
Legacy of the Spiral

The story follows Johnny, a teenager who is given a second chance at life when the spiral entity merges with him after his untimely death. Johnny is transported into the world of My Hero Academia with the spiral's help, where he aims to become a great hero. However, unbeknownst to Johnny, there is a sinister force also at play - the anti-Spiral, born from the darkness in the void where Johnny was reborn. The anti-Spiral is the antithesis to the noble spiral entity, seeking only destruction and chaos. It too escapes the void, determined to oppose Johnny and the potential for good that he represents. As Johnny trains to master his emerging spiral powers under his grandfather's guidance, the anti-Spiral secretly remains in the shadows, its evil growing. While Johnny attends UA High School and experiences the adventures of that world, the anti-Spiral plots to undermine him, waiting for the right moment to strike. The anti-Spiral's malevolent influence is felt as it works to spread mayhem through cunning schemes and by empowering villains. Johnny experiences several run-ins with the anti-Spiral's pawns, though he remains unaware of the true puppet master behind it all. The story builds towards an epic confrontation between Johnny and the fully manifested anti-Spiral. Only by unlocking the ultimate form of his spiral power can Johnny hope to stand against this ultimate evil. Their battle will determine not just Johnny's fate, but the fate of the Multiverse itself. Throughout his journey, Johnny also wrestles with living up to his family legacy and discovering the kind of hero he wants to become. But he must rise to the challenge and realize his full potential if there is to be any hope of overcoming the anti-Spiral's apocalyptic designs. The stakes could not be higher, with two opposing cosmic forces battling to shape reality according to their will.

Desolati0n · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Spiral's Chosen: The Awakening

The following morning, an emerald-green tornado engulfed Johnny. He was in a sleep state; he didn't know what was happening; it seemed his quirk was manifesting grandly. All the machines in the mansion seemed to be vibrating; it was as if a magnet were in the house. Hector sensed the anomaly and detected it coming from Johnny's room.

Johnny woke up with a passion and energy that he'd never felt before. It was as if a new power was coursing through every vein in his body—the power of Spiral energy. He felt energized with an indescribable force, and when he looked down, green energy was whirring in circles around him. "Wow," he said to himself, what a beautiful sight this is." He could feel his strength growing, and without even thinking, he was trying to jump out of bed.

"It seems my strength grew exponentially over the night. Let me see what I can do with this power and how I should control it."

He jumped off his bed, but he didn't know of his new strength, and he collided with the ceiling. As he landed on the floor, a face printed on the ceiling was left there. "It seems I'm 10 times more powerful than I was," he said as he fell on the floors, contemplating his strength. His confidence was getting boosted, and now, with his quirk, he can protect himself and his loved ones.

"Let me go and tell Grandad the good news." He left his room quickly for the living room. Many servants of the house were surprised by the fast green light, which went past them at an incredible speed.

"Johnny noted the anomaly. His senses seemed more developed than before; he could do some things as if going in slow motion. 

It was the awakening of his quirk that enhanced not only his body but even his brain. "What kind of power is this? It's outrageous. This spiral energy seems a bit overpowered." As he was going this fast, he didn't notice the wall before him.

When he saw it was a little too late, he smashed his face first against the wall. He was expecting unbearable pain, but he felt almost nothing. "Hahahaha, this gift of mine is the best. Spiral, thank you for choosing me. I won't disappoint you when you are back."

The air seemed to crackle with the energy around him. His eyes now glowed with a brilliant green light. Rushing downstairs, furniture and lamps rattled as he passed.

"Grandpa, look what I can do!" Johnny shouted excitedly, filled with wonder and awe. His hands and eyes glowed with deep emerald energy as small nearby objects began to shake and vibrate in response. Hector stood amazed at the sight before him.

He was quite sure about what was happening, but it was something special. A source of power radiating from his beloved grandson that he had never seen or heard of before!

Hector's eyes widened in surprise. Then he smiled proudly and said, "It seems we have a late bloomer here. This is wonderful!" He engulfed his grandson in a big hug.

"And your gift seems even more awesome than mine. Hahaha" Hector laughed with happiness and pride; all the things he felt were off in the house were because of Johnny's quirk awakening

Nel clasped her hands together in joy, an unprecedented sense of delight washing over her. "Oh, master Johnny, I just knew your quirk would be remarkable!" She couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and admiration for the young boy who just had his quirk awakening.

"Well done, young master; it seems fate has been kind to you!" This unique quirk astonished him; its manifestation was unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was truly one of a kind. But it wasn't just the power that drew his attention; it was the potential of the wielder as well. Someone with such a fantastic ability could surely use it for great things.

Johnny beamed, marveling at the power surging within him. He still had much to learn about controlling his quirk, but he intuitively sensed its vast potential. "Thanks, everyone. With this power of mine, I will protect all of you, and I will be the greatest hero to ever exist," Johnny said in a loud voice, as if proclaiming already that his ambition grew more with the awakening of his power.

"Sebastian, get things ready; we are having a party; we are partying Johnny's awakening; a great future; it's a head for my grandson," said Hector with joy.

