
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
102 Chs


With unyielding determination, Lando surged forward, his powerful strides carrying him closer to the man draped in a cloak of blue. His hands, adorned with lethal claws, snatched the figure, lifting him from the ground with unwavering strength.

The remaining soldiers, realizing the dire situation, trained their weapons upon the Nephalem, their trigger fingers trembling with urgency. Yet, to their dismay, the hail of bullets ricocheted harmlessly off the impenetrable armor of the colossal machine, failing to halt its relentless advance. However, their hope rekindled as a volley of missiles found their mark, breaching the once-invincible defense and triggering a cacophony of alarms that reverberated through the battleground.

Moments later, a mechanical voice resonated through the speakers, breaking the tension with its monotone announcement. "Auto repair complete," it declared, emanating from none other than Azia, the ever-reliable robotic companion.

Grateful for the swift assistance, Lando acknowledged the helpful intervention. "Thanks, Azia," he expressed, directing his words towards the sentient machine. A fleeting thought crossed Hana's mind, and she voiced her curiosity. "I thought Azia was upset with us for calling her just a piece of technology," she mused, causing Lando to nod in agreement. "Yeah, she's probably still a bit miffed," he chuckled, observing as the robot effortlessly leaped onto a nearby building. Using the remains of the devastated structures as stepping stones, Lando and Hana embarked on a treacherous ascent, keeping their captive secured in their grasp.

Amidst the arduous climb, Hana sought clarification, her voice laced with lingering uncertainty. "So, he was the one we were supposed to capture?" she inquired, her eyes searching for validation. Lando's response came with resolute conviction. "Yeah, that's what Aqua ordered us to do. You know we can't refuse the boss," he asserted, eliciting a firm nod of understanding from Hana. "Right," she acknowledged, her gaze sweeping over the decimated surroundings.

Flames licked at the remnants of some structures, while others lay buried beneath a shroud of sand. A heavy sigh escaped Lando's lips as he surveyed the devastation before them, a tangible manifestation of the relentless war that raged on. "When will this war end?" he pondered aloud, a note of weariness seeping into his voice. Hana's gaze shifted towards the captive they held, his visage displayed on her screen. Inquisitively, she examined the man's features, searching for answers within the depths of his eyes. "Looks like we have the target," she confirmed, her voice tinged with a mix of determination and anticipation.

Affirming their success, Lando nodded, his eyes reflecting a resolute purpose. "Send a message to Aqua. She'll know what to do with him," he instructed, relying on their commander's wisdom to determine the fate of their captive.

Aqua guided the target, her expression composed yet stern, leading him to a secluded cell where she ushered him inside with a gentle shove before firmly closing the door behind him. The room's stark walls whispered tales of confinement and secrecy, amplifying the gravity of their conversation. Stepping back, Aqua directed her attention towards the watchful security camera, her gaze piercing through the lens. "So," she began, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and authority. "Do you have the bomb?" The target responded with an affirmative nod, his grin spreading across his face like a sinister mask. "I've done it," he declared with an unsettling satisfaction. "I made them unwittingly unleash chaos upon their own ranks—the Nephalem users that Renan abducted years ago. Finally, their tragic fate serves a purpose as they face execution at the hands of their fellow captives today." He snickered, revelling in the malevolence of his accomplishment.

Observing him, Aqua sensed an enigmatic aura surrounding him, an unsettling presence that didn't quite align with her instincts. Renan, however, had vouched for him, considering him a valuable asset for their mission—a means to dismantle the systems that perpetuated suffering within Titan City and liberate the innocents trapped within its confines. Aqua's gaze locked with his, searching for answers in the depths of his eyes. "You never told me your name," she noted, her tone measured. "Should I keep it a secret?" He responded with a nod, the name "Gozu" escaping his lips as a sly grin revealed his malevolent intentions. Evil intent shimmered within his eyes, an embodiment of the threat he posed to the very fabric of Titan City.

As Aqua continued to observe Gozu, a flicker of discomfort washed over her. Something about him unsettled her, stirring a sense of caution within her heart. Yet, driven by their shared mission to dismantle the oppressive regime and bring justice to the afflicted, she pushed her reservations aside. Gozu remained seated on the cold cement floor, his gaze fixed upon her with an unsettling intensity. "Do you truly long for vengeance?" he inquired, his head tilting slightly, as if trying to dissect her motivations. Aqua's response held a tinge of sorrow and determination. "Yes, I yearn for retribution," she admitted, her voice heavy with the weight of her past. Gozu snickered, his amusement gleaming like a twisted reflection. "By reducing this place to rubble, we shall exact our revenge," he proclaimed, his sinister delight palpable. Aqua interrupted, her voice steady yet resolute. "We aim to dismantle their systems, to bring this place to a grinding halt," she clarified, correcting his distorted perspective. Gozu shrugged dismissively, his nonchalance betraying a lack of concern. "Yeah, yeah, whatever," he muttered, a sigh punctuating his words.

Gozu's contemptuous remark lingered in the air, casting a shadow over their conversation. Aqua's eyes narrowed, her patience waning. "You may be Renan's favorite, but that doesn't absolve you from being an asshole," he retorted, his voice laced with an undercurrent of reproach. Gozu met her gaze, his eyes reflecting defiance and entitlement. "Watch your words, for Renan's favor can only shield you so much," he taunted, his body curling inwards as he rested his head upon his knees. Despite his confrontational stance, a disconcerting smile still adorned his face, a testament to the darkness that lurked within him.

A deep, introspective question escaped Gozu's lips, laden with a sense of wonder and curiosity. "How do you even remember yourself?" He queried, his voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and longing. In response, she retrieved a worn photograph from her pocket—a cherished memento of happier times. The image captured her beaming alongside her parents, frozen in a moment of unadulterated joy. "This helped," she admitted, a flicker of nostalgia brightening her eyes. "At first, it was all a jumbled mess, but then, gradually, everything came rushing back." Her gaze shifted towards Gozu.

Gozu's eyes fixated upon the photograph, absorbing its contents with a mix of curiosity and calculation. "This Zynkara guy," he began, his voice trailing with a hint of recognition. "He was among the individuals responsible for the tragic demise of your parents, wasn't he?" Aqua nodded in confirmation, her gaze briefly drifting to the captured memories frozen within the frame. The weight of her loss mingled with the fierce determination that ignited within her, fueling her unwavering resolve.

Absorbing the gravity of the situation, Aqua's thoughts drifted towards the complexity of morality and the darkness that lay within the heart of Zynkara. A quizzical expression crossed his face as he voiced his contemplation. "Okay, so he is purely evil," he asserted, his voice laced with both conviction and a thirst for understanding. Gozu met her gaze, his eyes conveying a depth of knowledge untapped by most. "But how would he even know if he is pure evil?" Aqua challenged, her head tilting slightly, searching for insights. The question lingered in the air, suspended between them like an intangible enigma.

Gozu's gaze shifted upwards, his eyes scanning the ceiling as if seeking guidance from the unseen depths above. In the midst of contemplation, he released a ponderous sigh. "It takes pure evil to know pure evil,"