nephalem forward, his claws slicing through flesh and bone, severing the lives of several more soldiers in a grotesque symphony of pain. The sickening sound of flesh rending filled the air, a haunting echo of their prowess amidst the chaos.

Meanwhile, Hana maintained her relentless assault, her blaster serving as a harbinger of destruction. With calculated precision, she aimed once more, obliterating another cluster of enemies who dared to stand in their path. Embodying unity, Lando and Hana became an unstoppable force, each movement executed flawlessly as they forged a path toward their ultimate objective.

Closing in on their quarry, Lando charged toward the man cloaked in blue, determination etched upon his face.