
Chapter 44: Broken Pottery


I had unblocked Aaron’s number like he had told me to so that he could communicate with me. There was no way out, and I was trapped to obey his every word. If I didn’t, he made sure to plant repercussions for it. Mostly to do with hurting the people I loved.

I couldn’t do anything about it. He had me by what mattered most in my life aside from John. For some reason, he was never part of the bargaining chip, which was odd to me. I figured that would have been the first one on the table, but for some mysterious reason, he didn’t. Maybe it was to instill some sort of false hope that I could be saved from my fate.

‘Are you still in?’

A simple text that would be fine from anyone but the person in the contact information at the top. Why was he even asking me? I didn’t have a damn choice! He was acting like I did, but I knew better than to fall for it.