"This love that I feel is so warm." Johnny held his heart, feeling like a fire burning in his chest; it was happiness. "Being home and having people who love you with genuine love feels awesome." Johnny was also feeling the happiness all the people had for him.

Preparations for Johnny's party were made in haste, and soon the celebration was underway. Johnny's entire family had gathered to join in the festivities, raising their glasses to toast his promising future ahead of him. He couldn't help but smile; it was a feeling that he had been neglecting in his past life—love, acceptance, and a sense of belonging. Sitting beside them at the table, he felt humbled that such an occasion was being held in his honor. He hadn't expected such kindness from his family, and he vowed in his heart that he would always protect them and be their hero no matter what.

As the night went on, people started dancing around him as they sang traditional folk songs. Johnny felt a sense of relief as all his previous worries and fears seemed to disappear in this joyous moment. Being with his family made him feel a strong sense of belonging.

This marked the start of Johnny's journey to becoming one of the greatest heroes ever known. He now had a place to call home, surrounded by people who cared about him.

The party to celebrate Johnny's quirk awakening stretched long into the night. As the festivities died down, Johnny felt both exhausted and exhilarated. His family's love and support filled him with motivation to master these newfound powers.

"Nel, take him to his bed; I have some pressing matters to attend to," said Hector to Nel. The night was already late, and Johnny was weary from the day's activities and had soon dozed off. "Yes, Sir Hector, I will take him right away," Nel replied obediently. With a gentle hand, she gathered Johnny in her arms and carried him swiftly upstairs towards his bedroom. She laid him on the bed carefully, making sure he would be most comfortable.

The next morning, Johnny awoke with enthusiasm to test his newfound abilities. After a brief search, he found an open spot in the back of the mansion where he could practice without interruption. Closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths, he focused on calling the emerald energy within him to the surface. His palms began to heat up as the power coursed through his veins like electricity. He could feel it emanating from every pore of his body—an incredible rush that left him feeling more alive than ever before.

Hector was observing Johnny all this time with a smile. "This boy seems so eager to learn how to control his power," but a sigh soon followed. He could see in Johnny the spirit of his deceased son, Johnny's father, Devon Graham.

He was a good hero; he loved to protect others, and he never let someone suffer injustice in front of him, but sadly, his old enemy took him away from him. "I will never let harm happen to him; I will find Onyx and make him pay; even if I must abolish my principle, I will kill him."

Hector was in a rage never seen before; the killer of his son and her wife was still free. Roaming the world without punishment. That pain and regret never left his heart.

Johnny opened his eyes and thrust his palms forward, unleashing a blast of green energy that made a little explosion 3 meters wide. "Wow, this is great; I can even send an energy blast," he said. "Let me try another thing." He went to a nearby tree and punched it with all his strength. His small fist teared up a big chunk of the tree. "Whoa!" he exclaimed. This strength was incredible, but he needed precision. He tried again, this time emitting a layer of spiral energy on his arm. He punched again at the tree, and the result was the tree being separated in two.

"I have super strength, speed, and enhanced perception, and it's not even the end; I can feel I can still make my power grow." As if sensing Johnny's willpower, his spiral energy gave him an emerald glow around his body. 

"I remember Spiral saying I could do many things with my power, and it depended on my willpower and imagination." Johnny remembered Spiral's last words, and he knew he still needed a lot of time to discover all his power because Spiral wasn't here to guide him. Looking in the distance, he saw Hector looking in his direction, but it seemed he was lost in thought. Johnny stopped what he was doing and approached where Hector was to greet him.

"Good morning, grandfather." He was surprised; it seemed Hector was lost in thought and didn't hear him.

"Hoh! Johnny You are here. Good morning, my boy. How are you?" Hector was a little surprised that Johnny was already standing before him. "It seems Hector has something weighing on his mind," said Johnny.

"I'm doing well, grandfather; I woke up this early to try my power. What about you?" answered Johnny to Hector.

"Hahahaha, your grandfather is also okay; it seems you are impatient to try your power, but you need to know you need some adult supervision, so next you can call me and ask Sebastian to be with you." Hector was worried a little for Johnny; his quirk seemed too powerful, even for his age.

"I understand, Grandfather. I will notify Sebastian. If I want to do anything with my quirk," responded Johnny.

"Good. When you are older, I will take care of the training. For now, just focus on your childhood and don't focus too much on being a hero," Hector said to Johnny.

Over the next few weeks, Johnny trained daily to refine control over his quirk, even though his grandfather told him not to focus on it, but he couldn't.

It was his first time having something so miraculous. He learned to control it more and apply it to upgrade machines and form protective barriers by manipulating spiral energy. His physical abilities increased exponentially as well.

For the next few years after getting his quirk, Johnny continued his general education at a prestigious private academy near his family's estate. He worked hard to keep up with his normal studies while also training to master his spiral energy powers in his free time.

On weekends and holidays, Johnny would practice against training drones his grandfather Hector built for him. He learned to use his quirk for offense, defense, and utility purposes. Though Johnny loved learning about heroes, Hector wanted him to have a well-rounded education first.

"A strong mind is just as important as a strong quirk," Hector told him. Johnny took these words to heart.

With his amazing new powers still largely untapped, Johnny was more determined than ever to hone his abilities so he could live up to his full potential.