
Chapter 45: Meet Me at the Lake

**Trigger Warning: Sexual Assault and Manipulation**


The whole drive to the lake I prayed that my truck would break down and not make it. If only luck was on my side and let me have that one wish, but I should have known better. It was like something in the Universe wanted me to confront him.

The problem was… I didn’t know if I would win.

Each tree I passed was one step closer to the gallows. One step closer to my untimely fate, and I didn’t know what to do about it. How did one escape such a tumultuous fate anyway?

Maybe I could talk him down, maybe I could pray one more time to try and save myself, maybe the moment I let him get in my head again… was the moment I solidified my fate.

Did I have the strength to fight him and get through this? Was I really strong enough to deal with him and get my revenge alone? Maybe I should have listened to John when he had offered to help me.