
Legend of Lando

WARNING: Recommended for mature audiences (Strong Violence, Cursing, Disturbing scenes), everything here is fictional. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/secjmnyjkH in a post-apocalyptic world where the earth is barren and animals are extinct, humans have turned to genetically engineering creatures called Nephalem for their survival. Lando, a skilled Nephalem pilot, works with a team consisting of Hana, Zander, Bale, Zynkara, and Mara, to complete various missions in order to protect their colony and gather resources. Their latest mission involves infiltrating a group of hostile humans known as the Vultures, who possess valuable information and resources. During the mission, the team engages in a brutal battle with the Vultures, using their unique Nephalem creatures to fight. As the battle rages on, Lando's feelings for Hana become apparent, but he must put his emotions aside to focus on the mission at hand. Despite facing various challenges and obstacles, the team ultimately succeeds in their mission and returns to their colony victorious.

nuggythegreat · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
102 Chs


The relentless wind whipped through the desolate desert, carrying with it a frenzy of stinging sand particles that assailed Aqua's face. She instinctively shielded herself, using her shirt as a makeshift barrier against the abrasive onslaught. Every step she took was a struggle, the howling gales threatening to knock her off balance. Her heart pounded in her chest, fueled by a mixture of adrenaline and trepidation.

Amid the swirling chaos, Aqua's eyes caught sight of towering ruins in the distance. Hope ignited within her, urging her onward. With determination in her stride, she navigated the treacherous landscape and sought refuge within one of the dilapidated structures. The wind howled through the broken windows and cracks, carrying fine grains of sand that infiltrated the building's interior. Seeking shelter from the ferocity outside, she hurriedly made her way under the shelter of a sturdy staircase.

As she nestled herself beneath the protective alcove, Aqua felt a momentary respite. The sand whipped around her, grazing her skin with a gentle touch. She released a small sigh of relief, grateful for the momentary reprieve. However, the calm was short-lived as a powerful surge of wind surged through the ruins. The very foundation of the buildings groaned and creaked under the immense pressure. In the distance, she could see other structures swaying perilously, their structural integrity pushed to the brink.

A gasp escaped Aqua's lips as the building she sought refuge in began to creak ominously. Her eyes widened in fear as she looked up, witnessing the disintegration of the roof above her. Panic seized her as the sound of breaking bricks filled the air, intermingled with ear-splitting creaks of imminent collapse. Time seemed to slow down as the building leaned precariously to the left, crashing into an adjacent structure, triggering a cascading domino effect. Bricks crumbled and shattered, hurtling through the air and colliding with surrounding structures, leaving destruction in their wake.

Aqua's survival instinct kicked in, and she squeezed her eyes shut, bracing herself for the inevitable end. The deafening cacophony of destruction surrounded her, drowning out her own screams. And then, in a fleeting moment of silence, she cautiously opened her eyes. What she saw before her was a scene of devastation—she stood on the first floor while the upper levels had succumbed to the merciless forces of the storm. The sand, now an unwelcome intruder, seeped into the building, its relentless invasion a testament to the vulnerability of her shelter.

Shivering under the stairs, Aqua surveyed her surroundings. The once grand structure now lay in ruins, its former glory reduced to rubble. Uncertainty gnawed at her as she pondered her next move, fully aware that the storm outside still raged with unyielding fury. With each passing moment, the sand encroached further into her sanctuary, a reminder of the impermanence of her shelter and the fragility of her existence.

Overwhelmed by exhaustion and the impending uncertainty, Aqua finally succumbed to the weariness that engulfed her. She closed her eyes, surrendering herself to whatever fate had in store for her. Hours drifted by unnoticed, until the soft glow of the sun, piercing through her eyelids, stirred her from her unconscious slumber. As she groggily regained consciousness, she found herself embraced by the warm embrace of daylight. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she realized she was alone, left to navigate this harsh terrain on her own. However, her resilient spirit refused to waver, and she rose to her feet, determination fueling her every step.

Drawing upon the invaluable guidance Ren had imparted, Aqua retrieved the map entrusted to her. With unwavering resolve, she reminded herself of the task at hand—to locate a man named Renan Cosmos. Gripping her pistol tightly, she embarked on her solitary journey, her senses attuned to the desolate ruins and shifting sands that surrounded her.

Ascending a hilltop, Aqua paused to catch her breath and take in her surroundings. Fatigue etched across her face, but her unwavering determination propelled her forward. Consulting the map, she traced her finger along its worn edges, mentally plotting her course. "Almost there," she murmured to herself, a glimmer of hope shining in her eyes. The sun, casting its golden hues upon the vast horizon, served as a constant companion, its position providing a navigational anchor in this unforgiving landscape. She gauged that she had covered a considerable distance, yet her destination still lay tantalizingly close.

Pressing onward, Aqua pressed her weary body to persevere. Each step brought her closer to her destination, her anticipation growing with every passing moment. And then, like a mirage materializing from the shimmering heat waves, she beheld a settlement before her. Enclosed within fortified walls of unyielding metal, the settlement appeared to be a bastion of safety and sanctuary. Two vigilant guards, their weapons held at ease, scrutinized Aqua's approach with a mixture of curiosity and recognition.

"She told us all about you," one of the guards spoke, a hint of familiarity lacing his words. As the imposing gates swung open, a silent invitation beckoning her forward, Aqua felt a wave of relief wash over her. Trusting in Ren's foresight and influence, she cautiously stepped inside the sanctuary's protective embrace, her grip on her pistol relaxing slightly as she allowed herself a momentary respite.

Battered and weary, Aqua stumbled her way into the settlement, her legs strained and numb from the arduous journey. As she collapsed to her knees, a compassionate guard swiftly approached her, offering a flask of cool water. With an insatiable thirst, she eagerly accepted the gift and greedily gulped down the revitalizing liquid, feeling its soothing effects coursing through her parched body.

Amidst her gasps for breath, a distinguished figure cloaked in a resplendent red suit approached her, exuding an air of wisdom and authority. His white hair cascaded around a face adorned with a distinguished gray beard, while his piercing blue eyes, reminiscent of a supernova, bore into Aqua's very soul. "The name is Renan Cosmos," he introduced himself, his voice resonating with a blend of power and reassurance. Tenderly lifting Aqua to her feet, he extended a warm smile, instilling a sense of trust within her. "I shall be your mentor, guiding and training you diligently to ensure that this time, we do not falter in our mission to rescue those innocent children."

Renan's gaze shifted toward a brick building nearby, its sturdy presence standing as a testament to resilience. Intrigued by his invitation, Aqua followed his lead as they approached the structure. Adorning its façade was a striking red symbol resembling a vulture, evoking a sense of purpose and determination. As Renan swung open the creaking door, the clinking of shackles echoed through the air, punctuating the weight of their collective struggle. Illuminated by a flickering light, Aqua's eyes widened at the sight before her—a congregation of sixty individuals, each bound by heavy chains.

Puzzled, Aqua turned to Renan, seeking an explanation. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Renan chuckled softly before addressing her inquiry. "These Nephalem users," he began, his voice carrying a mix of pride and resolve, "will play a crucial role in our future endeavors. Together, we can orchestrate the rescue of those innocent children, liberating them from the clutches of The Founders." Aqua's gaze shifted back to the chained figures, realizing that this assembly consisted of older individuals, presumed dead by society's harsh judgment. Silently acknowledging the significance of their presence, she nodded, a renewed determination flickering in her eyes.